| - Mynocks are commonly known as a species of parasites that feed on and absorb the energy of spaceships. However, they are less known for their role in the destruction of thousands of once-sturdy aircraft. Mynock collisions with windshields of star destroyers, cruisers, shuttles, frigates, and other space ships are the single leading cause of air traffic deaths, up 4.7% from last year, in the galaxy. Although erroneously reported damaged as the result of an incident with Kyp "I was under the influence" Durron and the Sun Crusher, Admiral Natasi Daala's Gorgon was actually the victim of a midair collision with a pack of mynocks heading to Tatooine for the winter, thus plunging it into the Cauldron Nebula. Ways to Avoid Mynock Collisions (provided by the Coruscant Department of Transportation) 1. Wear a helmet at all times 2. Use the buddy system 3. Stay clear of common mynock migrational routes 4. Fly the speed limit for your area of space 5. Fly casually