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- For quotes, see Steve's Quotes or Monster Quotes.
- Club is one of the four Twilight Aces in Pokemon Dawn and Pokemon Dusk.
- The same thing as a Garden Fork, but with a different name. Used by Keaton, Mook, Stephen and Wyze.
- The Spade (or Shovel) is a melee weapon in the Day of Defeat series. In both games, it is only used by the German team.
- Luokka:Tavarat Luokka:Työkalut Spade on lapio jolla voit paskoa perseita piste
- Spade används till att gräva. Bland annat används spade till Farming, Clue Scrolls och för att gräva sig ner till Giant mole i Falador.
- A spade is an item that appears in most of the games in the Fable series. It is required to dig up items that have been buried throughout Albion and Aurora.
- Le Spade sono un tipo di Armi. Sono le armi per eccellenza (100% danni) dello Iop e dell'Ecaflip. Sono anche usate per alcune build del Sadida e del Sàcrido (90% danni). Molte spade possono essere craftate da un Forgiatore di spade e maggiate da un Forgimago di spade.
- Spade is a playable racer from the F-ZERO series.
- Spade is a circus performer and a highly skilled magician.
- This is the final boss in CoC. Location 445,60.
- From Hokuto no Ken: Kyūkyoku Kaisetsusho: Seikimatsu Haō Retsuden.
* Level: E
* Power: 1
* Speed: 1
* Skills: 1
* Looks: 1
* Charisma: 1
- The Spade is a Normal daibo for the Monk in Diablo III. It requires character level 13 to be used.
- Spade is a player with a total level of 2,089 as of 9 June 2012.
- Contrary to what one might think, Elektrozoa is far from being able to control the infestation of the living dead to which it has now been subjected for over three years. So it was as a result of this massive disaster that the "Reapers" militia came into being! Even if at the moment he's lost his team and friends, Spade will never give up the fight. The militia man goes there where the zombies are at their worst, to avenge all those who have fallen in combat and who he then had to destroy himself. Having discovered a USB key on one of the bodies named "Xtx-RM13", he's traced back the data it contained, which has led him straight to Clint City from where the scourge originates…
- A spade can be stored in the tool belt, but it can't be used for activities that need the "dig" option like certain quests. However, Treasure Trail scrolls that require the player to dig can be right-clicked to dig with them. Since the Barrows revamp in January 2012, a spade is no longer needed to enter the tombs. Spades can also be stored with tool leprechauns.
- A spade is an item in RuneScape Classic which can be used to dig holes for several quests and for various other activities. It is sold in the Jungle Store, along with other items needed for Shilo Village Quest.
- The spade is found in a crate in the basement of the Betancuria Castle. It is used by Simon Lyonson to remove debris from a caved in hallway during the second half of the Bank Raider quest.
- Cheif Technical advisor Jerome Davis had a wife and two kids and the best job with a great pay. Until the day he was framed for stealing money from the company he worked at. Jerome was sent to prison for one year,he lost his family,his friends and his life. The day jerome was let out of prison was the day he was reborn, he new what he had to do, find the man who set him up. Jerome did find that person and it was the ceo of the company he worked at. The ceo hit jerome with a darkmatter energy cannon wich gave jim his pwers. Jerome took his vengence and took down the company wwith his powers. The powers jerome got came with a price a constant hunger for energy. Adopting the name Spade jerome started his carrer as a villian.
- Esistono diversi nomi nelle varie lingue di Arda con cui definire tali armi:
* Sindarin: le parole in grigio elfico per chiamare le spade sono Megil, Lang, Hâhd, Rist
* Noldorin: nel quenya degli esiliati invece le parole per spada sono Deleg, Maethon, Magl, Magol, Segeth, Crist, Lhang
* Quenya: in Alto elfco le parole per spada sono Macil, Yelca e Hyando
* Adûnaico: la parola nel linguaggio dell'Ovesturia per spada è Zagar
- Spades are Fun essences in MySims. They can be found in the Desert's Treasure Cave, growing on trees. Shake the tree or use fertilizer to pick up the spades.
- Spade is the Bollywood remake of the classic Keanu Reeves film, Speed. It was made even more unrealistic for Bollywood audiences, who expect their cheap remakes to be two things: ridiculous and cheap. Spade was lauded by Indian critics for being action-packed, laws-of-physics-defying, and cheap. It received eight thumbs down after Roger Ebert's emergency thumb-adding surgery (little-known fact: he received this surgery exclusively for the release of Spade), calling it "cheap". It received a score of 5% on RottenTomatoes.com (consensus: Cheap. And shitty.) and a score of 948 out of a possible 12 on SpoiledEggplants.in (consensus: It is to be glorious an moving film graph proportional to fuck! Have to view films!)
- A spade can be stored on the tool belt, but it can't be used for activities that need the "dig" option like certain quests. However, Treasure Trail scrolls that require the player to dig can be right-clicked to dig with them. Since the Barrows revamp in January 2012, a spade is no longer needed to enter the tombs. Spades can also be stored with tool leprechauns.
- Spade is an enemy of the Armored Assassins. A maniacal, cheerful jester with a knack for killing, his outrageous behaviour and unpredictability make him a deadly (and amusing) foe.
- Spade is a oneshot fanfiction written and published on FanFiction.Net by Oneirogenic.
- Either seen searching for somebody to take orders from, carrying out those orders or occasionally talking up a storm with a fellow Decepticon, Spade is the perfect picture of servitude. With an obedience that rivals Soundwave, he will drive hard any command that he receives, and with a passion. Standing taller than most of his Decepticon peers in his robot mode, he wields a large sword, shield and laser blaster gun, making him a fierce close-range combatant. His altmode takes the form of a black stretch limousine, complete with bulletproof tinted windows.
- Una spada è divisibile in due parti fondamentali: la lama e il fornimento. La lama è normalmente in acciaio, con almeno un lato affilato ed adatta a colpi di punta e taglio. Il fornimento è composto da un'impugnatura costituita dal codolo della lama a cui sono fissate due "guance" in legno o osso (spesso ricoperta con cuoio o materiali affini), in un elsa in metallo e in un pomolo.
- Een spade (schep) is een stuk gereedschap dat vooral bij Farming gebruikt wordt. Hiermee kan je dode planten wegscheppen en nieuwe in de plaats laten groeien. Met een spade (schep) kun je op bijna alle plaatsen scheppen. Soms is dit nodig om in bepaalde gebieden te komen, zoals in de Underground pass. Je hebt hem ook nodig bij een clue scroll Een spade is een erg goedkoop middel om bijvoorbeeld in composthopen of andere heuvels eens te graven.
- Spade (no real name available) has a knack for perception and investigation. Of particular interest was her boyfriend, Spade, milling about near the canteen like a lost puppy. He was white, the codename coming from his uncanny perception and knack for investigation as in the ‘Sam Spade’ detective in those old movies. Even on camera, he looked so dreamy. Lustrous dark hair, big brown eyes, square jaw, slightly unshaven, which was fine considering that he’d gone as Sam Spade anyway. Zooming in further, she sighed when she noticed that the shirt underneath his trenchcoat was slightly open at the neck, his muscular chest framed by the tie that hung around his neck like a noose…
- The Spade is a regular shovel-like tool used as a weapon that Henry Townshend finds in Silent Hill 4: The Room. Henry handles the spade like a spear. It is a powerful weapon that deals high damage, can strike multiple enemies grouped together at the same time, though it is slow to use. When Henry is about to stomp on a weakened enemy he will stab the spade in the enemy and then stomp on it further, burying it into the beast. Regular enemies will grunt twice when stomped, which would seem to indicate that they are painfully impacted twice. Patients still require to be stomped twice to be killed for good, even with the spade's two-strike stomp.
- Aleksandr Orlov was born in Moscow, Russia, on February 21st, 1985. His parents were simple workers, who had been fighting Communism in their own way for some time. They refused to be too overt about it, because though the government was beginning to lose power, it still had an iron grip on the country and could kill two individuals with ease. They favored Gorbachev's glasnost and perestroika policies, but knew that more needed to be done in order to help the country. Aleksandr was raised under the Soviet system and one of his first memories was watching the Berlin Wall come down on his family's state issued television set.
- Some general stores stock them:
* Lletya
* Lighthouse
* Shilo Village
* Tai Bwo Wannai
* Hosidius Also, spades spawn in the following places:
* Falador's Estate agent building
* Rimmington Mine
* Upstairs of Varrock's general store
* Inside Draynor Manor, in the easternmost room on the ground floor
* Lumbridge swamp shed (entrance to Zanaris)
* 2 spades, In the hut by the Barrows entrance
* in Edmond's garden (in East Ardougne)
* In the sheep's pen to the West of the saltpetre mines in Zeah.
* Inside the Zanaris shed in lumbridge swamp (marked tools)
- File:Spade.png A Spade is an inventory item used for various tasks. It's first click option is to 'Dig'. It can be purchased from the General Store in Varrock and various other cities, from the Farming Store by talking to Olivia near the Catherby farming patch, from players, or it can be obtained by talking to a Tool Leprechaun. A Spade is an important part of Treasure Trails, as it is required when digging up caskets for new clues based on the maps and coordinates given. It is also used during the Barrows minigame, as each grave must be dug on to enter.