| - Based on reports of the Alpha builds of Warlords of Draenor, this is the Alpha and Beta patch version. Traditionally in World of Warcraft development #.0.0 releases are alphas or do not exist, but the pattern seems to be changing with this expansion as 6.0.0 appears to be the systems patch and 6.0.1 the alpha and or expansion release. The BlizzCon 2013 preview build was supposedly build number 17537. The first Friends and Family Alpha build that some privileged fan sites were able to data mine (presumably with Blizzard's blessing) was build 18156. Build 18179 was supposedly on Alpha test realms late April 24 or early April 25, 2014. Build 18297 appeared on the Alpha test realms around May 22, 2014. Build 18332 appeared on the Alpha test realms around May 29, 2014 and was made available as part of the Closed Alpha around June 4, 2014. Build 18379 was made available as part of the Closed Alpha around June 10, 2014 with the Horde zone, Frostfire Ridge, made available. Build 18443 was made available as part of the Closed Alpha around June 20, 2014, but the Alpha server was down for most of the time until June 25, 2014. Build 18471 was made available as part of the Closed Alpha on June 25, 2014 with the Alliance zone, Shadowmoon Valley (of Draenor), made available. Build 18482 was made available on June 27, 2014 and represented the first build of the Closed Beta. Build 18505 was made available on July 2, 2014. Build 18522 was made available on July 9, 2014. Build 18537 was made available in the early evening (Pacific time) on July 11, 2014. Build 18546 was made available in the later evening on July 11, 2014. Build 18556 was made available in the late evening on July 14, 2014. Build 18566 was made available in the late evening on July 17, 2014. Build 18594 was made available in the evening on July 24, 2014. Build 18612 was made available on July 25, 2014. Build 18645 was made available on July 30, 2014. Build 18663 was made available late on Aug 4, 2014. With build 18764, the patch version was changed to Patch 6.0.2, but the reason was not clear.