| - Legends of the Dark Crystal is a an original manga series based in the world of The Dark Crystal. The story is a prequel to the original 1982 film, taking place during the time when the Gelflings were being hunted by the Skeksis.
- Legends of the Dark Crystal is an original manga series based on the world of The Dark Crystal. The story is a prequel to the 1982 film, and showcases many of the established Dark Crystal characters - including the Skeksis, the Mystics, the Garthim and Aughra. Legends of the Dark Crystal also introduces many new characters - including the gelflings Lahr, Neffi and Kelsee; the Mystic monk, urSen; the Skeksis collector, skekLach; Whouf; and the Mounders. The graphic novels were released by TOKYOPOP, with story by Barbara Randall Kesel and artwork by Heidi Arnhold.
| - Legends of the Dark Crystal is an original manga series based on the world of The Dark Crystal. The story is a prequel to the 1982 film, and showcases many of the established Dark Crystal characters - including the Skeksis, the Mystics, the Garthim and Aughra. Legends of the Dark Crystal also introduces many new characters - including the gelflings Lahr, Neffi and Kelsee; the Mystic monk, urSen; the Skeksis collector, skekLach; Whouf; and the Mounders. It's after the Golden Age of Gelflingdom, at the start of the long dark time that leads to the era of Jen and Kira. The story focuses on two Gelflings - Lahr, a mounder herder, and Neffi, a weaver. After their villages are attacked and destroyed by the Garthim, they join together and eventually rally another nearby clan to take a stand against the monsters. The graphic novels were released by TOKYOPOP, with story by Barbara Randall Kesel and artwork by Heidi Arnhold. The first volume, "The Garthim Wars", was released on November 13, 2007. Originally, the second volume was planned for the spring of 2009, with a third to follow thereafter. In of February 2010, TOKYOPOP confirmed a release date of August 3, 2010 for the second volume, as well as announcing the series was reworked to be only 2-parts. Another original comic book series based on the world of The Dark Crystal, and set as a prequel to the 1982 film, is being developed by The Jim Henson Company and Archaia Studios Press with Brian Froud.
- Legends of the Dark Crystal is a an original manga series based in the world of The Dark Crystal. The story is a prequel to the original 1982 film, taking place during the time when the Gelflings were being hunted by the Skeksis. The graphic novels are being Produced by TokyoPop and The Jim Henson Company, with the story written by Barbara Randall Kesel and artwork by Heidi Arnhold and Max Kim. The first volume, entitled The Garthim Wars, was released in November 2007. Three volumes were originally expected however for unknown reasons Henson decided to condense it into only two. The released date of the second manga was delayed for quite some time due to the number of rewrites required. The second and now final volume titled Trial By Fire is expected to be released on August 2010.