Instances are the 3D models which you can add to a track via it's own edit mode. This consists of the .prm file type and the .ncp file type for collision data.
Instances are the 3D models which you can add to a track via it's own edit mode. This consists of the .prm file type and the .ncp file type for collision data.
Most accessible areas can be entered by all available players together. However, certain areas are closed off due to maintain a certain challenge. These areas are called Instances and instead of being accessible to everyone, they are separately instanced for each player and its Party, hence the name. Missions involving Shardships, Join-A-Crew travel and certain Dungeons and Areas will be Instances. Source: Official Site - TCOS Manual (link no longer works)
Voyage Century offers 18 different instances adjusted for both low and high level players. They are divided into 2 main categories, land and sea. Each of those categories is again divided into 3 subcategories according to difficulty level, low, medium and high level. Low and middle level instances can be completed solo by a higher level character. While an interesting challenge, most drops will not be particularly useful anymore. High level instances usually require interaction and team work between players. __TOC__
Instances are the 3D models which you can add to a track via it's own edit mode. This consists of the .prm file type and the .ncp file type for collision data.
Most accessible areas can be entered by all available players together. However, certain areas are closed off due to maintain a certain challenge. These areas are called Instances and instead of being accessible to everyone, they are separately instanced for each player and its Party, hence the name. Missions involving Shardships, Join-A-Crew travel and certain Dungeons and Areas will be Instances. Source: Official Site - TCOS Manual (link no longer works)
Voyage Century offers 18 different instances adjusted for both low and high level players. They are divided into 2 main categories, land and sea. Each of those categories is again divided into 3 subcategories according to difficulty level, low, medium and high level. Low and middle level instances can be completed solo by a higher level character. While an interesting challenge, most drops will not be particularly useful anymore. High level instances usually require interaction and team work between players. __TOC__