| - fig Bars Preparation Time: 30 Minutes. Cooking Time: 10 Minutes. Baking Time: 10 to 12 Minutes. Oven Temperature: 375 Degrees F. Chilling Time: 3 to 4 Hours or Overnight. Children Will Love These fig Bars That Look And TasteSo Much Like The Commercial Product, Only Much Better. For 40 Bars You Will Need: fig Filling (recipe Follows):
* 1/2 C. butter
* 1 C. brown sugar, Packed
* 2 eggs
* 1 Tsp. vanilla extract
* 2 1/2 C. all-purpose flour
* 1/2 Tsp. Each salt And baking soda Finely Chop 1 Package (12 Ounce) Moist Dried figs. MixIn Saucepan With 1/4 Cup sugar, 3/4 Cup water And 2Tablespoons lemon juice. Place Over Medium Heat. Cook,Stirring, For 10 Minutes or Until Thick And Jam-Like.Remove From Heat. Cool. Cover And Chill.
* 1. Prepare fig Filling. Set Aside.
* 2. With Mixer, Beat Together butter, sugar, eggs AndVanilla Until Well Blended.
* 3. Mix flour, salt And baking soda. Stir Into FirstMixture (dough Will be Stiff). Wrap in Plastic Wrap.Chill For 3 to 4 Hours or Overnight.
* 4. When Ready to Bake, Turn Dough Out on Lightly Floured Surface. Roll Into a 14 by 12 Inch Rectangle.Cut Into 4 Strips 3 1/2 by 12 Inches Long.
* 5. Spoon Filling Evenly Down Center of Strips. WithSpatula, Turn in Sides of Strips. Press Edges TogetherTo Seal. Cut Each Strip Into 10 Pieces. Arrange SeamSide Down on Baking Sheets.
* 6. Bake at 375 Degrees F. For 10 to 12 Minutes OrUntil Firm And Lightly Browned. Remove to Racks To Cool. Store Airtight. Tips: by Chilling Dough Overnight, You Will Need MuchLess flour to Roll it Out Since it is Less Likely ToStick to The Surface. Enjoy. ==contributed by :== * World Recipes Y-Group