| - Paxton was a merchant safekeeping a message from King Richard, which he gave to Robin Hood in the episode "Treasure of the Nation". After he helped the gang solve the clues to find the treasure (which turned out to be Queen Eleanor), he betrayed them to the sheriff for money and was subsequently murdered by the sheriff himself.
- Paxton is an insurance investigator.
- Paxton is a piglet who attends nursery with Timmy and his friends. He always wears a blue jumper which covers his neck. He is notably fat and strong.
- Paxton is a Staff Sergeant in the United States Marine Corps.
- Paxton is a young diesel who likes the steam engines, especially Thomas. He can be a bit gullible, enabling other diesels to take advantige of him. He is kind-hearted and blindly follows his friend through their endeavors.
- Paxton, nicknamed Pax, is a Diesel Shunter. He works at the Blue Mountain Quarry, and occasionally the Sodor Dieselworks.
- Paxton (voiced by Jason Marsden) is a (formerly) pessimistic parrot owned by Mr. Barker. Paxton always looked on the bad side of things. After escaping from Jon's house (where he was once being supervised), he spread his doom and gloom point of view around the city. He finally stopped after Odie licked him, which he saw as the first sign of affection towards him. He later hosted a TV show where he talked about being happy.
- Here, he works at the Blue Mountain Quarry with the narrow gauge engines and after he got back from his overhaul after an incident at Blondin Bridge, he overheard Luke's story and by mistake told Diesel. He later felt terrible about this, and helped out by bringing Victor to see Luke. Paxton is described as a young, gentle Diesel who likes Steam engines, especially Thomas. He can also be gullible, which other Diesels usually take advantage of.
- Hostel follows college students Paxton and Josh who along with their friend Oli travel to eastern Europe in search of thrills. The three are lured to a youth hostel in Slovakia said to be stocked with American-loving women. There they meet two attractive single women named Natalya and Svetlana who entice the trio to the spa and the Disco. The next day Paxton and Josh find that Oli has gone missing. Although Josh is anxious to leave immedietly Paxton talks him into staying one more night. That night the two are slipped tranquilizers, Josh stumbles back to the room while Paxton passes out in the Disco's storage room closet. Paxton awakens the next morning and interrogates Natalya and Svetlana on the whereabouts of Josh. He is lured to a run- down factory where he is ambushed by thugs and bro
- He and Teev were regulars at The Chimæra, and often bumped into Sandor who would tinker with his Identity Band to sneak into the club when he was underage. At risk of being caught by his Interplanetary Cultures Professor, Sandor asks for their help and the couple distract him while Sandor tries to leave. Paxton would have later been killed by the Mogadorians during their Invasion. (The Last Days of Lorien)
- Paxton was one of the diesels who took over the Sodor Steamworks. Paxton often works at the Blue Mountain Quarry, and was once involved in an accident there when Blondin Bridge collapsed. He was then sent to the Vicarstown Dieselworks for repairs. Paxton almost got into a collision with Winston when he was a runaway, but luckily he stopped just in time. Afterwards, he warned Gordon to be checked over after an accident with stone. When Gordon ignored his warnings and broke down, Paxton brought him to the Steamworks to be repaired.
- Performer(s) Appeared in Paxton is a young, gentle diesel who often works in or around the Blue Mountain Quarry and the Vicarstown Dieselworks on the Island of Sodor. He is good-hearted and well meaning, but gullible, naive, and easily misled. He also has a short attention span. He tends to be more of a follower than a leader and can sometimes find thinking for himself and making big decisions difficult. This may result in him being pressured into a situation he might not necessarily be comfortable with. However, if a friend is in trouble, Paxton will have the conscience and the self-assertion to do what he himself feels is right. As a result, the other steam engines find that he is likable, and Paxton particularly looks up to Thomas at times. He also works alongside the narrow gauge engin