Using a special type of rune essence attained only through runespan, players can siphon rune energy from creatures that roam the area, or from intermittent nodes. This gives Runecrafting experience that was designed to be the best in the game. When leaving the Runespan, all runes players have created will be taken away by the guild wizards and converted into points which can be spent on rewards. __TOC__
Attributes | Values |
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| - Runespan
- Runespan
- Runespan
- Runespan
| - Runespan yra minigame skirtas treniruoti Runecrafting įgudį. Kategorija:Minigames
- Using a special type of rune essence attained only through runespan, players can siphon rune energy from creatures that roam the area, or from intermittent nodes. This gives Runecrafting experience that was designed to be the best in the game. When leaving the Runespan, all runes players have created will be taken away by the guild wizards and converted into points which can be spent on rewards. __TOC__
- The Runespan is a high-risk zone, with no guards patrolling the islands. Using a special type of rune essence attained only through runespan, players can siphon rune energy from creatures that roam the area, or from intermittent nodes. This gives Runecrafting experience that was designed to be the best in the game. When leaving the Runespan, all runes players have created will be taken away by the guild wizards and converted into points which can be spent on rewards. __TOC__
- Runespan on Runecraftingin kehittämiseen suunniteltu paikka. Runespaniin pääsee kahdesta portaalista Wizards' Towerin ylimmästä kerroksesta, josta pääsee myös Runecrafting Guildiin. Wizard Finix, mysteerinen nuori oppilas, kehitti teorian, jonka mukaan runescrafting alttareissa ei ole ikuiset resurssit. Runespan avattiin julkisesti ja pelaajat voivat kerätä runeja killalle, jotta niistä opittaisiin enemmän. 30. Huhtikuuta 2012 alkaen velhot ja runecraftaajat voivat kehittää Runecrafting taitoa Runespanissa. Käyttämällä erityistä rune essenceä, pelaajat voivat kerätä runeja otuksilta.
- In de Runespan moeten spelers rune essence gebruiken om rune energy uit de wezens en nodes die daar te vinden zijn, op te nemen. Het geeft op dit moment de beste Runecrafting experience in heel RuneScape. Wizard Finix, de ontdekker van de Runespan, beweert dat de klassieke runecrafting altars uiteindelijk onstabiel zullen worden en niet meer gebruikt zullen kunnen worden om runes te maken, waardoor de Runespan de enige manier zal worden om runes te maken. De rest van de Runecrafting Guild staat echter sceptisch tegenover deze stelling.
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| - Click to view a larger version .
Click here for a numbered version.
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| - Map:Runespan Lower Level
- Map:Runespan Middle Level
- Map:Runespan Upper Level
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| - Lower level
* Runearia
* Runebreath
* Runecalm
* Runesque
* Runeward
Middle level
* Runeiverse
* Runenergy
* Runespan
* Runesphere
* Runetine
Upper level
* Runefear
* Runefire
* Runescar
* Runewaste
* Runewrath
- Lower level
Middle level
Upper level
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| - In de Runespan moeten spelers rune essence gebruiken om rune energy uit de wezens en nodes die daar te vinden zijn, op te nemen. Het geeft op dit moment de beste Runecrafting experience in heel RuneScape. De Runespan is eigenlijk een andere dimensie, die ontdekt werd door Wizard Finix. Het is dezelfde dimensie als de dimensie waarin de Runecrafting Guild zich bevindt. Daardoor zal de Runecrafting Guild de runes die de spelers in de Runespan maken, afnemen. Members zullen wel punten krijgen voor de runes die ze gemaakt hebben. Die punten kunnen gebruikt worden om enkele speciale beloningen te kopen. Wizard Finix, de ontdekker van de Runespan, beweert dat de klassieke runecrafting altars uiteindelijk onstabiel zullen worden en niet meer gebruikt zullen kunnen worden om runes te maken, waardoor de Runespan de enige manier zal worden om runes te maken. De rest van de Runecrafting Guild staat echter sceptisch tegenover deze stelling.
- Runespan on Runecraftingin kehittämiseen suunniteltu paikka. Runespaniin pääsee kahdesta portaalista Wizards' Towerin ylimmästä kerroksesta, josta pääsee myös Runecrafting Guildiin. Wizard Finix, mysteerinen nuori oppilas, kehitti teorian, jonka mukaan runescrafting alttareissa ei ole ikuiset resurssit. Runespan avattiin julkisesti ja pelaajat voivat kerätä runeja killalle, jotta niistä opittaisiin enemmän. 30. Huhtikuuta 2012 alkaen velhot ja runecraftaajat voivat kehittää Runecrafting taitoa Runespanissa. Käyttämällä erityistä rune essenceä, pelaajat voivat kerätä runeja otuksilta. Kun pelaaja lähtee Runespanista, velhot ottavat hänen keräämät runet ja ne muuttuvat pisteiksi. Pisteitä voi käyttää erilaisten palkintojen ostamiseen. Välillä jonnekin Runespanin kerrokseen ilmestyy velho keltaisessa asussa. Hän tarvitsee aina tiettyjä runeja, ja kun niitä antaa hänelle, pelaaja saa Runecrafting kokemusta. Klaanin avataria ei voi tuoda Runespaniin.
- Using a special type of rune essence attained only through runespan, players can siphon rune energy from creatures that roam the area, or from intermittent nodes. This gives Runecrafting experience that was designed to be the best in the game. When leaving the Runespan, all runes players have created will be taken away by the guild wizards and converted into points which can be spent on rewards. The Assist System does not work to gather runes from creatures or nodes that the player does not have the required level to siphon, nor does it work to cross platforms that the player doesn't have the level to cross. __TOC__
- Runespan yra minigame skirtas treniruoti Runecrafting įgudį. Kategorija:Minigames
- The Runespan is a high-risk zone, with no guards patrolling the islands. Using a special type of rune essence attained only through runespan, players can siphon rune energy from creatures that roam the area, or from intermittent nodes. This gives Runecrafting experience that was designed to be the best in the game. When leaving the Runespan, all runes players have created will be taken away by the guild wizards and converted into points which can be spent on rewards. The Assist System does not work to gather runes from creatures or nodes that the player does not have the required level to siphon, nor does it work to cross platforms that the player doesn't have the level to cross. __TOC__
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