| - Without guns, your plane won't last long in Skytopia. Well, not unless you bribe every pirate you come across... but sometimes you don't get that luxury, and you're forced to fight. It's important that you keep your weapons, your plane, and yourself, ready for anything. On the other hand, having a gun isn't a sure-fire solution to every problem. You, as a pilot, need to know how to use it, both as an independent weapon, and as part of your plane's arsenal. You need a good plane too - don't forget to check out the Planes Summary for more info on those.
| - Without guns, your plane won't last long in Skytopia. Well, not unless you bribe every pirate you come across... but sometimes you don't get that luxury, and you're forced to fight. It's important that you keep your weapons, your plane, and yourself, ready for anything. On the other hand, having a gun isn't a sure-fire solution to every problem. You, as a pilot, need to know how to use it, both as an independent weapon, and as part of your plane's arsenal. You need a good plane too - don't forget to check out the Planes Summary for more info on those. There are five different types of weapons (each type is detailed below) and three sizes; small, medium and large. You can only install a weapon in the same size slot; for example, you can't install a Medium Machinegun in a Small slot, and you can't fit a Small Howitzer in a Large slot. Don't forget that each weapon has its own distinct pros and cons, and your tastes may vary. Find out which weapons work best for you, and work up from there. If you're not sure, use patrols to experiment, and don't be afraid to switch weapons. Finally, don't forget that, whilst each gun has its own distinct behaviour, that behaviour can be slightly modified by the use of weapon mods like Extended Barrels, Improved Swivel Mounts, and so on and so forth.