| - Sklar was attacked by Michael Scofield.
- Sklar was a Vulcan master who had attained kolinahr. In 2098, he gave a lecture to a group of students which included ten-year-old T'Pol, in which he compared Mahatma Gandhi's teachings of nonviolence to those of Surak, and questioned his listeners if it was right for one to use violent means to defend one's self from violence. (ENT novel: Surak's Soul)
- thumb|Sklar (2373) Mr. Sklar ist ein Nezu und als Exogeologe tätig. Er gehört zur Entscheidungselite der fünf Kolonien, die die Nezu auf einem Planeten im Delta-Quadranten unterhalten. In dieser Funktion begleitet er den Botschafter der Nezu an Bord der USS Voyager, als diese versucht, die auf den Planeten zufliegenden Asteroiden abzuwehren. Sklar drängt stark darauf, die Kolonien zu evakuieren, weil er keine Rettung vor den Asteroiden sieht. Als sich Lieutenant Tuvok und Neelix auf den Planeten begeben, um den Astrophysiker Dr. Vatm zu holen, begleitet er die beiden und stürzt mit ihnen in der Zentralwüste ab.
- Sklar, the Hag on High, was a harpy who learned the secret magics of truenaming. Sklar was once a protege of Sora Teraza, and is old enough that she resembles a hag more than she does a harpy. During the Last War, Sklar served as an arcane mercenary, trading eldritch writings for services and favors. However, when the Daughters of Sora Kell announced their vision of a united nation of Droaam, Sklar was one of the few that openly defied them. Sklar, a believer in anarchy, felt that the monstrous races should be ruled by no one, neither human nor even their own kind. Seen as a threat to the rule of the Daughters, they have put a price on Sklar's head. The Daughters have even worked out a deal with House Tharashk to hunt her down. The Dragonmarked House has assigned the task to a half-orc nam
- Sklar was one of the few surviving Elystrians after the robots had attacked their civilisation. The survivors were driven into hiding. Sklar was on his way to a meeting with some when a robot spotted him. He was saved by K9, who forced the robot to retreat. Sklar led the Fourth Doctor, Adric and K9 to the meeting, where they agreed to help free them.
- Sklar was a Nezu exogeologist. A nervous type, he preferred working on the ground to flying in a shuttle, and despised both enclosed spaces and needles. In 2373, his planet was being bombarded by asteroids. He, along with Tuvok and Neelix, was tasked with attempting to find Dr. Vatm, who had discovered that the asteroids were artificial and controlled by the Etanians who wished to take over Nezu.
| - Sklar, the Hag on High, was a harpy who learned the secret magics of truenaming. Sklar was once a protege of Sora Teraza, and is old enough that she resembles a hag more than she does a harpy. During the Last War, Sklar served as an arcane mercenary, trading eldritch writings for services and favors. However, when the Daughters of Sora Kell announced their vision of a united nation of Droaam, Sklar was one of the few that openly defied them. Sklar, a believer in anarchy, felt that the monstrous races should be ruled by no one, neither human nor even their own kind. Seen as a threat to the rule of the Daughters, they have put a price on Sklar's head. The Daughters have even worked out a deal with House Tharashk to hunt her down. The Dragonmarked House has assigned the task to a half-orc named Lithra Ruusk, who has been hunting for Sklar for over a decade. Sklar, meanwhile, continues her mercenary services, often against the Daughters of Sora Kell.
- Sklar was attacked by Michael Scofield.
- Sklar was a Nezu exogeologist. A nervous type, he preferred working on the ground to flying in a shuttle, and despised both enclosed spaces and needles. In 2373, his planet was being bombarded by asteroids. He, along with Tuvok and Neelix, was tasked with attempting to find Dr. Vatm, who had discovered that the asteroids were artificial and controlled by the Etanians who wished to take over Nezu. They rescued Vatm, but their shuttle was damaged. They used an orbital tether in order to return to USS Voyager. On the ride up, Dr. Vatm was poisoned by Sklar, who was working for the Etanians. He tried to kill Tuvok as well, but Neelix prevented that, and Sklar died when he was pushed out of the space elevator. (VOY: "Rise") Sklar was played by Kelly Connell.
- Sklar was one of the few surviving Elystrians after the robots had attacked their civilisation. The survivors were driven into hiding. Sklar was on his way to a meeting with some when a robot spotted him. He was saved by K9, who forced the robot to retreat. Sklar led the Fourth Doctor, Adric and K9 to the meeting, where they agreed to help free them. Sklar showed the travellers and his people a secret route to the stronghold. He stayed on watch outside, telling the Doctor he'd warn him with the call of an Elystrian owl if there was any trouble. Once Vayla was freed and the robots deactivated, Sklar took Vayla away from the stronghold, telling the Doctor he would reinstate him as leader. (PROSE: Planet of Paradise)
- thumb|Sklar (2373) Mr. Sklar ist ein Nezu und als Exogeologe tätig. Er gehört zur Entscheidungselite der fünf Kolonien, die die Nezu auf einem Planeten im Delta-Quadranten unterhalten. In dieser Funktion begleitet er den Botschafter der Nezu an Bord der USS Voyager, als diese versucht, die auf den Planeten zufliegenden Asteroiden abzuwehren. Sklar drängt stark darauf, die Kolonien zu evakuieren, weil er keine Rettung vor den Asteroiden sieht. Als sich Lieutenant Tuvok und Neelix auf den Planeten begeben, um den Astrophysiker Dr. Vatm zu holen, begleitet er die beiden und stürzt mit ihnen in der Zentralwüste ab. Als alle dann gemeinsam in der Alixia an einem Orbitalseil die Oberfläche verlassen, offenbart sich, dass Sklar ein Verräter ist, der mit dem Etanianischen Orden kooperiert. Deswegen drängt er beständig auf eine Evakuierung und deswegen ermordert er Dr. Vatm, der Informationen über die Invasionspläne des Ordens hat, indem er ihm Lydroxid ins Wasser gibt. Wenig später stößt er Tuvok vom Dach der Alixia und Neelix von einer Leiter, wobei sich dieser eine Gehirnerschütterung zuzieht. Dann bedroht er Hanjuan und Lillias mit einem Typ-2-Phaser, als Tuvok, der sich vor einem Sturz zur Oberfläche hat retten können, wieder die Kabine betritt. Es kommt zum Kampf, an dessen Ende Sklar schließlich aus der Kabine der hunderte Kilometer tieferliegenden Oberfläche entgegen stürzt. (VOY: ) Sklar wurde von Kelly Connell gespielt und von Ivar Combrinck synchronisiert.
- Sklar was a Vulcan master who had attained kolinahr. In 2098, he gave a lecture to a group of students which included ten-year-old T'Pol, in which he compared Mahatma Gandhi's teachings of nonviolence to those of Surak, and questioned his listeners if it was right for one to use violent means to defend one's self from violence. (ENT novel: Surak's Soul)