| - Vordrozda was a Barrayaran Count and the antagonist of The Warrior's Apprentice. "Oh, Vordrozda's not a rightist at heart. He's just personally ambitious, and he'll ride any pony that's going his way." ―Cordelia's opinion of Vordrozda Vordrozda's larger aims, aside from manipulating Gregor in the short-term, appeared to have included the seizure of the Imperium for himself. Miles laid out a possible line of inheritance for the camp stool as such: Gregor, Aral, Miles, Ivan Vorpatril, Lord Vortaine, then Vordrozda himself.
| - Vordrozda was a Barrayaran Count and the antagonist of The Warrior's Apprentice. "Oh, Vordrozda's not a rightist at heart. He's just personally ambitious, and he'll ride any pony that's going his way." ―Cordelia's opinion of Vordrozda Vordrozda was a personally ambitious man, disliked by both Aral and Cordelia Vorkosigan, who thought that he was flattering Gregor in order to manipulate the young Emperor. Aral asked Simon Illyan to investigate Vordrozda in conjunction with his financial investigation into Admiral Hessman. Vordrozda was the Count of Lorimel (either a Barrayaran city or possibly an alternate name of his District), and extremely wealthy. Vordrozda suceeded in turning suspicion toward Aral by charging his son Miles with a violation of Vorloupulous's Law, a charge Miles was technically guilty of as he had raised a private military force to fight the Tau Verde Ring war. Vordrozda used this suspicion to cause Simon to be placed in prison, and was attempting to remove Aral from his position as Prime Minister as well. Vordrozda's larger aims, aside from manipulating Gregor in the short-term, appeared to have included the seizure of the Imperium for himself. Miles laid out a possible line of inheritance for the camp stool as such: Gregor, Aral, Miles, Ivan Vorpatril, Lord Vortaine, then Vordrozda himself. Vordrozda's plot nearly suceeded, save for the fact that Ivan Vorpatril missed a courier flight that was sabotaged to fail. Thus, he was able to bring word to his cousin Miles that Miles had been charged with attempted usurpation of the Empire, and Miles was able to return to Barrayar in time for the end of his treason trial in the Council of Counts. Miles revealed Hessman's involvement, which caused Vordrozda to panic and pull out a needler; since he was in the presence of the Emperor, this was a capital crime. Vordrozda was tackled, disarmed, and led away in disgrace, presumably to be imprisoned.