About: Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go!   Sponge Permalink

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This show now has a character sheet. * Action Girl: Nova and Jinmay. * Affectionate Parody: The whole series is one to the Super Robot and Sentai genres. * Aliens Speaking English * Almost-Dead Guy: Jinmay at the end of Season One. She doesn't really die, though. * Almost Kiss: Chiro and Jinmay in the first episode. * An Aesop * Animated Series * Animal Battle Aura: When Chiro uses the Power Primate at higher levels, it becomes this. * Animesque: With an old-school flava. * Artifact of Doom: The artifacts used to resurrect Skeleton King. * Artificial Limbs: Most notably the Robot Monkeys with their robotic arms, which are replaceable. That being said, the writers like to have all sorts of fun having these arms torn, cut, or blown off. There's actua

  • Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go!
  • This show now has a character sheet. * Action Girl: Nova and Jinmay. * Affectionate Parody: The whole series is one to the Super Robot and Sentai genres. * Aliens Speaking English * Almost-Dead Guy: Jinmay at the end of Season One. She doesn't really die, though. * Almost Kiss: Chiro and Jinmay in the first episode. * An Aesop * Animated Series * Animal Battle Aura: When Chiro uses the Power Primate at higher levels, it becomes this. * Animesque: With an old-school flava. * Artifact of Doom: The artifacts used to resurrect Skeleton King. * Artificial Limbs: Most notably the Robot Monkeys with their robotic arms, which are replaceable. That being said, the writers like to have all sorts of fun having these arms torn, cut, or blown off. There's actua
  • This show now has a character sheet. * Action Girl: Nova and Jinmay. * Affectionate Parody: The whole series is one to the Super Robot and Sentai genres. * Aliens Speaking English * Almost-Dead Guy: Jinmay at the end of Season One. She doesn't really die, though. * Almost Kiss: Chiro and Jinmay in the first episode. * An Aesop * Animated Series * Animal Battle Aura: When Chiro uses the Power Primate at higher levels, it becomes this. * Animesque: With an old-school flava. * Artifact of Doom: The artifacts used to resurrect Skeleton King. * Artificial Limbs: Most notably the Robot Monkeys with their robotic arms, which are replaceable. That being said, the writers like to have all sorts of fun having these arms torn, cut, or blown off. There's actually a bit of a Running Gag involving Gibson getting his hand cut off at the wrist. * Aaand it's suddenly Subverted when the season two finale reveals that they (or Antauri, at least) are monkeys in Powered Armor. "Continuity? What's that?" * He's channelling power primate energies in the process of temporarily becoming an Energy Being. It's not impossible to surmise that his body reverted to its natural state (what it would have been if he'd not been cyborgified), as he throws off his physical body layer by layer, given that straight afterwards he becomes a spark of energy. * Audible Sharpness * Artificial Gravity * Back From the Dead: Skeleton King. * Antauri in the start of Season Three too, being reborn as the very powerful silver monkey, which looks kinda ghastly, to tell the truth. * Nova in the Season Three finale. * Battle Couple: Sprx and Nova. * Chiro and Jinmay after she Took a Level In Badass. * Beam-O-War * Because Destiny Says So: Chiro being The Chosen One, and why the Robot Monkeys were created in the first place. * Belligerent Sexual Tension: Sprx and Nova. * Berserk Button: Nova can't stand the cold… * Sprx is usually pretty easy-going, but mess with his friends, and his personality can take a rather scary turn. Take what happened with Mobius Quint, for instance. * Calling him Sparky isn't really a good idea, either… * Big Bad: Skeleton King. * Big Damn Heroes: Later in the series, The Super Robot pretty much exists to fill this role. * Bittersweet Ending: Season 2's finale, with Antauri's death and Chiro becoming monkey-ish. * Made even more bittersweet in the swedish dub where the series ended after that and was pulled of in such a way that it semmed like an acual ending. * BLAM Episode: Wonder. Fun. Meat. World. Just to name one. * "The Hills Have 5", to name another. * Bloodless Carnage: The Robot Monkeys are common victims of this, sometimes getting their robotic components absolutely mangled while their organic parts usually remain relatively intact. * Body Horror: What happens to people who eat the food from Wonder Fun Meat World. * Skele-Mandarin ends up mutated after being swallowed by the Dark One Worm and living in its stomach for a few months, disfigured by acid and with a claw having grown where his arm had been severed. Horror, indeed. * Booby Trap * Bragging Theme Tune: "Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go! Fighting any evil, they are Shuggazoom's hope! Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go! Defeating any foe!" * Brainwashed: A few times, actually. * Brainwashed and Crazy: Also a few times. * British Accents: Gibson, among others. * Calling Your Attacks: The members of the Hyperforce. * Cant Spit It Out: Sprx to Nova. * Captain Ersatz: Caption Shuggazoom, aka playboy millionaire Clayton Carrington. * Catch Phrase: The team calls out the show's title before going into battle. * Chekhov's Gun: In Flytor, the titular monster takes a genetic scan of Chiro with its eye. We know this is important because we see Skeleton King in possession of the eye with the scan at the end of the episode, but we're not exactly sure how it will come into play until later in Versus Chiro, when we learn that the eye is entrusted to Mandarin to build a factory to create Chiro clones. * The Pit of Doom turns out to be a prominent Chekhov's Boomerang. The first time it becomes important after its introduction is when it becomes the location of Mandarin's cloning factory. But in the Season Two finale, it's revealed that Skeleton King's real intention for building it all along was to reach the egg of the Dark One embedded inside Shuggazoom to awaken it, hatch it, and unleash it on the rest of the universe. And at the end of Season Four it becomes the place where Skeleton King is resurrected. Phew. * The Chosen One: Played completely straight with Chiro. * Circus of Fear: Circus of Ooze. * Cliff Hanger: The series finale. * Combining Mecha & Humongous Mecha: The Super Robot itself. Partially subverted in that instead of being seperate vehicles that combine into the robot, it's a super robot that occasionally divides into vehicles. * Collapsing Lair: The Citadel of Bone, with a twist: it puts itself back together. * Cut Short: Right at a gigantic cliffhanger, too. Curse you, Toon Disney! * Cute Kitten: The Cathurians in The Stranded Seven. Nova even falls in love with one of them. * Death by Irony * Death Trap * Deflector Shields * Deus Ex Machina * Disney Death: Antauri. Do we need the tags? Probably not. * Heck; Nova is thrown into a wormhole, Gibson is frozen solid, Otto is eaten, and if Sprx's symbolic death of unwillingly turning evil counts, that makes every member of the Monkey Team guilty of this at one point or another. * Distressed Damsel: Jinmay, at first. * Do-Anything Robot: The Robot Monkeys themselves have a wide range of handy gadgets built into them, from power tools to fans. * The Dragon: Mandarin. * Dream Within a Dream * The End of the World as We Know It: Several occasions. * Everything's Better with Monkeys: Basically the whole premise of the show * Everything's Better with Penguins: The Mr. Cheepers penguin plushie. Along with the guy who carries it around, it's a notable Running Gag, especially in the first season. * Evil Counterpart * Evil Minions: The Formless. * Evil Overlord: The Skeleton King. * Evil Plan: Skeleton King has pulled a good number of these, both episodic small term plans and longer terms plots. * Expendable Clone: A straight example with Chiro's clones, but the idea is played with a bit with Mandarin's. The characters don't treat the clone any differently than they would the original (hell, they might not even be aware he is a clone), but the show itself sure does. The increasingly brutal treatment he undergoes over the course of the plot might have been played a little more sympathetically had he not been a clone... * Eye Beams * Face Heel Turn: Mandarin before the series began. * And later, Sprx. * Facial Markings: Chiro. * Fake Defector: Otto in Meet the Wigglenog. * Fan Boy: Gyrus Krinkle. * Fan Girl: Valina seems to be one. * Faster-Than-Light Travel * Fatal Flaw * Final Speech * Five-Man Band: * The Hero: Chiro * The Lancer: Antauri * The Smart Guy: Gibson * The Big Guy: Sprx * Kid Appeal Character: Otto (also doubles as a Smart Guy) * The Chick: Nova * Sixth Ranger: Jinmay * Funny Animal: The Robot Monkeys. * Genre Blind: The Hyperforce. Seriously. Not only are they willing to simply accept their superficial victories without any suspicions about what the villain might actually be up to, they seem to be gullible enough to blindly believe even the most obviously suspicious characters. This is even Lampshaded by a minor character in Prototype: * Getting Crap Past the Radar * * You'd also think it would have been a little tougher to get Sprx's love of human women past the radar. * Yet he DOES prefer monkeys deep down, which amazingly only made it more disturbing when it was brought up. * * And this subtle one… * * The plot of the episode Girl Trouble revolves around Chiro riding around in a small star cruiser with two pretty (and probably older) sisters clad in tight outfits who speak to him in extremely suggestive tones. A "honking" sound effect is heard whenever they move close to him. In one scene, they start to talk to him in suggestive tones again while he is drinking a red-colored soda; he becomes flustered and a GIGANTIC red bubble forms from his nose and pops all over his face. Oh yeah, and Chiro is still in a relationship with Jinmay. * Heel Face Turn: Jinmay at the beginning, and The Sun Riders later on. * Also, the Robo Apes in Ape New World. * Heroic Sacrifice: A non-death related example is in Shadow Over Shuggazoom, when Antauri sheilded Chiro and BT from the giant eye and got himself zombiefied as a result. * Heterosexual Life Partners: BT and Glenny. * Hidden Agenda Villain: Skeleton King. He attempts a lot of short-lived Evil Plans beforehand, but we don't find out what he's really after until the end of Season Two… * Homage: In a large part to Star Wars. * Anybody else find the concept of Gyrus Krinkle's controlling/shrill mother turning out to be a robot just a little reminiscent of something else? * Human Aliens * Human Popsicle: The citizens of Shuggazoom are turned into these in Snowbound. * If My Calculations Are Correct: Gibson. * Indy Ploy: Utilized a few times. The episode World of Giants is basically one big Indy Ploy orchestrated by Sprx. * Infinite Supplies: Partially averted. The team seems to make routine trips to Shuggazoom's moon in order to harvest rocks to convert into fuel for the Super Robot. They were also shown nearly running out of fuel in one instance and had to stop to refuel at an intergalatic truck stop. Other than that, though, the trope is played pretty straight. * I Was Quite a Looker: Captain Shuggazoom was quite handsome in his days as a superhero. * Kamehame Hadoken: Monkey Fu. * Kick the Dog: Mandarin does this to Nova before his Face Heel Turn. * Kid Hero: Chiro. * Killer Space Monkey: The Super Robot Monkeys. Although they're technically the good guys (for the most part), they're pretty relentless when it comes to doing away with their enemies. * Late Arrival Spoiler: "Oh no! Antauri dies?! ...Wait, who's the silver monkey everybody keeps drawing?" * Loony Fan: Gyrus Krinkle. * Luke, I Am Your Father: The Skeleton King was the creator and "father" of the Monkey Team, before his Start of Darkness. * There's also a popular fan theory that the Alchemist was Chiro's father, considering we never see his parents at all. * Macross Missile Massacre: The Super Robot can shoot these from three different bodyparts - arms, fingers, and feet. Mad Love: Hinted at very strongly for the Skeleton King/Valina ship. Most obviously on Valina's side, and it might explain why SK killed her off so abruptly. He was either sick of dealing with her or was disgusted by her weakness. Or both. * Make a Wish * Meaningful Echo: "No monkey team member is ever alone." * Meaningful Name: Chiro translates to "hero" in Japanese, Sprx uses electrical attacks, Otto is a mechanic and Nova is an explosion caused by a dying star… guess what happens when Nova unleashes her Unstoppable Rage? * Not to metion Gibson's first name might be a reference to 2001: A Space Odyssey. * Milkman Conspiracy: An evil cult that worships Skeleton King turns out to be led by none other than the elderly owners of the local arcade. * Mind Rape: * The Hyperforce minds rapes Gryus Krinkle in "Incident On Ranger 7". * Not as bad as it sounds in context; he brings them into his mind with Applied Phlebotinum, and it's their only way to fight back, making it also an example of Hoist by His Own Petard. * Valina does this to Mandarin to make him tell her where Skeleton King's skull is hidden. This is arguably one of the more blatantly terrifying examples, as we actually get to see what she's mind raping him with. * The Mole: Jinmay, at first. * Mooks: The Formless Minions. There are many different kind of Formless, and some classify as Giant Mooks. * My Significance Sense Is Tingling: Pretty much everyone at some point or another. * Monster Clown: The ones in Circus of Ooze. * Monster of the Week * Mr. Fanservice: A few examples, but most of all Antauri. Just take a look at his fangirls. * Never Say "Die" * Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Sprx ends up breaking himself with the Fire of Hate, despite Gibson already implying the danger of its power. Though in all fairness, he just grabbed at it while it was falling, so the enemy wouldn't grab it. * By allowing the Citadel of Bone to be destroyed in an asteroid belt, the Hyperforce inadvertently allows Skeleton King to finally separate himself from it, thus gaining the ability to travel and spread his evil around the cosmos more freely. * No One Could Survive That: Otto says this almost verbatim in one episode, and that's the least of it. * Not Quite Dead: Skeleton King, Mandarin, and quite a few others. * Odd Couple: The most notable are Sprx & Gibson and Otto & Gibson. * Official Couple: Chiro and Jinmay. * One, Two, Three, Four, Go: The show's title. * Opening Shout-Out: A minor villain as Chiro in one episode. * Operation Blank: Operation Burn The Worm. * Overly Long Name: The show's title. * Parental Abandonment: Chiro. His family or guardians before he joined the Hyperforce were never even mentioned. * Parody Sue: Krinkle becomes one in his dream world in Incident on Ranger 7. * The Power of Friendship * The Power of Love: First, Sprx's love for Nova brought her Back From the Dead. Then, Nova's love for Sprx brought him back from the dark side. Aww. * A kind of Fridge Brilliance in the case of the latter, considering he'd been corrupted in the first place by the Fire of Hate... * Psychic Powers: Antauri, Chiro, and Mandarin use these the most. * Quirky Miniboss Squad: The Sun Riders. * Quivering Eyes * Recap Episode: The Skeleton King Threat. * Red Oni, Blue Oni: SPRX-77 and Gibson, color-wise as well. * Brains VS. Brawn: Or rather, brains VS. instinct. Demonstrated when they argue in The Savage Lands: Part 1. * Relationship Upgrade: Sprx and Nova. * Relationship Voice Actor: Greg Cipes and Ashley Johnson are paired up as a potential couple, again. Thank goodness the girl did not wind up as an actual mole in the end. * She did lose her head for a while though. * Ridiculously Cute Critter: Thingy. * Say My Name * Sealed Evil in a Can: The Dark One Worm, whose egg was sealed inside an entire planet. It is also implied that there are similar eggs in other planets… * Selective Magnetism: Pretty much all of Sprx's attacks are guilty of this. * Sentai * She's A Man In America: Sakko was dubbed in some countries as female. * Shout-Out: If you look closely, i.e., Chiro's uniform is exactly the same one that Joe/009 wore in the first Cyborg 009 series, the black and white one. * Not to mention that the reborn Skeleton King bears a striking resemblance to Darth Vader. * The sound effects inside the Super Robot are straight from Star Trek. * The Black castle rising up, in the last episode, looks remarkably similar to the ending of Viewtiful Joe 2. * So Last Season: Black monkey Antauri being reborn as a much more powerful silver monkey during the start of season 3. Face it, he looks so much better in silver. * Space Friction * Space Is Noisy * Sparkling Stream of Tears * Speaks Fluent Animal: Chiro was the only one to understand the monkeys at first. * Spider Limbs: Antauri gets these as the Silver Monkey. * Spider Sense: It's not an epsiode of Monkey Team unless Antauri starts at least one of his lines with, "I sense..." * Start of Darkness: When the Alchemist turned into the Skeleton King. * Stalker Shrine: While exploring the Citadel of Bone, Gibson and Chiro come across a room filled with Chiro's childhood possessions, including his grade school uniform. The following exchange takes place in response: * Status Quo Is God: Maybe in the first two seasons, but after I, Chiro? A-VERTED. And now that Antauri is the silver monkey, we'll never forget it. * Of course, the status quo might actually be the Hyperforce's perpetual battle against Skeleton King; Sprx even points out that SK always manages to remain a threat one way or another, even when he's not actually alive. * Stock Footage: The activation of the Super Robot. * Superhero * Super-Hero Origin: Explained in the opening sequence. * Supernatural Martial Arts: Chiro's power primate abilities. * Super Robot: The Hyperforce not only battles with one; they live in it. * Supervillain Lair: The Citadel of Bone. * Sword Fight * Take Over the World * Team Shot * Team Spirit * Theme Tune * Time Bomb * Tomato in the Mirror * Tomboy and Girly Girl: Nova and Jinmay. * Took a Level In Badass: Jinmay in Season 4, starting with "Ghosts of Shuggazoom". * Training From Hell: Done in Monster Battle Club Now!. * Training the Peaceful Villagers: The Stranded Seven, with a tribe of humanoid cats. * Transformation Sequence: Chiro had one, but it didn't last too long. * Unstoppable Rage: Nova. It's actually saved her life on more than one occasion. * Unusual Weapon Mounting: In fact, the Super Robot has every subtrope except Leg Cannon. And it's kind of got that one too - it can launch a Macross Missile Massacre from its feet. * Verbal Tic: Scrapperton's "Tick-tock". Literally. * Villainous Crossdresser: Sakko. * Vitriolic Best Buds: Sprx and Gibson. * Villain with Good Publicity * Weapon of Choice * Chainsaw Good: Otto * Power Fist: Nova * This Is a Drill: Gibson * Wolverine Claws: Antauri * Welcome to The Real World: Season 3 finale. * Wham! Episode: I, Chiro * Whole-Plot Reference: One episode is based on Mazinger Z spinoff Mazinger USA Version. * Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Chiro's fear of water and clowns, also Gibson's disdain towards bugs. * Wig, Dress, Accent * Word Salad Title: Surprisingly, the title is exactly what the show is about. * World War III * Xanatos Gambit: Being a Hidden Agenda Villain, a number of the Hyperforce's victories against him are only superficial... * You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Skeleton King to the original Mandarin. * And later to Valina. * Your Head Asplode: The Chiro clones. * Zombie Apocalypse: A few times.
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