| - Azi are a fictional type of human clones invented by science fiction and fantasy author C. J. Cherryh. They appear in various books in her Alliance-Union universe. "Azi" is an acronym for "artificial zygote insemination". The azi are first developed by Union just prior to the "Company War" in the early twenty-fourth century. Although derived from human gene sequences, they are both genetically engineered and psychologically conditioned for specific occupations, such as soldiers or farmers. Because of these modifications, azi are seen as an abomination by many on Earth, and this revulsion is an exacerbating factor in the start of the war between the Earth Company and Union. During the Company War, Union produces large numbers of azi for its military and to augment its civilian population and thus stimulate economic growth. In large measure, the azi are therefore responsible for Union forces winning a war of attrition against the Earth Company Fleet led by Conrad Mazian. To some degree, the azi are also controversial in Union itself. As mentioned in Cherryh's book Cyteen, there is an abolitionist party which seeks to emancipate what it considers to be slaves, but it has little political power. Azi are introduced to "tape" or subliminal learning at birth, which has a profound effect on their psychological development. They are less adept at handing unusual or new situations compared to normal humans; however, they are able to concentrate better. Each azi has a Supervisor, to whom he or she looks to for orders and guidance. Azi are categorized using letters from a to z, with the very brightest (on the "Rezner scale") being classed as Alphas. Azi can eventually apply to become full Union citizens, and in frontier stations often become the first generation of an otherwise regular human population. The Reseune research facility on Cyteen, the main Union planet, is central to all azi development. It has a monopoly on advanced tape design and is the legal protector of all azi in Union. The process of developing azi is referred to Cyteen's sequel, Regenesis as integrations, or designing a group of azi to compliment a group of "born-man" mind sets and produce a stable society. Azi characters are featured in the following Cherryh books:
* Serpent's Reach (1980)
* Downbelow Station (1981)
* Port Eternity (1982)
* Forty Thousand in Gehenna (1983)
* Cyteen (1988)
* Regenesis (2009)