Anti-Kirby is a species found in the Game Boy video game The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening. They look almost identical to Kirby, a character in a different video game series. Just like Kirby, he'll suck any of his opponents in, thus harming them. The only way to kill them is to attack with a Magic Rod or a bomb. Link will find the species in Eagle's Tower. It should also be noted that in the Japanese version of the game, the Anti-Kirbys are just called Kirby.
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- Anti-Kirby
- Anti-Kirby
- Anti-Kirby
| - Ein Anti-Kirby ist ein Gegner in The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening. Diese Gegner basieren auf den HAL Laboraty Inc.-Charakter Kirby, ein Held aus der Kirby Serie, also ist Kirby auch ein berühmter Nintendo-Charakter. Während Kirby eher nett ist, sind Anti-Kirby nicht sehr freundlich. Wenn sie Link sehen, greifen sie ihn von der Seite an. Genau wie Kirby, kann auch ein Anti-Kirby saugen. Sie versuchen Link einzusaugen und im Mund werden sie Link seine Energie abzapfen. Anti-Kirbys treten nur in der Adlerfestung auf. Anders als Kirby, sind Anti-Kirbys imun vor Links Schwert. Um sie zu besiegen, muss Link Bomben nach ihnen werfen.
- leftLos Anti-Kirby (カービィ, Kābī ?) son unos enemigos de The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening, inspirados en Kirby, un personaje de Nintendo. Al igual que este, pueden absorber y engullir cosas, y si engullen a Link, le escupirán y dañarán. Aparecen en la primera planta de la Torre del Águila. Solo se puede eliminar con Bombas o con la Vara Mágica.
- Anti-Kirby is a species found in the Game Boy video game The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening. They look almost identical to Kirby, a character in a different video game series. Just like Kirby, he'll suck any of his opponents in, thus harming them. The only way to kill them is to attack with a Magic Rod or a bomb. Link will find the species in Eagle's Tower. It should also be noted that in the Japanese version of the game, the Anti-Kirbys are just called Kirby.
- Anti-Kirbys are enemies from The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening. These enemies are based on Kirby, the protagonist of the Kirby series, also by Nintendo. However, unlike Kirby, who is friendly, Anti-Kirbys will attack Link on sight. They do so by sucking him into their mouths, and seemingly attack Link while he is inside them, similar to how Kirby can inhale enemies in most Kirby games. They appear only in Eagle's Tower and are immune to sword attacks. However, they can be defeated if they are tricked into inhaling Bombs. The Kirby 20th Anniversary Celebration Book states that Kirby made a guest appearance in The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening; this refers to Anti-Kirby.
- Les Anti-Kirby (カービィ Kābī) apparaissent au premier étage de la tour du Vautour dans Link's Awakening.
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| - Sucking Link inside their mouths
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| - An Anti-Kirby
- Anti-Kirby's sprite.
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| - Link's Awakening
- The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening 1993)
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| - Ein Anti-Kirby ist ein Gegner in The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening. Diese Gegner basieren auf den HAL Laboraty Inc.-Charakter Kirby, ein Held aus der Kirby Serie, also ist Kirby auch ein berühmter Nintendo-Charakter. Während Kirby eher nett ist, sind Anti-Kirby nicht sehr freundlich. Wenn sie Link sehen, greifen sie ihn von der Seite an. Genau wie Kirby, kann auch ein Anti-Kirby saugen. Sie versuchen Link einzusaugen und im Mund werden sie Link seine Energie abzapfen. Anti-Kirbys treten nur in der Adlerfestung auf. Anders als Kirby, sind Anti-Kirbys imun vor Links Schwert. Um sie zu besiegen, muss Link Bomben nach ihnen werfen.
- leftLos Anti-Kirby (カービィ, Kābī ?) son unos enemigos de The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening, inspirados en Kirby, un personaje de Nintendo. Al igual que este, pueden absorber y engullir cosas, y si engullen a Link, le escupirán y dañarán. Aparecen en la primera planta de la Torre del Águila. Solo se puede eliminar con Bombas o con la Vara Mágica.
- Anti-Kirby is a species found in the Game Boy video game The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening. They look almost identical to Kirby, a character in a different video game series. Just like Kirby, he'll suck any of his opponents in, thus harming them. The only way to kill them is to attack with a Magic Rod or a bomb. Link will find the species in Eagle's Tower. It should also be noted that in the Japanese version of the game, the Anti-Kirbys are just called Kirby.
- Anti-Kirbys are enemies from The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening. These enemies are based on Kirby, the protagonist of the Kirby series, also by Nintendo. However, unlike Kirby, who is friendly, Anti-Kirbys will attack Link on sight. They do so by sucking him into their mouths, and seemingly attack Link while he is inside them, similar to how Kirby can inhale enemies in most Kirby games. They appear only in Eagle's Tower and are immune to sword attacks. However, they can be defeated if they are tricked into inhaling Bombs. The Kirby 20th Anniversary Celebration Book states that Kirby made a guest appearance in The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening; this refers to Anti-Kirby.
- Les Anti-Kirby (カービィ Kābī) apparaissent au premier étage de la tour du Vautour dans Link's Awakening.