| - Curna is the Order city on the planet Dol Glorath of the Imperial Armed Forces. The city is located on the far perimeter of the Capital city. It is a large Taris like city. It location is between the Rainforest and the Volcanoes that surround the planet. The natives of Curna are mainly P'w'ecks and the mighty Duinuogwuin. All residents of Curna are made to learn Lwhekk to communicate with the natives. The forest surrounding Curna is dangerous to all non-force sensitives or non P'w'eck and Duinuogwuin, it is the home to the dangerous Terentateks that the Imperial army use to train their soldiers. The Imperial Army resides in Curna. There are three large domes in Curna, two the Army uses for training. One is the base of the leader of the Supreme Commander of the Sith Empire, Darth Matas. Matas is a Zabrak so it is common to see Zabraks living in Curna. Humans and Near-humans are found here as well. About 1/3 of the Curna population are the hopefulls trying to join the Army. The Dark Side is strong to those force-sensitives who reside in Curna. The non-force sensing being think of Curna as just another city. After the city fused with Congdon, Curna has become the largest Order cities on Dol Glorath.
- Curna was the Order city on the planet Dol Glorath of the Sith Imperial Armed Forces. The city was located on the far perimeter of the Capital city. It was a large metropolis between the rainforest and the volcanoes that covered the planet. The natives of Curna were mainly P'w'ecks and the mighty Duinuogwuin. All of the residents of Curna were made to learn Lwhekk to communicate with the natives. The forest surrounding Curna was dangerous to all non-Force-sensitives or non P'w'eck and Duinuogwuin as it was the home to the dangerous Terentateks that the Sith army used to train their soldiers. The Sith Army resided in Curna. There were three large domes in Curna; two of those domes were utilized by the Army for training. One dome was used as the base of operations for the leader of the Supreme Commander of the Sith Empire, Darth Matas. Matas was a Zabrak, so it was common to see Zabraks living in Curna. Humans and Near-humans were found there as well. About one-third of Curna's population consisted of hopefuls who yearned to join the Army. The Dark Side was strong to those Force-sensitives who resided in Curna. The non-Force-sensing being saw Curna as just another city. After the city fused with Cogdon, Curna became the largest of the Order cities on Dol Glorath. Cogdon had added its city and territories to Curna. Curna was an isolated city, located on an island about 32 miles west of the capital city, surrounded by a thirty-foot wall that was littered with AA gun turrets. The island was surrounded by volcanic lava from a volcano located eight miles away. The volcano, Mt. Cong, was 8,654 feet at its summit. The island had a causeway built over the lava, which was shielded from the surrounding volcanic gas, lava, and ash. The causeway was constructed to retract into the rock face when not in use. The island was 45.738 miles in diameter, with 17.954 square miles of the land reserved for shipyards and hangers. The rest contained the city limits, along with four miles of barracks and an academy for the navy. Within the middle of the city stood a palace dedicated to Revan, considered by many armed forces to be one of the greatest tacticians in the galaxy. On the top floor of the ten-story temple stood Darth Validus' room. His statue, along with Supreme Commander Matas', stood guarding the 200 stairs leading up to the Temple. The population consisted of many naval recruits and Sith. The majority of the species included Zabraks and Humanoids. There were many cantinas and a small but populated market district, surrounded by apartments and houses. The city was defended with hundreds upon hundreds of anti-aircraft (AA) guns and thousands of personal turrets that lined the defensive perimeter. To capture the city, a massive fleet would be needed that could find a space to land within the walls.