| - Flood: Now that the foolishness with Niobe is over, and Zion is temporarily pacified, we can finally get back to our own business The Merovingian is very interested in the power conferred by the cheat codes Anome stole. In fact, he's got something in mind that he wants to confide to you in person. Go see him, and try not to stand there stammering like last time. Operator: That's the place. Time to strut your stuff! The Merovingian: I have a task for you. It is of great importance to me. These... "cheat codes" come in vials, yes? We have learned that Anome's underlings stupidly throw the vials aside after consuming the fluid within. But of course, traces remain inside the vial. Our spies think they have found a location where one of the vials was consumed. Your job is to go in, and snatch the empty flask. Operator: Goals for this area are complete. Find the nearest exit quickly! The Merovingian: Flood will give you the information you require. See that you follow his instructions precisely. Flood: The item should be at the indicated location. Anome's men may be about...but that's your concern now, isn't it? Just get the-- Hmm... We'll call it "poison," in case someone is listening. Operator: Place looks clean so far. Operator: Wait, I'm getting a very faint tickle of something... A slightly corrupt reading... You may be getting close. (obtained flask) Operator: Great! Now get out of th-- Watch out! You've got company! Unlimit Reactor: Drop it! Operator: Goals for this area are complete. Find the nearest exit quickly! Flood: Took your time retrieving that, didn't you? You'll be taking the item to a certain lab of ours for containment. What? Oh, didn't I mention that we believe the cheat codes are a mutagenic agent, capable of corrupting code structures nearby? You've seen what happened to Anome's men, yes? Why do you think the Machines had the codes in that protective case? Oh, i wouldn't worry. The trace amounts in that vial probably won't have any significant lasting effect effect on you... Operator: That facility has a containment computer. You'll put the vial in the computer's operataing chute, and it'll seal it up into a package. Operator: The containment machine should be in there. Operator: Okay, now get the package from it. Operator: Code corruption! They've found you. Operator: Stop talking to that idiot, and get get that vial out of there! Effectuator: Oh, sure, that's cool. I'll check back with you later. I can get a rain check on this, right? {redpill_name} Effectuator: Help! I'm trapped in this little room! Guess who I am! Come on, guess!