| - -Flora and Felicia lead the Avatar, Jakob and Ryoma through the snowy mountains-
* Avatar: I'm guessing we're on the right track... It's absolutely freezing out here.
* Flora: Heehee. It feels great to me, but I know it's not for everyone. Just hang tight. There's a warm cabin waiting for you at the end.
* Avatar: Thank you, Flora. I have to commend your navigating skills as well. We've somehow managed to avoid running afoul of any Nohrian troops the whole way.
* Flora: Yeah...I guess we just got lucky...
* Felicia: She's right, Lord/Lady Avatar. This was just the most direct route. I would have chosen the same route if I were leading us.
* Flora: Why must you always one-up me, sister? What's the point?
* Felicia: What are you talking about? I'm not trying to one-up you. You're the one who's always been so perfect. I've always looked up to you.
* Flora: Oh, I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me. Thank you for the kind words.
* Felicia: Just don't let it go to your head, all right?
* Avatar: For the rest of the group's reference: yes, they've always been like this. *sigh*
* Ryoma: What's wrong, Avatar? You haven't seemed yourself lately.
* Avatar: Well, to be honest...our encounter with Iago is still bothering me. I'd hate to think I can't trust everyone here, but I've been burned once before...
* Ryoma: That's not your style, Avatar. You're on your way to becoming a great leader, and you lead by example. If you don't trust your own troops, how will they trust you? Don't let what happened with Zola shake your confidence.
* Avatar: I don't know. I feel like things have changed. The stakes have been raised. As if they could get any higher...
* Ryoma: Let's take a step back, shall we? Do you trust me, Avatar?
* Avatar: Of course.
* Ryoma: All right. How about Sakura and Takumi? Think about Hinoka, Azura, and Silas too. Any of them potential suspects?
* Avatar: Absolutely not. I believe in all of them!
* Ryoma: Very well. How can you be so sure?
* Avatar: I...I just can. I don't know. It's a gut feeling, I guess...
* Ryoma: Precisely. This is both your weakness and your strength. You have a keen intuition for people and natural charisma. Yet you lack the years of experience needed to make calculated decisions. So? Follow your strength. Use your intuition. Don't try to be what you're not.
* Avatar: Thank you Ryoma. The problem is that my intuition is telling me that Iago wasn't lying. Regardless, I'll try to focus on the task at hand. Thank you.
* Ryoma: Of course.
* Felicia: Hey, guys, we're almost there! -Flora enters the village battlefield with the Avatar, Felicia and Jakob-
* Avatar: Brr! Where's that warm cabin you promised, Flora?
* Flora: Just a minute, Lord/Lady Avatar. I need to check in with the village elders.
* Avatar: By all means. But please, hurry back—we're freezing out here! -Flora leaves-
* Avatar: Gods...I can't feel my own face. How does anyone actually LIVE here?
* Felicia: Heehee! When you're born here, you never even notice how cold it is.
* Avatar: The rest of us, meanwhile, could use some sweaters and a roaring fire.
* Felicia: Well, hopefully Flora will be back shortly. I don't want you to think the Ice Tribe doesn't know how to treat its guests. Ah, here she is. Hey, Sister! -Flora returns with several hostile Ice Tribe Villagers-
* Flora: Ahem...
* Felicia: Flora, everyone is freezing. It's adorable! But we should really get them inside so they can warm up.
* Flora: Felicia...I'm sorry.
* Felicia: What for? -A blizzard is summoned-
* Avatar: It's getting even colder! And I can't see anything... What's going on?
* Felicia: What are you doing, Sister? Knock it off!
* Flora: I can't. I can't allow Lord/Lady Avatar to live. He/she betrayed King Garon and the kingdom of Nohr.
* Felicia: You can't be serious!
* Jakob: Flora, listen to reason. This is madness.
* Flora: No, it is our king's will. Stand aside, Jakob, or I'll destroy you as well.
* Jakob: How dare you...
* Flora: Very well. If I have to kill all of you, I won't hesitate to do so. You've been warned.
* Avatar: This can't be happening. Flora, are you under the direct control of King Garon or Iago? Stop this at once and rejoin us! And together we can end his hateful rule!
* Flora: No. My mind is made up, and I'm acting of my own free will.
* Felicia: What is wrong with you?!
* Flora: Felicia... Don't worry—I won't target you. You have betrayed us as well, but I'm sure King Garon will be merciful...if you join my side right now.
* Felicia: Never!
* Flora: Really? Come on, Felicia. It's still me. We can do this together!
* Felicia: I could never attack Lord/Lady Avatar... My job is to protect him/her! -If the Avatar is male-
* Felicia: You haven't seen what we've seen... The atrocities King Garon has committed. -If the Avatar is female-
* Felicia: And I'm not the only Nohrian who's turned her back on King Garon's atrocities.
* Felicia: If you had, you'd know that Avatar is just trying to follow the path of justice! So, even though it means fighting against my own sister and tribe... I stand with Lord/Lady Avatar.
* Flora: I wish I had your strength...
* Felicia: You do! You can still do the right thing!
* Flora: No! Forget what I said. This has gone on long enough. I'm going to end it quickly.
* Felicia: Please, no!
* Avatar: Flora, I still believe in you! I know that King Garon must have something over you. But if we stick together, I promise we have the strength to take him on. Flora! Are you listening?