| - Doctor Ellison came into Columbus Gate late one night in 2260, on a caravan wagon carrying only a duffel-bag and the clothes on his back. He proceeded to the Gemhouse Saloon where he spent the night playing cards with the Rattlers, emerging in the morning with the deed to a small house on the main street. The Doc would move in, selling everything but the furniture back to the mercs, and set up his sign outside. This would afford him enough supplies to treat the customers that came in, with cases ranging from gunshot wound to Dead Lung. His reputation was established as an eccentric carpet-bagger, who was humored by the town. His first cybernetic replacement would be done on a young boy whose arm was caught in a bailer. Despite the boy's family not being able to cover the thousands of shards necessary, Ellison still installed a new arm on the lad, who made a full recover. The resulting goodwill and business it brought more than made up for the loss of the arm, and Ellison seemed to come across another one soon after. Mercenaries would soon come for new limbs, paying with everything from shards, to cattle, to guns. He would keep busy as the battles continued, often seeing patients several times over the years. The clinic has stayed busy in the decades since, it's surgical skill always in demand. It has remained almost the same in 2287 as it did in 2260, though the doctor is notably grayer around the edges.