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- *** Due to 3 users needed to be chosen every month, we can have lifetime nominations, but every time a user is chosen, its rating drops down to 0, meaning that all votes are removed from his/her nomation page.
- AW10/SigReal|08:04,9/18/2015
- EDIT: The final step, the proposal discussion analyzers generate will be formed as a consensus to all user's opinions and therefore can be completely different from initial petition. AW10/SigReal|17:32,9/18/2015
- * This is still a general idea, final details/templates about every single part of the process can be defined/created later, so that we are all clear on every part of the process, but if this passes, general idea will stay the same.
- ** Every month, via process similar*** to choosing user of the month, top 3 users are chosen to analyze everyone's opinions on subject and turn it into proposal that, before it becomes official, has to be publicly**** accepted by all 3 current discussion analyzers. On this way, we constantly have more control over discussion process and if one month fails, we can assure that the other month won't; plus, if it comes to that, prevent someone from having his/her nomination page for certain period of time.
- **** Once one of 3 current discussion analyzers create proposal page, it will contain a section where all 3 current discussion analyzers must endorse it before it is ready for being voted; meaning that none of the 3 current discussion analyzers can never take charge.