| - After of the fall of the Cyber Space Wrestling (CSW) from prowrestling.com. The men who started in the CSW All went on to other efeds or started their own. CWF-Pro efed was founded 0n 4/1/1997. With a handful of ewrestlers that were the founding fathers. After walking out of the NWA, an efed ran by JL Black. The CWF.Pro was started. The CWF-Pro would go to there 1st TNF show, then on to there 2nd show. Where they have 5 battle royal to award there titles. The CWF-Pro would have it's ups and downs threw the years. In 1999, they did a shutdown break for 2 months. Returning at the World Series of Wrestling 3. The Federation would last until, 2001. Where the CWF-Pro became a Backyard wrestling federation. The founders would leave ewrestling to start a BYW Fed. With the TDW and the CWF-Pro doing a cross over. The two great companys ended there leagues. However, Pres Burns would keep on with the CWF-Pro and still run shows from time to time. Also awarding there yearly Hall of Fame. In 2004, Pres Burns and Beastman would make another go at it. They started the CWF-Pro again with a handfull of wrestlers. Most of the roster of 2001, were nowhere to be found. It has been said by the CWF-Pro and Pres Burns that the 2001 roster was the best roster they had ever had. Even still to this day. Pres Burns did get Hero, Ash K, Hardcore Pimp, Seven, Mike Powers, the Double Dragons, sanchez and others to return, but there hearts and there flame was not there. Also with a falling out with Beastman & Pres Burns at the time, Most wrestlers did not want to be apart of this. The Federation would close once again. In late 2004 into early 2006. Pres Burns did make up his 5 Developmental Leagues. The EWF, DTW, WWW, CWE, UEH, & the XXX. The EWF and the XXX had already been an efed, but was bought out by Pres Burns years before. In the summer of 2006. Pres Burns would make a full return with the CWF-Pro with all new wrestlers that were called up from the 5 Developmental Leagues, which were shut down a month before the big return. Since the CWF-Pro has been running strong and making new stars our of the rookies that come in. Much like they did in 1997 with Gator, Draven, Beastman, Powers and others.