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| - Norman Osborn (Earth-981)
| - Norman is able to lift 20 tons under his own Goblin powers.
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| - Oscorp Tower, Long Island, New York City, New York, Mobile
| - After being mutated, he has a goblin-like appearance with his skin turned into green scales, small horns and yellow glowing eyes
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| - ===Mr. Osborn===
After Norman Osborn became the CEO of Oscorp, Norman wanted to look into experimental science, Robotics, Military research, and cross-species genetics for his company and also created a super-soldier drug for S.H.I.E.L.D.He then formed and became a member of a team of other fellow geneticists at Oscorp. Later on, Norman got married and have a son named Harry Osborn.
few years later After his wife died died of cancer, The team started a groundbreaking cure for cancer and other types of diseases. both Richard, Mary and Eddie Brock Sr. and with the help of Norman teamed together to develop a revolutionary means to heal humanity of disease and illness.
Their basis was to create a symbiote, The Suit; the project was named Project V.E.N.O.M. . Project Venom was a medical symbiote that was going to use human stem-cells with the genes of a primitive alien life form found from a meteorite. Tragically, Richard, Mary, and Edward Brock Sr. died in a fatal plane crash that also destroyed the only sample of the alien lifeform it had on board.
Couple years later, His son Harry introduced him to a middle school student who's a science whiz and harry's first best friend in middle school Peter Parker who Norman took an immediate liking to Peter when he was informed that Parker can understand his work,
More Coming Soon!
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| - Amberson Osborn
Martha Osborn
Harry Osborn
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| - Botched attempt with an injection of OZ shark combined with his DNA transform himself into the Goblin.
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| - OsCorp TF-2 Glider:The glider is a transportation device created by Adrian Toomes.This glider also comes in with built in weaponry. It is of great maneuverability and speeds of up to 90 miles per hour.It has built in voice-activated radio-linked controls integrated into Norman's earpiece The glider can also be steered primarily.
| - Genius Level Intellect: Even before consuming the Oz Formula, Norman was extremely smart and intelligent, was extremely skilled with mathematics and science, possessing an immense knowledge of chemistry and the side-effects of drugs on humans and animals. The Oz Formula enhanced Osborn's mental capacities and creative talents. Aside from his physical advantages, the serum also greatly enhanced Norman's already highly above average intellect, making him a true genius capable of making progress in advanced areas of genetics, robotics, engineering, and applied chemistry that most professional scientists can scarcely comprehend.
Expert Marksman: As the Goblin, Norman uses various hand-held throwing weapons such as explosives and razor projectiles which he will throw with great aim rarely ever missing his target. He is also a skilled sharpshooter with various firearms.
Skilled Combatant: He is a skilled unarmed combatant that is capable of using most weapons proficiently.
| - Gobby, The Green Goblin, Normie, Mr. Osborn,
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| - Norman Osborn as The Goblin
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| - Pumpkin Bombs: Grenades used as a weapon by the Goblin. The bombs are used as flying explosive grenades.
OsCorp Exo-Suit: Norman wears a high tech armor that helps controls his glider and the weapons systems installed in the glider such as Pumpkin bombs and rockets. The suit also has a built in Razor Blade for combat.
Goblin Gloves: The gloves contains finger blasters which could shoot electricity or a blinding flash.
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| - Insanity: While always mentally unstable, the formula had greatly diminished his already fragile grip on reality. His increased mental instability caused him to sometimes be extremely impulsive, not thinking before plunging into a potentially dangerous situation, making it relatively easy to lure him into a trap. Osborn also suffered from the delusion that he is invincible, claiming that "not even death could defeat him." This has caused him to fight when at a severe disadvantage, resulting in his defeat.
| - *Superhuman Strength: The Goblin, after injecting formula, become super-humanly strong. He can overpower several S.W.A.T. officers with ease. He could also lift heavy objects, bend metal with his bare hands, and punch through glass without injury. In terms of his strength, he is much stronger then his adversary Spider-Man. And comparing
Goblin's strength to Spider-Man's, Goblin can lift 20 tons more then Spidey can. He is also able to use his strength to rip Spider-Mans web during their battles and is able to brutally damage a weakened Spider-Man.
*Metamorphosis:Upon Injecting himself with the Oz Formula for the first time, it only enhances his strength, Intelligence and possibly affected his brain and developed an indication to the Oz Formula. After Norman overdosed himself with the Oz serum, He transformed. The overdose transformation changed Norman both physically and mentally. It turned his skin Green and grew spikes all over his head, chin, and his spine. The transformation also gave him claw like fingernails and yellow glowing eyes. The formula also made him insane and dehumanization.
*Superhuman Speed: The Goblin, thanks to the Oz Formula, could run and operate at superhuman speeds. His overall body equilibrium was also heightened although he was not nearly as fast as speedsters. For example, with his speed, he can outrun vehicles. He moves & reacts at an incredible pace as well, catching and dodging Spider-Man's quick punches and countering. He is even able to throw his pumpkin bats with great speed.
*Superhuman Stamina: The Goblin, thanks to the Oz Formula, could operate or maintain his movements for prolonged periods of time without getting tired or weary in the process.
*Superhuman Durability: The Oz Formula also fortified all of Osborn's bodily tissues, making them far tougher and more resistant to injury than normal humans. While Osborn could be injured by something along the lines of a knife or small conventional bullets composed of conventional material, he was very resistant to great impact forces. He could withstand powerful impacts, such as falling from several stories or being repeatedly struck by a superhuman enemy, that would severely injure or kill a normal human with little to no harm to himself. He was able to fight Spider-Man and sustain hits from him.
*Regenerative Healing Factor: If The Goblin did sustain injury, his body's increased metabolism allowed him to heal damaged tissue much faster and more extensively than a normal human is capable of. He could heal from injuries that would prove lethal to an ordinary human.
*Superhuman Agility: The Goblin's agility, balance, and bodily coordination were enhanced to levels beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete.
*Superhuman Reflexes: His reflexes are well similar to Spider-Man's. it is enhanced to where it's currently about 30 times greater than those of an ordinary human. The speed of his reflexes allows him to dodge almost any attack.
*Hand-to-Hand Combatant: While fighting Spider-Man on three separate occasions, he has displayed remarkable prowess in fighting Spider-Man & even shows combat skill that is superior to the likes of Spider-Man.
*Resources: He has an almost inexhaustible amount of wealth at his disposal. He uses this to acquire advanced technologies & other weaponry for his vendetta against those who stand in his path. He can even utilize his own limitless resources from OsCorp, such as his stolen OsCorp glider and Pumpkin Bombs.
| - No character uses the name "Green Goblin" in this Universe to refer directly to Norman Osborn; however,several student friends of Peter Parker recalled what they saw as a "Green Goblin''.
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| - CEO of Oscorp, Scientist, Criminal
| - OsCorp TF-2 Glider:The glider is a transportation device created by Adrian Toomes. This glider also comes in with built in weaponry. It is of great maneuverability and speeds of up to 90 miles per hour.It has built in voice-activated radio-linked controls integrated into Norman's earpiece The glider can also be steered primarily.
OsCorp Exo-Suit: Norman wears a high tech armor that helps controls his glider and the weapons systems installed in the glider. The suit also has a built in Razor Blade for combat.
Pumpkin Bombs: Grenades used as a weapon by the Goblin. The bombs are used as flying explosive grenades.
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| - You know Parker...not everyone has an happy ending...