| - Log Title: Battle on Easter Island Characters: Baroness, Interrogator, Jade, Night Creepers, Rusalka, Snake-Eyes, Storm Shadow Location: Easter Island Summary: Snake-Eyes fights a duel with Interrogator and Rusalka Rusalka stands on the Beach of the Island, near one of the 'Faces', actually, she is leaning against it. She considers this duel to be... a quaint, Western custom, that is outdated, but, she'll take the chance to shoot at Snake-Eyes, anytime. Interrogator is standing, motionless as one of the island's famous statues, arms crossed in front of him. "Come out, come out..." Snake-Eyes is behind one of the faces, waiting for sunset. It seems he's been here a few hours, waiting for the combatants to arrive. Once the time is proper, he comes out, katana unsheathed. He's prepared for anything. Rusalka looks at Snake-Eyes, "About time you showed up." She pulls her AK-47 from her back, and brings it around in front of her. She'll wait to see if there is going to be any talking first, though. Interrogator glances at Snake-Eyes' sword, and then to the 7' inch blades of his claw. "I'm waiting, ninja. Make your move." Snake-Eyes of course doesn't give any talking. He stands waiting for the two to come, making a motion forward with his hand. It seems he's waiting to see if they make the first move. He signs. "We've chosen our weapons. Let us begin." Interrogator doesn't say a word in reply to this- Instead, charges down low, claw held to deliver a diagonal upward swipe at the Joe ninja. >> Interrogator misses Snake-Eyes with Claw. << Rusalka shrugs, "OK." With that she fires a 3 round burst at the center of Snake-Eyes' mass, however, she makes sure she isn't going to hit Interrogator. >> Rusalka misses Snake-Eyes with AK-47. << Snake-Eyes suddenly flips up in the air, avoiding both the burst of the gun and the claw. He decides the gun is the most deadly of the two weapons against him, and approaches Rusalka, intent on kicking it from her hands. >> Snake-Eyes strikes Rusalka with Kick. << Interrogator snarls wordlessly as Snake-Eyes avoids his deadly slash with ease, his unencumbered hand going for a pistol from his belt and bringing it up to fire as the ninja arcs through the air! >> Interrogator misses Snake-Eyes with Pistol-22-Calbire. << Rusalka's AK-47 goes flying through the air away from her, so she is stuck with either drawing another weapon, or actually going hand to hand. She decides, she better go with a weapon, and draws her Marakov 9mm pistol. She uses that to shoot at Snake-Eyes, evilly aiming for his left knee. >> Rusalka misses Snake-Eyes with Marakov-9MM. << Snake-Eyes doesn't even land on his feet after kicking the weapon from Rusalka's hand. Continuing his little flip, through the bullets and all, he moves to land before interrogator, kicking for the gun in his hand too. It's as if the bullets aren't even being fired. >> Snake-Eyes strikes Interrogator with Kick. << Rusalka takes aim on Snake-Eyes again, determined not to be outdone by the man in black. She doesn't aim any special spot, just the center of mass on Snake-Eyes. >> Rusalka strikes Snake-Eyes with Marakov-9MM. << Interrogator is caught off-guard by the sheer... insanity of this maneuver, and when his pistol is knocked from his hand, he gives a gasp of surprise and pain. However, at the same time, he brings his claw around, to swipe at his enemy. >> Interrogator strikes Snake-Eyes with Claw. << Snake-Eyes comes out of his flip, landing. As he takes the half-second it takes to turn to his enemies, he feels not only the claw rake him, but the bullets hit his chest. Screw this acrobatic kick nonsense. He goes for his M9, taking a shot at Rusalka's gun hand. >> Snake-Eyes strikes Rusalka with M9. << Rusalka's gun hand is shot right through with from Snake-Eyes' M9. She lets out a gasp of pain as the 9mm falls from her hand. She draws her Combat Knife, going through weapons like crazy. "You son of a bitch, that hurt!" she yells, in Russian, and moves quickly forward to swipe at Snake-Eyes. >> Rusalka misses Snake-Eyes with Knife. << Interrogator shucks away his claw after scoring the blow on Snake-Eyes, and reaches around to grab the weapon strapped to his back.. his M16! Whipping it around, he sprays bullets at the Joe. >> Interrogator misses Snake-Eyes with M16a1. << Snake-Eyes slides out of the way of the claw, and the M16. He decides to throw a shruiken at Interrogator's arm, trying to knock that darn claw off. >> Snake-Eyes misses Interrogator with Shuriken. << Rusalka continues after Snake-Eyes with her knife, this time trying to get her blade into his upper gun arm. >> Rusalka strikes Snake-Eyes with Knife. << Mamba #5845 arrives stealthily...not that there are many high quality radar installations here to interfere with. But there's always the chance someone might have arranged for an ambush. Therefore it sets down quietly powering down its turbines before its passengers disembarks quietly. Interrogator snarls, and brings up his gun, catching the Shuriken in it. "You're slowing down, Snake-Eyes. Must be past your prime!" ...And with all the ease of a cold-blooded killer, he fires another burst of bullets at his enemy. >> Interrogator strikes Snake-Eyes with M16a1. << Jade hops down quietly after Baroness. She takes a look around then says, "This is perfect, we can get margaritas cheap here." Snake-Eyes moves back from throwing his shuriken at Interrogator's arm, taking a nice gash to his arm, which makes him drop that M9 he was holding. He backs slightly, taking a graze from the m-16 to his side in his side. He stops to hold his chest where he was shot earlier, his fingers slick with blood. But it doesn't seem to be stopping him. With his free arm, he goes for the Uzi strapped to his back. It seems he's quite ambidextrous with his guns, as he takes a shot at Rusalka, trying to at least push back the one with the knife. He's beginning to re-think challenging two at once like this. >> Snake-Eyes strikes Rusalka with Uzi. << Rusalka falls back from the Uzi rounds, but luckily for her, she falls down next to her AK-47. She grabs it with her non-bleeding hand, and levels it at Snake-Eyes. Maybe she'll get lucky and put a few 7.62 rounds into him. Kneecaps look good, but with the bad hand, center of his mass is a safer bet. >> Rusalka misses Snake-Eyes with AK-47. << Interrogator doesn't have a bad hand... and Rusalka's making him look like a wimp, with all her dirty-fighting. He leaves the Machine-Gun hanging, for a moment, and reaches down, to grab his pistol, where it fell. In one fluid motion, he brings it up, and tries to back shoot Snake-Eyes. >> Interrogator strikes Snake-Eyes with Pistol-22-Calbire. << Snake-Eyes takes another biting shot to the side of his left shoulder. He turns his hand back quickly as he feels the 22 caliber bullet go into his uniform but just bruising the skin. As he lets his hand up, he releases another shuriken at Interrogator's hand. >> Snake-Eyes misses Interrogator with Shuriken. << Rusalka smiles as Snake-Eye's attention is turned, so she brings her AK-47 down, resting it on her knees, and steadying it with her gunshot hand. She is not near as good with her left hand, but at this range, she has a shot. >> Rusalka strikes Snake-Eyes with AK-47. << Snake-Eyes takes a /damned/ good shot to his midsection. This one bleeds quite a lot as he backs. He..does something unexpected at this point...he drops his weapon. Snake-Eyes then signs "Together. you are quite a force. I yield. Separate. It may be another story." he backs from the field. Did they win? Interrogator actually /leans/ to the side, neatly evading the thrown Shuriken. "Pathetic. I expected more out of you, Snake-Eyes. To think, I once thought you the deadliest man alive." His hand brings up the pistol once more.. and this time, he takes careful aim. "I'm not going to give you the chance." >> Interrogator misses Snake-Eyes with Pistol-22-Calbire. << Snake-Eyes rolls out of the way of the attack, moving to pick up his weapon and reholster it. He backs off- heading behind one of the island heads. Is he moving in for an escape? Rusalka frowns as Snake-Eyes starts to leave, but, her hand is not going to let her use the AK-47 easily again, and she has no clue where her Marakov 9MM went, so she stands up and chases after Snake-Eyes, "Come back and fight you coward!" She screams loudly. She sees her knife, reaches down as she runs, and in one move, flings it at Snake-Eyes. Her one and last chance of stopping the man from getting away. >> Rusalka misses Snake-Eyes with Knife. << Interrogator sighs in disgust, and holsters his pistol. "Night-Creepers! Stop him!" ...Out of every shadow and crevice you can imagine slink shadowy figures- Ninja-For-Hire... Night Creepers! With almost inhuman ease and grace, they bound after Snake-Eyes. Interrogator is left muttering, "Why do I feel like I just flushed ten million down the toilet? They won't catch him." Rusalka turns to glance back at Interrogator, that little cheating... WISE man. Had a backup plan. She doesn't stop her chase of Snake-Eyes. She wants a piece of that man, plus, she wouldn't mind getting his Katana as a trophy. Snake-Eyes scowls. A trap, though expected he did not think they'd get this good of a shot on him. He tries to find a good safe place to return fire. He's in a bit over his head this time. With his Uzi, he fires at the ninjas, trapped behind the big head. What he wouldn't do for backup about now. Jade purchases an Easter island mini-head from a gift shop and then gets herself a margarita at a nearby bar. :) Rusalka moves up on the 'Head' Snake-Eyes is behind. She chooses left. She darts around the Left side of the 'Head', and hopes to see Snake-Eyes right there, waiting for her to catch him. Moving like.. well, ninjas, the Night Creepers move in, to finish off their prey. Won't SOMEONE come and save him from his terrible fate? Snake-Eyes keeps on shooting to the right, to the left trying to take out ninjas and Rusalka. He's not letting them take him down. No not without putting up a damned good fight. Rusalka moves in and punches at Snake-Eyes. Sure she was able to duck the bullets headed her way, she got lucky. >> Rusalka strikes Snake-Eyes with Punch. << >>Snake-Eyes is overcome by injuries, losing consciousness. Snake-Eyes takes the hit smack to the side where he was shot earlier. It's enough to do him in. He collapses to the ground, unable to get back up. Interrogator advances on Snake-Eyes in classic Gestapo style, M16 at the ready. "Night Creepers! Seize Him!" Rusalka starts to disarm Snake-Eyes, not trusting him to stay down. The first thing she grabs is his Katanas. She holds them in her good hand, and motions to the Night Creepers, "Relieve him of any other weapons he may be carrying." Snake-Eyes has been taken down by a team of cobras. Seems the honor duel he called..wasn't. He's unconscious, and very still as he's disarmed by Rusalka and the night creepers. Well of all visible weaponry. Interrogator is... Interrogator! You expected HONOR from this bastard!? Storm Shadow is flying through the air on a glider trying to find the area where Snake-Eyes went for his duel. Noticing a large group of people on the ground he starts his silent descent rapidly. Rusalka's INTELLIGENCE roll fails. Snake-Eyes lies still, surrounded by cobras, bleeding from a rather severe bullet wound to his midsection, which is the worse of his wounds and several other nicks and scrapes. If he survives this ordeal, it's by sheer luck, it seems. Baroness is well away from the "battle"....no, call it an ambush. She's idly watching through binoculars near where Jade is, already sipping at a margarita of her own. :) When one gets closer, it becomes apparent exactly WHO constitutes the cluster of people- Interrogator, Rusalka, an unconscious Snake-Eyes.. and Night-Creepers. Ten of them. Rusalka doesn't notice Storm Shadow and his glider as she moves back towards the scene of the fight, to retrieve her weapons. Where did that damned Marakov 9MM go? Oh, there it is. She moves over, and uses her shot hand to pick it up and holster it. These Katanas are hers, and she'll be damned if they are going to escape her clutches. She earned them, let Interrogator enjoy his dramatics, she is practical. Jade takes a sip. She says, "I consider this a good safe distance from potentially scary ninja slaughtering." She smirks a little bit. Interrogator watches the steadily growing pile of Snake-Eyes' weapons, and he gives a disgusted snort. "How is it possible for one human being to conceal this much ordinance?" Rusalka calls out to Interrogator, "So, another trip to Cobra Island for this 'Master Ninja', I see." She smiles, "At least Cobra Commander will be pleased." Now she needs only to find her knife, and pick up her AK-47. Almost back to what she started with, plus the two Katanas she stole from Snake-Eyes. Storm Shadow is gliding right for the group. Letting go of the glider he does a few flips before landing on the ground feet first in a crouched position. Quickly reaching behind his back he grabs his swords. "Cobra either retreat right now or meet your destiny." Snake-Eyes shifts slightly but doesn't move to show signs of consciousness. He's disarmed but its probably only a good chunk of his weapons. He probably has more hidden in his uniform and elsewhere. He moves a few fingers, the only sign of fight left in him. Interrogator glances down, "Especially since this time it was me footing the bill." He gestures to the Night Creepers. "Tie him up." ...And then a familiar voice greets his ears, and he looks up, instinctively tilting up his M16 to aim. "Hello... Tommy." Rusalka's bad hand reaches for, and draws her pistol. This ought to be fun. She levels the gun, as best she can, at Storm-Shadow, "Back off White-Ranger, this was his duel of honor." The word 'honor' she nearly hisses out. Storm Shadow keeps his eye on the M16. "And his duel of honor was with two Cobras. Not a small contingency." Rusalka shrugs, "These are to take him back to Cobra Island, for his failure in the duel. We could just Kill him, if that would make you happier?" Interrogator gestures. "He picked the fight, and we finished it." He absently kicks at the prone Snake-Eyes. "Isn't that right?" Snake-Eyes may agree, or argue. Who knows? the unconscious ninja gives no response at all to the kick, other then bleeding a bit more. Storm Shadow eyes the Night Creepers. "There will be none of that." Reaching into his Gi he retrieves some ninja stars throwing them towards the Creepers. Time to save Snake-Eyes' ass and pay him back for saving him from the Cobras back in Japan. Interrogator looks down. "You two are very close, aren't you, Tommy? ...Brothers-in-arms, is it? ...And just think, your brother is going to Cobra Island, to enjoy Doctor Mindbender's tender mercies." He can't quite hide his revulsion at the mention of Mindbender's name. "Don't fret, though. I think you'll be joining him soon enough." And then a whole slew of Night Creepers take shurikens between the eyes. "Soon enough, Indeed!" ...And he fires. >> Interrogator misses Storm Shadow with M16a1. << Rusalka fires her pistol at Storm Shadow. Time to end this opinion that Ninjas are unbeatable. >> Rusalka strikes Storm Shadow with Marakov-9MM. << Storm Shadow dodges the oncoming bullets from Interrogator, looks like he needs to improve on his shooting. Unlike Rusalka over there who pegs him with the 9MM. The bullet tears through his shoulder. Urgh, this is going bad already. Time to take out the Cobra who hit him first. Charging towards Rusalka he leaps into the air for a ninja kick. >> Storm Shadow misses Rusalka with Super-kick. << Rusalka ducks the 'super-ninja-kick', and fires a round upwards at Storm Shadow as he passes by overhead. >> Rusalka strikes Storm Shadow with Marakov-9MM. << Interrogator laughs. "Losing your edge, Tommy! You should've killed her with that one!" ...He brings his M16 up, and sprays at Cobra Commander's former favorite with bullets. "Martial Arts? Hah! No match for good old-fashioned lead!" >> Interrogator misses Storm Shadow with M16a1. << Baroness says absently to Jade. "It's a good thing I pay to keep a contact in the Night Creepers, or ve vouldn't have gotten here in time...it looks as if they've got Snake Eyes down, but Storm Shadow has arrived..." She offers the binoculars to Jade absently so she can look. Storm Shadow is losing his edge, there should be a few more people dead on the ground by now. But there aren't. Instead his body has become a target for Rusalka, a target she doesn't seem to be missing much at the time. He's got a bit of armor underneath his uniform but not much, each bullet that hits him hurts alot, especially when they go through the thin armor. He cringes trying to block out the pain. Still in relatively close range he swing his sword at Rusalka. >> Storm Shadow strikes Rusalka with Slice. << Rusalka takes a shallow cut on the chest from Storm Shadow, and she spits out at him, "Damn you. This is me best wetsuit!" She levels her gun, and fires another shot at Storm Shadow, after this, she'll have to run for her AK-47, since it is her last bullet in the 9mm. >> Rusalka misses Storm Shadow with Marakov-9MM. << Jade takes them and checks out the progress of the fight. "These costal tourist traps are a great location for cover. Seems like a waste of Night Creepers though. They train so hard then get it in the end so easily. It's such a waste of talent." She hmms to herself. "Look at Storm Shadow go. He's pretty awesome. And damn fine too." Interrogator follows Storm Shadow, spraying bullets like nobody's business, and laughing like a maniac. "HAHAHAHAHA!" >> Interrogator strikes Storm Shadow with M16A1. << Baroness hehs. "Mm. If only he vasn't a traitor, hmm?" she says absently, sipping from her margarita. "One vould think that the Commander vould give up on him by now, in trying to get him back that is." Storm Shadow jumps over Rusalka as she opens fire this time, he's about to slice her down to pieces while coming back down but that blasted Interrogator actually hits him this time, in the back to make matters worse. Storm Shadow falls flat on his face in the dirt. What he wouldn't give for a gun right about now. His gi is slowly turning from white to red, hey look at that, Storm Shadow's gonna be a red ninja! He needs to get some distance between himself and Rusalka, he throws a shuriken at her before trying to roll out of harm's way. >> Storm Shadow misses Rusalka with Shuriken. << Jade says "I wonder if the mysterious alien vibes of Easter Island somehow hinder the mystical ninja properties. Tech verses magic. :)" Rusalka dives forward as the shuriken comes in, heading for her AK-47. She happens to drop the Katanas and her Marakov, into the sand. She rolls as she hits the ground, and comes up holding her AK-47. She turns it on Storm Shadow, "Eat Lead, Traitor!" She screams in her native Russian. >> Rusalka misses Storm Shadow with AK-47. << Interrogator continues to track Storm Shadow's movements with his gun. "Mm. I never recalled you being such a... loser, Tommy. I'm disappointed in you, too. You're going to fall as easily as your friend, there." He fires off another burst of bullets. "But then... I always knew you 'ninjas' were overrated." >> Interrogator misses Storm Shadow with M16A1. << Storm Shadow keeps rolling out of the way from Rusalka's on coming fire, even wounded he's pretty quick. But the loss of blood is making him sloppy. He owes his life to Snake-Eyes and if that means dying in the process to save him he'll gladly do it. He's back up on his feet now and quickly hides behind some cover as Interrogator opens fire. He reaches for his bow this time, retrieving an armored tip arrow. He makes sure the strings are nice and firm before popping back up for a quick shot, this time at Interrogator. "Overrate this Interrogator." >> Storm Shadow strikes Interrogator with Bow. << Rusalka tracks Storm Shadow with her AK-47, and lets another 3 round burst go at Storm Shadow. Her shot does not come in time to prevent Interrogator from being feathered with an Arrow. >> Rusalka misses Storm Shadow with AK-47. << Interrogator is caught in the side by Storm Shadow's arrow, and he lets out a gasp of pain... but quickly regains his composure. "I'll make you pay for that, you traitorous son of a bitch." And then he fires again. >> Interrogator misses Storm Shadow with M16A1. << Baroness hmms. "There may be something to that. They certainly seem to be having...poor luck." Jade checks her watch. "They've been alive this long. I'd say that's good luck." Storm Shadow ducks down behind his cover evading more incoming fire. Ugh he's hurting badly, he rotates his arms to make sure he can at least deliver a punch. He peers and notices that Rusalka is the closest Cobra to him while Interrogator is closer to Snake-Eyes, well time to kamikaze things up. He jumps out of the cover running toward Rusalka, he performs another quick jump before trying to strike her down with a fist. >> Storm Shadow strikes Rusalka with Super-punch. << Baroness hmms. "I must admit, I did not think Interrogator to be so vell-trained in personal combat." Rusalka is knocked down, but she maintains hold on her AK-47. As she falls back, she lets go another burst at Storm Shadow. "Keep coming closer, Power-Ranger reject." >> Rusalka misses Storm Shadow with AK-47. << Interrogator leaves his M16 hanging, and whips out his pistol again- It seems he's not above cheap-shots and back-shooting, after all. Most Cobras aren't. >> Interrogator misses Storm Shadow with Pistol-22-calbire. << Storm Shadow keeps running straight toward Interrogator after punching Rusalka, as the shots are fired towards him he ducks low and dodges to the sides. He continues doing as Interrogator fires upon him. This is like Vietnam all over again, must save injured Snake-Eyes. His sight is set on Interrogator, as he gets ever so closer he brings his sword up before bring it down at the master of interrogation. >> Storm Shadow misses Interrogator with Slash. << Rusalka doesn't care that she will be firing where she might accidentally put friendly fire in on her ally, but she does aim for Storm Shadow's center of mass. Another 3 round burst comes from her AK-47, and hot lead flings itself for Storm Shadow. >> Rusalka misses Storm Shadow with AK-47. << Interrogator evades the sword-slash by /leaning/ to the side. "Surprised, Tommy? Didn't expect this much fight out of me, eh? I don't dish out anything I can't take, Storm Shadow!" ...And even as he's moving to evade Rusalka's gunfire, he brings that pistol up, and fires. >> Interrogator misses Storm Shadow with Pistol-22-calbire. << Storm Shadow doesn't care if Interrogator evades his blade because he'll just evade whatever else he dishes out. Somehow he still manages to evade Rusalka's fire, but that's only because he's following Interrogator who keeps trying to fill him up with lead. He puts one of his swords away taking out a nunchuck instead. Leaping over Int's gun fire he starts swinging the nunhuck at him, trying to smack him good. >> Storm Shadow misses Interrogator with Nunchucks. << Rusalka drops the AK-47, grabbing her Marakov. Time to reload this thing, and try with it. She slams a new clip home, cocks it, and releases a 9mm bullet at the White and red streaked Ninja, hey look, it's Storm Shadow the Candy Cane! >> Rusalka misses Storm Shadow with Marakov-9mm. << Interrogator brings up his forearm, and when the Nunchucks come at him, he uses it to block, so the chain actually wraps around it! "You're definitely overrated, Tommy," He says, as he attempts to use the nunchucks to flip the ninja onto the ground. >> Interrogator misses Storm Shadow with Throw. << Jade walks over to return her empty glass to the bar. She then walks back to Baroness, offering the binoculars. She says, "Interrogator fights well. I wonder if he fights even better in the sky." She then glances off towards the distance. "I wonder if they'll win. This honor duel was just the thing I suggested to lure Stormshadow out of hiding." Storm Shadow is a candy cane that seems to defy death itself! Rusalka just seems to be hitting nothing but net right now. As Interrogator pulls him in he doesn't resist, instead he goes with the throw landing on his feet before thrusting his blade back at Interrogator. >> Storm Shadow misses Interrogator with Katana-strike. << Baroness nods slightly, taking the binoculars back and peering through them at the fight. "Well, they've succeeded in downing Snake Eyes. It vill be quite a coup if they bring back both ninjas. Rusalka sighs, stands up, and levels the pistol at arms length. What is with this damned Ninja. She has put two 9MM bullets into him, and still he is dancing. She fires on Storm Shadow, aiming for a knee cap. That should take him down. >> Rusalka misses Storm Shadow with Marakov-9MM. << Snake-Eyes just lies where he's fallen, bleeding a nice pool in the sand. Interrogator dodges to the side, neatly evading Storm Shadow's stab-attack. "You're slow, Tommy. Too slow!" He comes up with a Combat-Knife of his own, and makes a brutal slash at the white (and red) Ninja. "HAH!" >> Interrogator misses Storm Shadow with Knife. << Storm Shadow's knee caps are not the best of targets right now as he's trying his best to dodge incoming bullets and Interrogator's wrath. As Int tries to slash him with the knife he quickly throws his sword into the air and catches the knife with the palm of his hands. While holding to the knife he tries to kick Int. >> Storm Shadow misses Interrogator with Super-kick. << Rusalka sighs, enough of this shit. She charges Storm Shadow, and tries for the same punch that knocked down Snake-Eyes. >> Rusalka misses Storm Shadow with Punch. << Interrogator ducks under the kick, and comes back up, while grabbing for his small handgun- A bullet from this baby at point-blank range should still hurt. "I've waited YEARS to put you in your place!" BLAM! >> Interrogator misses Storm Shadow with Handgun. << Storm Shadow quickly lets go of the knife as his kick isn't successful. As Rusalka attempts to punch him he ducks before stretching his hand out catching the sword he had thrown in the air. As Interrogator opens fire at point blank Storm Shadow puts a hand on his helmet using him as a leverage to jump over him, as he lands behind him he tries to grab hold of his head and smash it against the back of his knee. >> Storm Shadow misses Interrogator with Smash. << Rusalka shakes her head, allright, allright... she grabs one of the dropped knifes, and swipes it as Storm Shadow. >> Rusalka strikes Storm Shadow with Knife. << Interrogator is caught off-guard by Storm Shadow's unorthodox maneuver, but not for long. When he tries to tackle him, Interrogator spins, and slashes downward with his Knife. >> Interrogator misses Storm Shadow with Knife. << Interrogator says "Give up, Tommy! There's a long, dark hallway ahead of you- But the only thing waiting at the end is the Brainwave Scanner! Don't make it difficult!" Storm Shadow is slashed by Rusalka, gurk, this hurts, with the arc of the cut the wounds are much worse than some of the bullets that are now in his body. Storm Shadow now appears to be beaten half to death after the knife attack, but he keeps on fighting, blocking Interrogator's knife with his sword. He unsheathes his other sword and attacks Rusalka this time. His battle with Interrogator is futile right now, cut down the wench! "I would rather die than be forced back into Cobra's service." >> Storm Shadow strikes Rusalka with Slash. << Interrogator brings his handgun around again, to aim at the traitor ninja. "I'm afraid, Tommy, that you don't have a choice!" BLAM! Rusalka is starting to feel like she is being 'sliced and diced'; too bad those Ninja's aren't here. She still has her Marakov, so, another bullet seems proper. >> Interrogator misses Storm Shadow with Handgun. << >> Rusalka misses Storm Shadow with Marakov-9MM. << Storm Shadow does a backwards summersault evading more of the bullets. His landing isn't too smooth as the pain is starting to get to him. But the battle is far from over. Rusalka seems to be the easier of the two targets right now, he leaps back towards her bringing his sword down at her again, only this time he tries to hit her with the flat side of the blade. >> Storm Shadow strikes Rusalka with Bash. << Baroness comments absently. "Rusalka is going to need stitches." Rusalka winces as she again is hit, what is she, special of the day? To hell with it, she dives forward, ready to use the knife in Tommy's gut! She swings the knife back, than forward, trying to make it really hurt! >> Rusalka misses Storm Shadow with Knife. << Interrogator is starting to get tired of this. Tucking his handgun into his belt, he brings the M16 up again. "I dislike the notion of returning you to the Commander full of holes, Tommy... but I'm sure he'd rather have one slightly used Storm Shadow.. than no Storm Shadow at all." >> Interrogator misses Storm Shadow with M16A1. << Storm Shadow leaps as Rusalka attempts to shove a knife into his body. As Int opens fire he tucks himself in making himself a smaller target, he can hear the bullets whizzing by his head; it's not a very pleasant experience. As the hail of gunfire ends he stretches himself out into his full size bringing his sword down at Rusalka. >> Storm Shadow strikes Rusalka with Katana-strike. << Rusalka frowns, "Allright Ninja, you want to dance, I see." Screw it, bullets might hurt the ninja more, and she is better with the gun. Her Marakov comes up, and she blasts out a 9 MM bullet at Storm Shadow, really hoping for a knee Shot. >> Rusalka misses Storm Shadow with Marakov-9MM. << Interrogator tracks Storm Shadow with his gun, and when he gets an opening, he squeezes off a quick burst. "Come on.. get sloppy!" >> Interrogator strikes Storm Shadow with M16A1. << Storm Shadow is getting sloppy, his jump away from Rusalka caused him to get in Interrogator's line of fire, his body becoming even more riddle with bullets, now it really hurts to move. Ugh if they don't fall soon he'll fall himself. His breathing is getting quite heavy now, all this bullet dodging and bleeding is wearing him out. Should he try to finish off Rusalka or go after Interrogator? Meh finish off the Ruskie. He stands up straight and rushes her again, trying to deliver another kick. >> Storm Shadow strikes Rusalka with Super-kick. << Rusalka takes the kick, and dammit, it hurts. "You son of a bitch!" She brings her gun up, and this time, she is pissed! She aims for Storm Shadow's knee again, "Fall down!" >> Rusalka misses Storm Shadow with Marakov-9MM. << Interrogator is laughing and firing. Laughing and firing. He really doesn't even particularly care if he hits Rusalka or not. He's enjoying making Storm Shadow look like a joke too much. >> Interrogator misses Storm Shadow with M16A1. << Storm Shadow sheaths one of his swords again reaching for his other nunchuck. He doesn't fall down as Rusalka curses and fires at him, his legs are about the only thing not really shot to hell right now. He evades more of Interrogator's fire before trying to knock Rusalka out with his chuck! >> Storm Shadow strikes Rusalka with Nunchucks. << Rusalka is hit, but no where near out of this fight. She uses this opportunity to bring her knife into play. She thrusts it at Storm Shadow, again, going for a belly shot. >> Rusalka misses Storm Shadow with Knife. << Interrogator lowers his smoking M16, and grabs his .22 caliber off the ground. "I'll bring you back to Cobra Island, even if it's in a Pine Box!" >> Interrogator misses Storm Shadow with Pistol-22-Calbire. << Storm Shadow sucks his gut in as he jumps back from Rusalka's knife. Maybe he should just try to grab Snake-Eyes and run away into the wilderness of Easter Island and hide out while calling for back-up. He thinks that's what he'll do, he runs towards Snake-Eyes' body but not before trying to harm Interrogator with a powerful punch. >> Storm Shadow misses Interrogator with Super-punch. << Rusalka takes the opportunity of Storm Shadow running, to snatch her AK-47, and blast away with it at Storm Shadow's back. 3 rounds of 7.62 mm death stream towards Storm Shadow, all three tracer rounds, so better to watch them go into Storm Shadow's back... hopefully. >> Rusalka misses Storm Shadow with AK-47. << Interrogator ducks under Storm Shadow's punch, and swings his own fist up toward the Ninja's abdomen. "Not. so. fast!" >> Interrogator misses Storm Shadow with Punch. << Then, something goes *click* in the back of Interrogator's mind. "Night Creepers! Take Snake-Eyes and go!" Storm Shadow keeps on running trying to grab Snake-Eyes while retreating, there's no reason in dying here. Besides someone has to get the word out about what has happened, either with or without Snake-Eyes. Storm Shadow's STRENGTH roll succeeds. Almost immediately, the hired Ninjas are going after Snake-Eyes like a pack of rabid wolves, trying to grab him and haul him away. Rusalka sighs as Storm Shadow escapes both her and Interrogator, and the Night Creepers. She collapses to the ground, blood and pain filling her mind, adrenaline starting to fail her. She crawls over to retrieve the two Katanas she got from Snake-Eyes, and reaches for her radio, hoping it is not one of the things that stopped a bullet, a punch, a kick, a knife thrust, or a katana swipe. She pulls it close, and smiles, safe... She speaks into it. Interrogator brings up his pistol, and squeezes off a shot at the fleeing Storm Shadow. "NO!" >> Interrogator misses Storm Shadow with Pistol-22-calbire. << Storm Shadow keeps running with a slung Snake-Eyes over his shoulders, not this time Cobra. As he flees he looks for any possible areas that might be good to hide and lay low. Interrogator whirls, and glares at the Night Creeper in charge of the little group he hired out. "Son of a bitch! You're worthless! WORTHLESS!" He brings up his pistol, and in one smooth, even motion, parts the Night Creeper Commander from his brains. BLAM! Snake-Eyes is nothing more then blood-slick dead weight. If he were conscious, he'd be trying to tell Storm Shadow to go- to leave him. But as it is, he is lies limp as he's picked up. Rusalka looks at Interrogator, "Interrogator, we need to go..." She uses strips of her wetsuit, now in ribbons, to strap the kabanas to her back. She turns at the gunshot, and watches a Night Creeper fall to the ground. She brings up her AK-47, and points in the general direction of Interrogator, if he even *looks* like he might shoot her, she will shoot him... Dead if need be. Interrogator brings up his M16, and aims it at the hired swords. "Before anyone decides to get fresh with me for that, I remind you that that's one less way you have to divide your share of what I paid for your pathetic little strike-force." Storm Shadow with Snake-Eyes on his shoulders has stopped behind some cover, he's radioing G.I.Joe for help. He's not going to stay long behind this cover before trying to find a better place to remain hidden. Snake-Eyes moves his head very slightly as he's carried off, then just limpens completely. Nope, he’s just heavy baggage right now. Faced with the combination of increased profits and one very irate man with a machine gun, the Night Creepers back off a little. Hey. They're deadly mercenaries.. but they've got no interest in becoming part of a body-count statistic... Rusalka moves over towards Interrogator, "The Baroness has an extraction chopper, 3 miles east of here... Before that Ninja brings in Joe Reinforcements, we should clear the hell out." Interrogator glances at Rusalka. "This was personal business. I didn't tell the Baroness a damn thing about- Son of a bitch." He glares at the Ninjas. "You cheap sons-of-bitches ratted me out to the Baroness!" One of the Night Creepers shrugs. "She's got a previous contract." Rusalka sighs, "Forget them... Let's go before we have a Joe Strike Team on our hands." Interrogator takes in a deep breath. "Alright.. let's go. Damn it.. I almost had them both!" Rusalka says softly, "Yes, but you failed, didn't you? You underestimated Snake-Eyes' bond with Storm Shadow." She shrugs, "Look at the bright side, you can always blame the failure to get even one, on the Night Creepers." She waits for Interrogator to start to move East. She is not turning her back on a man that shot one of his operatives. Baroness idly finishes off her margarita, setting it aside, then leaving payment and a tip before starting to make her way back towards the Mamba. "Come on Jade. Ve had best retrieve our vould-be capture artists." Interrogator holsters his weapons, and trudges east. The expression on his face is inscrutable.. but the way he moves is not. He is beyond angry.. he is enraged! To have such a monumental glory in his clutches.. and to LOSE it due to the incompetence of hired goons... Storm Shadow puts Snake-Eyes down on the ground for a moment, quickly looking him over. Without any concern for his appearances he tears his gi into strips, he's gonna try to stop Snake-Eyes from bleeding to death. With what's left of his gi he bandages his own wounds and just waits for G.I. Joe to show up while keeping an eye and ear out for any Cobras. Rusalka moves along after Interrogator, watching the rear, in case that ninja decides on more... She keeps one eye on the back trail, and one eye on the 'boss' of this mission. Interrogator keeps walking, until he reaches the Cobra aircraft, where he stands, seething. It's an effect not altogether different from that of Cobra Commander, when he's enraged about something. Snake-Eyes bleeds right through the bandages, just staying very still. That was one nasty gut shot wound, let alone the other ones. He doesn't seem like he'll be waking up anytime soon. Baroness is waiting, presumably with Jade by the time the two battered Cobra agents arrive. She wordlessly offers Rusalka a first aid kit as she arrives. Rusalka smiles in thanks to the Baroness, and she moves slowly to the chopper, trusting in Baroness and Jade, somewhat foolishly, not to let the 'madman' take his anger out on her. She climbs into the Chopper, and starts to work on her bandage. Interrogator glares up at the Baroness, his anger threatening ominously to boil over in the direction of one of the many people it SHOULDN'T. Night Creepers are one thing. Flipping out on your CO is a whole new ball game. Fortunately, some of that Iron composure kicks in, and instead of haranging her, he snaps into a stiff salute. "Baroness." Rusalka climbs into the Chopper, ready and willing to get home, and get some of her cuts stitched up, not to mention the hole in her right hand. Tomahawk #5838 is a ways away yet but steadily headed towards the island proper visible on radar anyway. Baroness nods wordlessly. "You are uninjured?" She glances over as the radar on the Mamba begins beeping. ".....ve should get going. Ve have little time." Outside, Interrogator looks down at the cut in his side. "Nothing bothersome. I'll find a Medi-Viper back at Cobra Island." Outside, Baroness climbs into the pilot cockpit for the Mamba, starting up the engines. "Presumably they are going to retrieve their companions. Ve vill depart vhen they are on the ground and cannot pursue."