| - In addition to Kamen Rider, the toyline features figures from various franchises such as Super SentaiImage:Icon-crosswiki.png, Pretty Cure, Sailor Moon, Tiger and Bunny, Marvel Comics, DC Comics, Dragon Ball Z, Love Live!, Aikatsu!, and WWE. The line also has spin-offs such as S.H. MonsterArts which features Kaiju such as Godzilla, Ultra ActImage:Icon-crosswiki.png for Tsuburaya characters such as UltramanImage:Icon-crosswiki.png, and the discontinued line D-Arts based on video game characters such as Mega Man, Digimon, and Pokemon.
- S.H. Figuarts are a collection of figurines created by Bandai made as early as 2008. The figurines are well known for their posability, their detail and their infamous price tag. The line is divided up into four sections: S.H. Figuarts, the actual figurine line, focusing on shounen-type series such as Super Sentai, Kamen Rider, Dragonball Z, and Tiger & Bunny, though it also makes figures for franchises such as Pretty Cure and the movie Iron Man 2; Figuarts ZERO, statuette-like figurines focusing more on One Piece; Chibi-Arts Super Deformed figurines focusing more on Pretty Cure; and Monster Arts, figurines based on the Godzilla franchise, among others.
- In addition to Ultraman, the toyline features figures from various franchises such as Kamen Rider, Super Sentai, Pretty Cure, Sailor Moon, Tiger and Bunny, Marvel Comics, Dragon Ball Z.
- S.H. Figuarts (エス・エイチ・フィギュアーツ Esu Eichi Figyuātsu?) is a popular line of high quality collectable figures made by Bandai. The toyline debuted in 2008 and is targeted towards the adult fans of the Metal Hero series with its higher price and show-accurate detailing of the figurines. In addition to Kamen Rider, the toyline features figures from various franchises such as Super Sentai, Kamen Rider, Pretty Cure, Sailor Moon, Tiger and Bunny , Marvel Comics and Dragon Ball Z.
- The Super Sentai Figuarts line is known for releasing Red and Sixth Rangers. Other Rangers in the team are usually sold as Tamashii Web Exclusives. In 2013, Sentai Figuarts were starting to be released in two packs (Vul Shark/Vul Panther, Hurricane Blue/Hurricane Yellow, Bouken Black/Bouken Blue, Kyoryu Black/Kyoryu Pink, and Kyoryu Blue/Kyoryu Green)
| - In addition to Kamen Rider, the toyline features figures from various franchises such as Super SentaiImage:Icon-crosswiki.png, Pretty Cure, Sailor Moon, Tiger and Bunny, Marvel Comics, DC Comics, Dragon Ball Z, Love Live!, Aikatsu!, and WWE. The line also has spin-offs such as S.H. MonsterArts which features Kaiju such as Godzilla, Ultra ActImage:Icon-crosswiki.png for Tsuburaya characters such as UltramanImage:Icon-crosswiki.png, and the discontinued line D-Arts based on video game characters such as Mega Man, Digimon, and Pokemon.
- The Super Sentai Figuarts line is known for releasing Red and Sixth Rangers. Other Rangers in the team are usually sold as Tamashii Web Exclusives. In 2013, Sentai Figuarts were starting to be released in two packs (Vul Shark/Vul Panther, Hurricane Blue/Hurricane Yellow, Bouken Black/Bouken Blue, Kyoryu Black/Kyoryu Pink, and Kyoryu Blue/Kyoryu Green) In 2011, S.H Figuarts Shinken Red and Shinken Gold became the first to be sold in North American stores as part of Saban's Power Rangers Samurai initiative. In 2012, the figurines for Red Hawk and Black Condor became the first Figuarts to be released with English packaging. In 2013, the Figuarts for Tyranno Ranger and Dragon Ranger were first sold in America before Japan due to the celebration of the 20th anniversary of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. When Hikonin Sentai Akibaranger aired, Bandai of Japan sold exclusive accessories with the figures of DekaRed (Deka Wappa), Bouken Red (Bouken Scooper) and Red Hawk (Jet Winger), which could combine into the Ludicrous Cannon. For the second season, several figures were released with accessories to change them into their delusional forms: Ryuu Ranger (China Red), Kiba Ranger (AkibaWhite), TyrannoRanger (Red Powerful Ranger), DragonRanger (Green Powerful Ranger), Hurricane Red (Space Union Ninja), Kabuto Raiger (JakanRed) and Kuwaga Raiger (JakanBlue).
- S.H. Figuarts are a collection of figurines created by Bandai made as early as 2008. The figurines are well known for their posability, their detail and their infamous price tag. The line is divided up into four sections: S.H. Figuarts, the actual figurine line, focusing on shounen-type series such as Super Sentai, Kamen Rider, Dragonball Z, and Tiger & Bunny, though it also makes figures for franchises such as Pretty Cure and the movie Iron Man 2; Figuarts ZERO, statuette-like figurines focusing more on One Piece; Chibi-Arts Super Deformed figurines focusing more on Pretty Cure; and Monster Arts, figurines based on the Godzilla franchise, among others.
- In addition to Ultraman, the toyline features figures from various franchises such as Kamen Rider, Super Sentai, Pretty Cure, Sailor Moon, Tiger and Bunny, Marvel Comics, Dragon Ball Z.
- S.H. Figuarts (エス・エイチ・フィギュアーツ Esu Eichi Figyuātsu?) is a popular line of high quality collectable figures made by Bandai. The toyline debuted in 2008 and is targeted towards the adult fans of the Metal Hero series with its higher price and show-accurate detailing of the figurines. In addition to Kamen Rider, the toyline features figures from various franchises such as Super Sentai, Kamen Rider, Pretty Cure, Sailor Moon, Tiger and Bunny , Marvel Comics and Dragon Ball Z.