| - At least 2500 years before Zelda Tepes' time, Crepuscul was, according to legend, forged by Rafiscus, the Vampiric God of Blacksmiths, Craftsmen & Sculptors, at the behest of the Dracula, God of Night & Shadows, and King of the Vampiric Gods, so that one vampire would have the power to end the Vampire Clan Wars raging across Eurodon, and bring about a united Vampiric nation.
| - At least 2500 years before Zelda Tepes' time, Crepuscul was, according to legend, forged by Rafiscus, the Vampiric God of Blacksmiths, Craftsmen & Sculptors, at the behest of the Dracula, God of Night & Shadows, and King of the Vampiric Gods, so that one vampire would have the power to end the Vampire Clan Wars raging across Eurodon, and bring about a united Vampiric nation. One night while Dralhon Wallachia, then leader of the Wallachia clan, was sleeping in his camp, Rafiscus, sensing Dralhon's good heart, called to him in his dreams and led him to the Temple of Dracula, near the site of what would become the city of Wallachia. There Dralhon found Crepuscul stuck in a frustum-shaped pedestal. Several of his retainers, out of concern for their clan-leader's safety, tried to pull the sword out but none could. After his men had finished, Dralhon then pulled Crepuscul from the pedestal with ease, as if it wasn't stuck at all, discovering that only he was chosen to pull the sword from it's resting place. Dracula himself then mentally conversed with Dralhon, and the young clan-leader then understood what he needed to do; unite the vampiric clans under one banner. With the sword in hand, Dralhon defeated the warlords that plagued the Vampiric homelands of Eurodon, uniting them under what became the Wallachian Empire, with the newly-founded City of Wallachia as the capital. He also used the blade to do in all the evils that were manipulating the wars from behind the scenes. Near his final days, Dralhon returned Crepuscul to it's pedestal in the Temple of Dracula to await when the next worthy one plucked it from it's resting place. Over the ensuing centuries many rulers and warriors tried to remove the sword from the pedestal, but none were able. Approximately 2500 years later, (during which twelve different vampiric dynasties ruled Wallachia, and the successor kingdom Transylvania) near the end of the year 2541, Zelda Tepes made a brief return to Transylvania from the Great Northern Aquilonis War. Zelda had been filled with doubts about her worthiness of the crown and throne, and so was brought to the sword to prove to her she deserved her title. While Zelda was hesitant, she relented and, to her astonishment, pulled Crepuscul from it's pedestal, proving to her that she deserved to be queen. The sword has been in Zelda's possession ever since.