| - The sun beamed down between the trees, spots of light dotting the forest floor as it pierced through the canopy. The small strange insects the covered the bark and dirt of the forest squirmed for space between each other, a low lying near-mystic fog lingered on the forest floor. The luscious deep green flora and fauna coated the hunks of the trees, it was serene, unreal like anything else in the galaxy. Through the holes in the canopies one could make out the two moons looming over the lit blue sky, even in broad daylight. He trotted through, stopping for a moment to breath in the lovely forest air, peering around the human was. His dark hair hanging loosely around his face, just above his blue eyes, a small scare marked the right side of his cheek. He was dressed in loose hanging old-age clothing, his jeans somewhat hugging outline of his legs. “Quentis!” a girls voice barked out behind him, it was light, and soft. From the shrubbery behind emerged a Quarian, one of the few across the galaxy that had a standard immune system. She approached, her pale blue skin glistening in between the rays of light, as her long near white hair flowed over her hoodie. In her hand was a single piece of machinery, a small piece of a turbine she held up to the human, “Think this could go for anything?” He looked smug, thinking for a moment, “Nawh no way.” He turned back looking out into the forest ahead of him, pieces of ships and speeders decorated the forest, one of the many former racing grounds for the people of Harbor. “That’s just some old Halcyon-Decker scrap metal, good for nothing.” The Quarian looked down at the piece and shrugged, tossing it aside and resuming her search of the scrap. Quentis looked back to her, “Hey Ayala.” “Yes?” He thought once again to himself, “Do you ever get tired of this?” She stopped and faced him, quite for a moment before nodding, “Of course Quentis, but this Harbor, we have to get by how ever we can…” Quentis knew she was right and he looked up to the sky, thinking again but it was cut short. The sound a roaring engine disrupted his thought process as between the openings in the canopy he could see something. A shuttle, blazed across the sky, heading east and losing air. “Interesssting” he muttered. “What was that?!” Ayala asked as she stumbled up behind him. “Not sure.” He smirked, she knew what he was thinking, “But that’s fresh material, I say we go find where that ship crashed and take what we can off those unfortunate souls.” The two headed in the direction of the ship, fiercely dashing through the next mile or so of green before reaching a rare opening in the forest. There Quentis stepped out, perching on rock only to be slightly shocked by what he found, the ship hadn’t crashed at all, it landed, and outside was a group of four, bickering it sounded like. There was a Krogan, who seemed annoyed but was holding back as an Asari seemed to scold him, several feet away was a human, he appeared to be trying resolve the argument. And by his lonesome was a Turian, he seemed to be drifting off, slumped sitting on the boarding ramp to the shuttle. The Krogan finally broke his silence, “Oh gimme a break Iyra!” he rolled his eyes, “I’m telling you landing in Kara’Shan, let alone any city on Harbor would have just drawn too much attention.” Iyra argued back, “You don’t know that Mourin, you don’t just take us out of orbit and drop us right down at break-neck speeds and land us in some Goddess-Forsaken forest!” “Uh, whatever, it’s some nice fresh air at the very least!” He started smacking the back of his head on the side of the shuttle. “This isn’t the kind of place where you could just land in a city and no one will notice, trust me! Besides, we could all use a refreshing walk.” Iyra was fuming, it almost seem like a little red tint was raising through those blue cheeks of hers, so the human interrupted, “Guys c’mon! We’re already here, so we gotta make do.” He looked towards Mourin, “Mourin, you gotta come to us before just making a decision mate.” He then turned his attention to the Asari, “But Iyra, it doesn’t solve anything to argue about it, we all just gotta keep our cool and figure out what to do next.” The two seemed to calm down and Iyra nodded, “Thank Taylor, so, what’s the plan then fellas?” Mourin sighed, “We head to Kara’Shan.” “Great!” Taylor exclaimed with a bright smile, “Where’s that?” Mourin muttered, slightly bracing for the verbal assault he knew was coming, “I don’t know…” Iyra’s eyebrows arched down as her face lit up again, “Mourin! How could yo-“ The Turian interrupted them with a simple two words, “Hey look…” he said softly as he pointed to the rocks reaching out from the woods, Quentis propped up behind him. Quentis dropped his hand from above his eyes realizing he had been caught, “Oh.” He yelled, “Uh, don’t mind me…” “Who are they?!” Ayal asked as she peeked out from behind the human. He pressed his fingers to his lips, “Shhh!” Taylor waved the young human down, “Hey! You two…come down here. Please.” Taken aback by the strange politeness of the stranger Quentis couldn’t help but make a joke, “Wow.” He muttered to Ayala, his hand covering the opposite side of his mouth, “What a prick.” She gave him a light shove, “Shut it! They don’t look like they wanna harm us or anything.” Quentis gave it some more thought, but Taylor beckoned them again. “C’mon! Come down we won’t hurt you or nothing we just needed get some directions!” “Okay okay! Gimme a second!” Quentis shouted back before turning and whispering to Ayala, “Here, take this, if they get ancy shoot em’ up!” he placed his pistol in her hand, but she simply sighed and pushed it back to him. “What eveeerrr”. The two slipped down the slope and approached the group. “Welcome to my neck of the woods!” Quentis stated in a cocky manner, “Ya’ll folks lost your way.” “For lack of a better term yes.” Iyra stated. “Where’s Kara’Shan? Well how do we get there exactly?” Taylor then added. Quentis pretended to think, already knowing exactly how to get there, “Well, it’s about, mmmm, 20 clicks out, further south of here, you’ll start hitting civilization in less than that. Nothing good comes from there folks.” He paused for a second, “Well except me and my companion.” He thought about the meaning of the word companion and backtracked, “Not like that people!” Ayala seemed slightly annoyed with him. Taylor shrugged, “Um okay, well thanks, we’ll head there now.” “Let’s go guys.” Iyra declared, grabbing a single bag from inside the ship and heading south, Taylor following behind her. The Krogan rose up and trotted passed the two, and with a smirk made a remark to Quentis and Ayala, “You play nice now you here.” “Sykes!” Taylor shouted back, “let’s go man hustle up!” he ordered, as the Turian rose to his feet, emotionless face and headed in the others direction. Silently confused as to what just happned really, Quentis stared at the group, mouth open for several second as he yelled one question for them, “Hey! What about your ship!?” “It’s garbage!” Taylor yelled out, now dozens of feet away at the forest border. Quentis smiled, “Heck yeah!” he looked back to Ayala, “Let’s get to strippin’ this bitch!” As the four entered the forest Taylor couldn’t help but speak about what just happened, “Well that was awkward, let’s never do that again.” “Yeah Mourin, let’s not.” Iyra dded still angry and delivering a stare at the Krogan. The two dove back into another argument as they stomped through the woods. Taylor took the time to fall back to his Sykes, noticing how different he was being. “Hey man. How you feeling bud?” “Hmm?” Sykes asked, “I’m okay, just tired.” He knew he was lying, and pushed harder, “Sykes, I understand what’s going on man, your mom, Omega, Jaxon man I mean-“ Sykes interrupted him at that point, “I’m good man.” Taylor stopped in his tracks for a moment and watched his friend continue forward. He sighed, shrugged, and hustled forward to the front to join the argument between Iyra and Mourin. “Ya’ll wait up! I wanna banter with ya!” Far ahead and stretching above the sea of trees was a city, dull in comparison to the surrounding area, but nevertheless it stood out like a sore thumb.