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- Tainted are a special group of creatures in Xenoblade Chronicles X. There are three types of tainted enemies, all found in Noctilum, primarily in Dead Man's Gulch. In the Enemy Index, these enemies are not considered to be in the same category as other variants of their families.
- A coffee with a slightly defective flavor.
- Tainted is the twenty-second and penultimate episode of The Young Knight season 2.
- Strong demons — the heroes of their kind — can corrupt individuals, tribes, or even whole species. The victims must drink of the demon’s blood. This act begins a transformation, taking anywhere from years to generations to millennia, that converts the creatures and their descendants into demons. Those who have begun but not completed this process are tainted creatures. Tainted creatures typically serve the Burning Legion in one fashion or another. Tribes, nations, and species that accept a demon's pact become tools. Individuals worthy of personal recruitment often become the lieutenants to powerful demons, experience compensating for their innate inferiority. Tainted creatures have a demonic awareness of the physical world, giving it blindsight out to sixty feet. In addition, tainted creat
- Tainted are large-headed, reptilian, malformed demons that gain their strength and resilience from the natural element of lightning. While slow of foot, these beasts deliver a palpable hit when engaged at close range and can absorb a fair amount of damage. Tainted are perhaps an even greater threat when wounded, however, as this is when they retreat and direct orbs of lightning at their enemies. Able to breathe electricity, Tainted are not creations of the Prime Evils, though stronger Tainted are more affected by their influences.
- During quests or the campaign in either of those expansion, the heroes use a new type of card: Tainted cards. Tainted cards represent the corruption that afflicts the heroes as they linger in the Mistlands. At the start of each quest, the overlord shuffles the Tainted cards together and deals 1 card to each hero, placing it facedown near each hero’s Hero sheet. No player should know which card has been dealt to any hero. The overlord places the remaining cards aside. While a hero has a Tainted card in his play area, apply +2 to that hero’s Health. When a hero with a facedown Tainted card is defeated, he flips that card faceup. That hero is then affected by that card until the end of the quest or a game effect flips it facedown again.
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| - FFG Forum user Charmy
- FFG Forum user Zaltyre
| - While you can house rule as you like, it is important to not that tainted cards are not intended to be used outside of Mists of Bilehall. Using them in Nerekhall is not intended because the quests are not designed to end if all heroes are KO.
- A tainted hero cannot stand themselves up, as by definition this would be recovering hearts from a tainted source. Keep in mind that there IS an exception for heroic feats, so a character like Orkell the Swift is able to revive himself with his feat, and a tainted Avric Albright would be able to revive knocked out heroes through the use of his heroic healing feat.
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| - Speak with standing next to at the entrance of the .
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| - Can a tainted hero stand himself up?
- I looked around and couldn't find an answer, but my group and I have been discussing the repercussions of the new taint cards from Mists of Bilehall. The first thing I thought when I read them was that I'd like to start using them with our current Nerekhall campaign because they seem to give back some power to the overlord because power creep has really been favoring heroes over the various expansions. My friend thinks they are too strong though because of how he reads the effect. Which leads me to my question:
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