| - Aside from the common, uncommon, rare and epic variants, some equipment also has overcharged (abbreviated OC) versions. They are more powerful epics with higher base stats, such as damage, healing or deployable health, and specific modifiers. For example, an OC weapon will always have [ddd] modifiers, while OC healing equipment will always have [hhh]. Below is the list of all OC items available in game as of patch 1.4.
| - Aside from the common, uncommon, rare and epic variants, some equipment also has overcharged (abbreviated OC) versions. They are more powerful epics with higher base stats, such as damage, healing or deployable health, and specific modifiers. For example, an OC weapon will always have [ddd] modifiers, while OC healing equipment will always have [hhh]. Because of their increased effectiveness, those items also cost more mercenary tokens compared to their normal version. It's up to the player whether or not they want to save for the more expensive weapons or buy the normal ones as a stop-gap, nevertheless, generally a character equipped with all the available OC versions of their weapons will prove more efficient than one who isn't. Exception to that is some AOE off-hands, such as some grenades and bombs: since the OC versions don't offer the AOE radius modifiers (x), some people don't take the OC versions because they prefer larger radius over damage. This can also apply to some weapons, i.e., the Tremor Launcher. Note that not all equipment has an OC version. Below is the list of all OC items available in game as of patch 1.4.