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(Luke) Refrain of Anshalar was serving as more than the lead ship for Forward Auresh Group. It was also serving as the command ship for the entire operation, with Reprisal lined up as a reserve command ship should Anshalar fall. The Shock Groups have most likely already reached their rendezvous points far away from Cochran, and are now awaiting a signal from the Refrain on when to jump in. Five minutes until the proximity alert goes off. Aboard the Refrain of Anshalar, Luke stands quietly at the command console, his eyes gently perusing the bridge crew and invited guests. Below decks, three squadrons of starfighters are geared up and waiting to deploy, along with a handful of marine shuttles fully loaded and ready to commence operations. He can sense them all... the general em

  • RPlog:Showdown at Cochran
  • (Luke) Refrain of Anshalar was serving as more than the lead ship for Forward Auresh Group. It was also serving as the command ship for the entire operation, with Reprisal lined up as a reserve command ship should Anshalar fall. The Shock Groups have most likely already reached their rendezvous points far away from Cochran, and are now awaiting a signal from the Refrain on when to jump in. Five minutes until the proximity alert goes off. Aboard the Refrain of Anshalar, Luke stands quietly at the command console, his eyes gently perusing the bridge crew and invited guests. Below decks, three squadrons of starfighters are geared up and waiting to deploy, along with a handful of marine shuttles fully loaded and ready to commence operations. He can sense them all... the general em
  • --04-19
  • Showdown at Cochran
  • The New Republic Second Fleet, under the command of Luke Skywalker, attacks the New Sith Order at Cochran.
  • Cochran space
  • (Luke) Refrain of Anshalar was serving as more than the lead ship for Forward Auresh Group. It was also serving as the command ship for the entire operation, with Reprisal lined up as a reserve command ship should Anshalar fall. The Shock Groups have most likely already reached their rendezvous points far away from Cochran, and are now awaiting a signal from the Refrain on when to jump in. Five minutes until the proximity alert goes off. Aboard the Refrain of Anshalar, Luke stands quietly at the command console, his eyes gently perusing the bridge crew and invited guests. Below decks, three squadrons of starfighters are geared up and waiting to deploy, along with a handful of marine shuttles fully loaded and ready to commence operations. He can sense them all... the general emotions ranging from fear to anger and anticipation. Gently, he stretches out with the Force, beckoning it to fill the vessel with a sense of purpose and peace. (Dareus) Cochran. Life once flourished and space traffic was heavy with people and goods moving back and forth to a civilization that had been sent into history and to new worlds. Warmth and hope were quickly and succinctly abandoned for darkness and oblivion. The sun remains strong and bright though it no longer feeds hope and enjoyment on the world; instead it has changed its' purpose to cast shadows along the sector from the smallest debris in the asteroid field, to the planet itself. People had been murdered in senseless violence, or left in a choice that could only be called abandoning hope- which the force now felt and bent the system to it's own living will. The Dark Side consumes the memories that survive in rock and space; in turn filling it with its' own existence, as other worlds have done for millennia. The shadow extends over even those who wield it's awesome power, allowing them to hide within themselves, and this very day, it was no different. Ghosts of the past now linger along the surface of the world and through the belt of asteroids which now stream like a river of stone just past the planet; some lingering, others are new arrivals. Each one was still a strong presence, vivid and all seeing- for those who they had come to guide, and those they had come to watch. Not surprisingly, anyone who enters the system sees a common scan around here. Nothing. Emptiness and void; unless they have the will to see what remains in the echoes of history. (Luke) Suddenly, a flash of motion indicates the arrival of fresh vessels from hyperspace. The bulbous, antiquated mass that zooms into being first is that of the Jedi cruiser, Refrain of Anshalar. A large ship who's capability far outweighs its outward appearance. Three other craft appear behind it, those being the Corvette Audacity, and two Assault Frigates named Portrane and Solidarity. A dozen X-Wing starfighters also emerge amidst the ships, forming into an escort vector as soon as the entire group has reverted to realspace; the starfighters of Ghost Squadron. The Refrain of Anshalar, taking up a lead position, pivots just slightly so that Cochran is in the bridge's forward view. General Skywalker stands at the command chair, leaning forward ever so slightly as he takes in the sight before them, and feels a shiver run down his spine at the overwhelming vacuum created by the dark side. He narrows his eyes slightly, then presses a button that opens a channel to the ships escorting his cruiser. "Forward Auresh, this is Auresh One. Form Escort Pattern Besh." He then nods toward the sensor officer, indicating his desire to commence scanning. "Where are you," he whispers. (Kyrin) From her cockpit in Ghost One, Major Kyrin Sh'vani double-checks that all of her ships are in formation and following orders. "Krayt, Ghost Lead, we are on station." A simple report for the early times. None of the X-Wings have their S-foils locked in attack position just yet. For just a few seconds, Kyrin murmurs a brief thanks to the crew chief that keeps Ghost One in top status, remembering a rackety old Z-95 she recently flew. "All Ghosts report in," she orders tersely because that's what they do when they come in from hyperspace. Kesander's flight reports in neatly with their call signs, and then her own, and then Kyrin waits patiently for the third flight to announce their presence. (Rebecca) As soon as Rebecca's ship enters realspace she slips two switches in her cockpit, one activates her shields, the other splits her fighter's Strike Foils, putting them into the X shape that gives the fighter it's name. Responding to Ghost leads check in call she says. "Ghost 9, standing by." Followed by Ghosts 10, 11 and 12, then she switches to the flight frequency. "Ok, 3rd Flight. You heard the General during briefing so you know your orders, but don't fire until you're fired upon or Mr. Murphy arrives and makes our lives hell." 3 tsks come back to her over the frequency. (Dareus) Deep inside the asteroid belt near the far edge of the system lays the truth of this place- the Star Destroyer Predator, along with her Nebulon-B frigates Emperors' Destiny and Intimidator were all waiting. Their distance doesn't afford them a direct sensor scan that would warn them of the arrival of the Republic- however the sensor probes lain throughout the minefield make it quite clear. On her bridge, black uniformed officers continue their busy preparations and duties which would make the decision to run or fight possible; though the decision would ultimately lay in the hands of the cloaked figure at the end of the command walkway. Dareus stands tall, his eyes staring out of the viewports into the rocks that float past with a dedicated precision, among other senses. A smile crosses his lips when his XO calmly states, "New Republic fleet has just entered the system on the other side of the asteroid belt." The Sith turns, accepting a datapad with the readout of ships "Excellent. Commander, have all pilots report to the fighter bay and issue orders to their CO's to standby on Alert-1. Set course 312 mark 9 and take us out." The massive wedge of the ship pulls from the asteroid belt on a course towards the newly arrived fleet, each of her frigates flanking the sides, although no fighters have been launched just yet. It wasn't clear on the ship just yet if they were turning to run or fight, the dark side that swarms the system and planet spills into the bridge and around the lone figure. Dareus turns to his crew with a nod and cold tone "Signal the battle group Captains. We're staying to fight." (Luke) General Skywalker can definitely sense the presence of his enemies, but the cloud of death that lingers over Cochran hides their location from him at first. But then, the Predator emerges, and the sensors across the Republic's four fleet ships light up. "There they are," Luke says quietly. "Open a hailing frequency." He waits for the comm officer to connect the frequency, while the Refrain of Anshalar's three escort craft begin powering up their shields and charging their capital-scale weapons. "Captain Dareus," says Luke, his voice authoritative, carrying on the hailing frequency for all to hear. "This is General Skywalker aboard the Refrain of Anshalar. Stand down and prepare to be boarded." As soon as he's finished stating his demands, the tactical officers board all four vessels begin relaying orders that prepare their crews for battle. (Kyrin) "All Ghosts, lock S-Foils in attack position, but await your orders," Kyrin states, reminding them of their instructions from the Jedi earlier in the day. "We have a specific task here." She keeps Ghost One on line with the original flight plan created that morning, not wavering from it in the slightest. From Ghost 7, her XO acknowledges the order and offers his own brand of Corellian response, one that would not bode well for the status of any Ghost who ignored orders this time around. Something about how getting busted and having to work in a droid repair facility would be considered heaven compared to what he'd do to them. (Rebecca) Rebecca maintains formation and tsks her com in affirmative as Ghosts 10 through 12 flip their switches and their S-Foils split into attack formation. They also send their own affirmative confirmations to Ghost Lead. (Dareus) None of the ships which were en route to the unwelcome guests have fired yet, although every one of them were preparing internally- systems checks and shields were raising along with additional power being drawn to their weapons arrays. Still at the forefront and watching the group that was growing closer in the view; Dareus remains locked in his gaze while senses stretch out along the blackness that separates the units. "Continue preparations for combat but hold all fire." A grin crosses the man's face while the Jedi's voice comes over the comm system. "Open a channel." A small click is heard just before Dareus starts to stroll down the command walkway to a tactical station where his senior officers are "I think you've had enough of a tour of my ship, General." The rank comes out with definite malice, but he remains calm and cold "However I will give you the chance to lower your shields and surrender. In either event, your Senate will need to requisition new ships for your fleet. I can guarantee you that not one of your crew will set foot on a Sith ship unless they are in shackles." There were concerns with the X-Wings that were easily seen preparing to attack, though they haven't done more than a simple show of force. Still with the open channel, he grins softly, "Commander, launch squadrons and assume a defensive perimeter around the battle group." The pilots had been waiting for this, it would seem, streams of Interceptors, dark in color- a contrast to their Imperial Navy cousins leave the Predator and pull just slightly ahead of the flagship. (Luke) It's not often that the New Republic will be the first to strike. Luke Skywalker is not about to change that record. However, he's not against showing that he means business. He pushes a button that mutes the hailing frequency, and dispatches an order to one of his bridge crew. Seconds later, more starfighters begin to pour out from the belly of the Refrain of Anshalar. First the A-wings of Falcon Squadron, then the X-wings of Krakana Squadron, and finally, a mixture of Y-Wings and B-Wings that make up Dagger Squadron. The entire mass of starfighters fall beneath the Anshalar and begin forming up on each other's wings - A-wings and X-wings moving to escort their heavier sisters. Luke un-mutes the hailing channel. "We will not surrender, Captain. Your presence at this place is a disgrace to the departed, and the Republic will not stand for it." He mutes the channel again, and turns to his tactical officer. "Commence Stage One." The two Assault Frigates break off slightly, turning their port and starboard sides respectively, and unleash a barrage of warning shots toward the Sith fleet. Just outside range, the shots splash harmlessly against the Predator's shields, not even powerful enough at this range to tickle the generators. (Kyrin) Ghost Leader takes the opportunity to talk to the leads of the other starfighter squadrons really quick, reaffirming who's got which portion of the playing field according to their orders and acknowledging that the Predator's launching fighters. "We see them, Krayt," Kyrin states to the Audacity's communications officer on behalf of the starfighters. Switching frequencies, she fills in her people. "We have company. Still hold course to our orders. The others will take lead on those fighters." (Rebecca) Rebecca tsks her comm in affirmative and is followed almost immediately by the rest of her flight. (Dareus) The channel remained quite open on board the Predator, the Captain listening intently as he was scrolling the tactical readouts as the new fighters were launched. Hitting a key, it is muted for a brief moment, "Prepare to activate the minefield but only on my orders. Too soon and they'll just run off like they always do." Releasing his finger, the Sith's voice carries back towards the Republic fleet and he simply shakes his head while speaking and moving towards the viewports again, a small flash of light only gets acknowledgement by him raising his eyebrow to it. "The Republic doesn't know what it stands for anymore, aside from falling back and allowing people to starve without any government. However, you should know by now that you're the outsider in this place; and we're the ones who are welcome to it." He looks down to another bridge officer in one of the pits below his feet and gives him a simple nod; the port turbolasers of the Predator release a barrage of green towards the asteroid belt, quickly annihilating the rocks and sending their shrapnel towards their guests. "I can play this game as long as you want, Skywalker. Unlike you, I embrace this place, not weep about those who died here. Things change across this galaxy, and you'll find I don't make the same mistakes that my predecessors did." A simple movement of his hand kills the transmission between them again, "Move the Emperors' Destiny and Intimidator into attack position; formation Bravo 1-9" The escorts break off from their close watch of the command ship, spreading the fleet out like a bird who was preparing to take off at it's food, though they still don't advance just yet. Another nod and the channel opens, "I'll give you one final time to have you surrender; which will let your people live. You on the other hand, belong to my Master and his own." (Luke) After the first sentence from Dareus comes over the hailing frequencies, Luke begins to ignore it. Instead, he mutes the hailing channel and opens up the command channel. "All units. Switch off your hailing channels. We won't listen to his vile, twisted lies." The order is passed to the three escort vessels, and summarily toward the starfighter Squadron leaders. Within seconds, every vessel has muted the hailing frequency, save for the Refrain of Anshalar and any rogue starfighter pilots who feel that obeying orders isn't for them. Their flight records will get them in trouble later. Skywalker is not about to let Dareus's twisted tongue dishearten his warriors... the order will boost their collective morale. Luke leans forward over his command console, watching as the Sith fleet spreads out to greet them. "Dareus, this conversation is over." He finally disengages the Refrain of Anshalar's hailing channel, and moves away from his command console. He trusts in his tactical officer to belay his orders now. "Defensive strikes on incoming shrapnel. Portrane and Solidarity are to engage the Nebulons, with a flight each from Dagger Group. Audacity is to take dorsal position on Anshalar, and target the Predator's shield generators. Third Dagger Group Flight is with us." He motions his hand forward. "Attack." Dagger Group, being the trio-formations of X-Wings, A-Wings and bombers, split apart to form escort on the Frigates. Audacity moves toward the Anshalar's dorsal side, and the capital ships begin firing minimal shots to take out any large pieces of shrapnel. "Ghost Squadron," says Luke. "Engage enemy fighters." (Kyrin) Once the order is passed along from Audacity, Ghost Squadron is also advised to shut off the hailing channel. "Good," Kyrin murmurs to herself, well versed at how stupid her pilots get when taunted by the Imperials. "As ordered, General," she replies to Luke on their internal frequency before switching back. "Ghosts, we have our orders. Engage enemy fighters, weapons hot, accelerate to attack speed." And Ghost One is the first one to lead into the fray. (Rebecca) Rebecca switches over to her flight frequency. "You heard the boss, let's get too it." As the acknowledgements come in she throttles forward with Ghost 10 on her wing. "Pair off but stay close to each other for cover." Another round of acknowledgements tsk in her ear. Rebecca switches over to torpedoes until the range gets closer for her lasers and settles the brackets over an incoming Interceptor and it pulses yellow slowly as the targeting computer tries to get a lock.
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