| - Francine Smith ist um die 40 und Stan Smiths Frau, die ein durchroutiniertes Hausfrauenleben führt, aus welchem sie manchmal gerne flüchten würde. Sie ist dauerhaft (auf Wunsch von Stan) mit zwei Macheten bewaffnet, damit sie die Familie verteidigen kann, falls Stan etwas zustößt. Sie versucht, der gute Geist der Familie zu sein, und die Spannungen, die ihr Mann Stan verursacht (in der Familie oder in der Nachbarschaft), etwas zu dämpfen, was sie oft in peinliche Situationen bringt. Kategorie:American Dad
- thumb|240px|right|Francine Francine Smith ist die Ehefrau von Stan Smith. Sie hat 2 Kinder, Hayle und Steve wobei man bei Hayle nicht weis ob Stan der leibliche Vater ist. Damit sie für Stan attraktiv bleibt, macht sie jeden Tag ein hartes Training. Sie hat einen heimlichen Verehrer, Klaus, den häuslichen Goldfisch, dessen Gehirn eigentlich das eines Menschen ist.
- Francine "Frannie" Smith (née Ling; formerly Dawson) is the deuteragonist of American Dad!. She is the wife of Stan Smith and the mother of both Hayley and Steve Smith. She is voiced by Wendy Schaal. Despite being genuinely good, she has a villainous side of her personality. Much like Lois Griffin, she becomes a neglectful parent as the series progresses.
- Francine Smith (née Ling; previously Dawson) is one of the main characters on the animated series American Dad. She appears in the Season 25 couch gag premiere along with her family in the episode "Homerland".
- Francine Smith (nee Lee) is a character from American Dad!.
- Francine Smith (née Ling; formerly Dawson) is the wife of Stan Smith and the mother of Hayley Smith and Steve Smith. Francine was born to Nicholas and Cassandra Dawson. When Francine was a young toddler in "Big Trouble in Little Langley", her parents gave her up to be in first class on a plane. Not much is known about Francine's younger years; however, she was brought up in an orphanage where she was taught that left-handers were the Devil in "Office Spaceman", and was hit with a piece of beef or a mackerel on Fridays whenever she used her left hand. At the age of 7, she was adopted and raised by a Chinese couple, Ma Ma and Bah Bah Ling. Her maiden name is Ling. Through her adopted Chinese parents, Francine has a sister, Gwen, who Stan thinks is "totally hot" and mentions it whenever her s
- Francine Smith (née Ling; formerly Dawson) is the wife of Stan Smith, the mother of Hayley Smith and Steve Smith and the deuteragonist from TV Series "American Dad!". Francine was born to Nicholas and Cassandra Dawson. When Francine was a young toddler in "Big Trouble in Little Langley", her parents gave her up to be in first class on a plane. Not much is known about Francine's younger years; however, she was brought up in an orphanage where she was taught that left-handers were the Devil in "Office Spaceman", and was hit with a piece of beef or a mackerel on Fridays whenever she used her left hand. At the age of 7, she was adopted and raised by a Chinese couple, Ma Ma and Bah Bah Ling. Her maiden name is Ling. Through her adopted Chinese parents, Francine has a sister, Gwen, who Stan thin
- She was scheduled to appear in "April in Quahog". However, Family Guy director Greg Colton revealed [1] the scenes really were intended for broadcast and were dropped for time. Francine had a non-speaking cameo appearance in "Foreign Affairs". Francine is voiced by Wendy Schaal.