Draculaura debuted in the cartoon series in the Volume 1 webisode "Jaundice Brothers", which premiered on May 5, 2010. She is voiced by Debi Derryberry, and Debi under alias Dee Dee Green in the English version of the cartoon.
Draculaura debuted in the cartoon series in the Volume 1 webisode "Jaundice Brothers", which premiered on May 5, 2010. She is voiced by Debi Derryberry, and Debi under alias Dee Dee Green in the English version of the cartoon.
Draculaura debuted in the cartoon series in the Volume 1 webisode "Jaundice Brothers", which premiered on May 5, 2010. She is voiced by Debi Derryberry, and Debi under alias Dee Dee Green in the English version of the cartoon.