| - Ludlo Lebauer was a Jenet casino owner on Pavo Prime with a brusque demeanor, a flair for the ostentatious, and an appreciation for fine art, beautiful women, and luxurious living. From a wealthy clan that owned both casinos and an underground criminal syndicate known as the Invisible Shell, Lebauer rose through the ranks but could never shake the dominance of his uncle and wanted bacta counterfeiter, Lorimar Lebauer.
| - Ludlo Lebauer was a Jenet casino owner on Pavo Prime with a brusque demeanor, a flair for the ostentatious, and an appreciation for fine art, beautiful women, and luxurious living. From a wealthy clan that owned both casinos and an underground criminal syndicate known as the Invisible Shell, Lebauer rose through the ranks but could never shake the dominance of his uncle and wanted bacta counterfeiter, Lorimar Lebauer. As the Shell and Ludlo Lebauer secretly competed to obtain battlefield salvage rights from the New Republic, the nephew tipped off Thyferran authorities and had his uncle arrested. Ludlo Lebauer was dutifully appointed head of the Shell's board, but the other members refused to grant him more than nominal control. Meanwhile, the organization became enmeshed in a scheme by which they traded priceless works of art for Imperial intelligence. Lebauer wanted to cut out the middlebeings, a trio of Squibs, but they refused to out their contacts. He froze one of them in carbonite to teach them a lesson. The Squibs would prove his undoing, however. When Lebauer invited Leia Organa Solo and Han Solo to Pavo Prime to make an offer for some Alderaanian boasa statues he had obtained, the Jenet expected to come out of the deal with a salvage contract. Instead, he found himself the patsy in the Squibs' scheme to free their frozen comrade. When the Solos revealed that they knew of his treachery toward his uncle, Lebauer was forced to give up not only boasas but also his favorite Squib work of carbonite "art", which he had dubbed the Second Mistake.