| - David Reyes é o pai de Hurley e marido de Carmen Reyes. David largou Hurley durante 17 anos com sua mãe, avô e irmão. David voltou para ficar com o dinheiro de Hurley, mas depois de um tempo o ajudou. David, após o resgate do Oceanic 6, ele ajuda Hurley a tomar suas decisões.
- David Reyes is Hurley's father, and husband of Carmen Reyes.
- Trzy lata po powrocie syna pomaga mu ukrywać się przed policją gdy ten zostaje oskarżony o morderstwo. Później odwozi nieprzytomnego Sayida do Jacka aby ten mu pomógł.
- File:第3季 第4季 第5季(icon).png|center|655px rect 15 37 615 634 第1季 rect 630 37 1230 635 第2季 rect 1247 35 1847 633 第3季 rect 1861 36 2461 634 第4季 rect 2481 34 3081 633 第5季 rect 3092 38 3692 637 第6季 rect 3711 35 4311 634 手機短劇 desc none David Reyes是Lost的次要角色,由Cheech Marin飾演,並只在第3季、第4季,與及第5季中出現。
- David Reyes ist Hurleys Vater und der Ehemann von Carmen Reyes.
- David Reyes est le père de Hurley et le mari de Carmen Reyes.
- David Reyes è il padre di Hurley e il marito di Carmen Reyes. Quando Hurley era piccolo, i due avevano iniziato ad aggiustare la Camaro del padre, con lo scopo di andare al Gran Canyon, una volta finita. Ma prima di riuscire a fare qualsiasi cosa con il figlio, David lasciò la famiglia per 17 anni e tornò solo dopo che Hurley vinse la lotteria.
- David was the husband of Carmen Reyes and the father of Hugo and Diego. When Hurley was young, the two of them worked on a Camaro together. What they needed to get the car running was a new carburetor, however; David insisted that Hugo attempted to start the engine, when it failed, David stated that they needed to have hope and that you can make your own luck. David explained to Hurley that he had work that he needed to conduct in Vegas and that he would be back to fix the car so that the two of them could take their road trip to the Grand Canyon together.
- David tenía la misión de convencer a Hurley de que los números no estaban malditos y de que no debía ir a Australia. Llevó a Hurley a una adivina, a quien David había pagado para que "deshiciera" la maldición. A pesar de todos sus esfuerzos, David no tuvo éxito, y Hurley viajó a Australia. ("[[|]]") Hurley le dijo a Charlie que aprendió a pescar con su "viejo" en Santa Monica. No está claro cuando pasaron tiempo pescando.