CPU stands for Central Processing Unit, also known as the "processor." This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
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| - CPU stands for Central Processing Unit, also known as the "processor." This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- CPU, which means controlled by NPC. A self artifical controlled system. You play this when your playing by yourself.
- The CPU or Central Processing Unit is the core of all computer systems in a ship and control all the powered modules. Each ship has a limited amount of CPU power that can be given to fitted modules. If a pilot adds too many powered modules to his ship, some of them will not be active. A pilot can view the total amount of CPU capacity and the amount remaining in the Fitting screen. A ship's base CPU capacity can be increased by adding CPU Upgrade modules as well as training skills such as Electronics and Weapon Upgrades.
- center center CPU는 중앙 처리장치 (Central Processing Unit) 의 약어로, 컴퓨터 시스템에서 소프트웨어 명령의 연산 기능과 실행을 처리하는 부분입니다.
- El CPU es la unidad central de la máquina, la parte equivalente al cerebro en los seres vivos. En cada uno tiene una programación diferente,ademas de controlar los movimientos,defensas,reinicios en el sistema,entre otros,puede programarse para un objetivo en especial (Ej:el T-1000 enviado para matar a John Connor).
- The Apple I and Apple II used CPUs from a company called MOS. This was because they were very cheap for the company and they worked brilliantly. The company changed to Synertek due to company takeovers
- The processing power of modern CPUs nearly doubles about every two years. As of 1981, the most common intel CPU ran at a "whopping" 4.77 MHz (4.77 million cycles per second). Modern CPUs run at several GHz. Most modern CPUs, including those produced by AMD and Intel, contain several processing cores hooked together in parallel (within a single chip).
- De lah ziglah en ingléh Central Processing Unit (Unidá Zentrá de Prozezoh) -- Eh la parte ke konhtituye er zerebro de kuarkié komputadora, eh er enkargáo de realizá i dirihí todah lah zuh funzioneh. Kontiene memoria interna, la unidá aritmétika / lóhika. Realiza er prozezamiento de loh datoh i ademáh er kontrol de lah funzioneh der rehto de loh komponenteh de la komputaora. Gobierna er zihtema i dihta la belozidá de trabaho der mihmo. Ekzihten diferenteh tipoh de HPU, po ehemplo, loh CPU de la familia 8086 de Intel: 80286, 80386, 80486 i Pentium, o de la marka AMD.
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| - CPU stands for Central Processing Unit, also known as the "processor." This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- CPU, which means controlled by NPC. A self artifical controlled system. You play this when your playing by yourself.
- The CPU or Central Processing Unit is the core of all computer systems in a ship and control all the powered modules. Each ship has a limited amount of CPU power that can be given to fitted modules. If a pilot adds too many powered modules to his ship, some of them will not be active. A pilot can view the total amount of CPU capacity and the amount remaining in the Fitting screen. A ship's base CPU capacity can be increased by adding CPU Upgrade modules as well as training skills such as Electronics and Weapon Upgrades.
- center center CPU는 중앙 처리장치 (Central Processing Unit) 의 약어로, 컴퓨터 시스템에서 소프트웨어 명령의 연산 기능과 실행을 처리하는 부분입니다.
- El CPU es la unidad central de la máquina, la parte equivalente al cerebro en los seres vivos. En cada uno tiene una programación diferente,ademas de controlar los movimientos,defensas,reinicios en el sistema,entre otros,puede programarse para un objetivo en especial (Ej:el T-1000 enviado para matar a John Connor).
- The Apple I and Apple II used CPUs from a company called MOS. This was because they were very cheap for the company and they worked brilliantly. The company changed to Synertek due to company takeovers
- The processing power of modern CPUs nearly doubles about every two years. As of 1981, the most common intel CPU ran at a "whopping" 4.77 MHz (4.77 million cycles per second). Modern CPUs run at several GHz. Most modern CPUs, including those produced by AMD and Intel, contain several processing cores hooked together in parallel (within a single chip).
- De lah ziglah en ingléh Central Processing Unit (Unidá Zentrá de Prozezoh) -- Eh la parte ke konhtituye er zerebro de kuarkié komputadora, eh er enkargáo de realizá i dirihí todah lah zuh funzioneh. Kontiene memoria interna, la unidá aritmétika / lóhika. Realiza er prozezamiento de loh datoh i ademáh er kontrol de lah funzioneh der rehto de loh komponenteh de la komputaora. Gobierna er zihtema i dihta la belozidá de trabaho der mihmo. Ekzihten diferenteh tipoh de HPU, po ehemplo, loh CPU de la familia 8086 de Intel: 80286, 80386, 80486 i Pentium, o de la marka AMD.