| - Capital: Jarkata Languages: Korean, Japanese, Indonesian, Chinese, Rogue. Motto: We will fight and die like Warriors. Goals: To conquer the World.
- The Eastern Coalition is a large alliance comprised of middle eastern countries with a hatred for the USA.
- The Eastern Coalition (also known as ECON) was an alliance of nation-states located on the Asian continent of Earth in the 21st century. It was one of the participants of the Third World War, with many of it's cities being devastated by nuclear weapons.
- The Eastern Coalition, also known as the ECON, was an alliance of Asian states on Earth in the early 21st century The coalition was founded by Lee Kuan, comprised in large part of nations formerly united under the Great Khanate of Khan Noonien Singh during the late 20th century, leading up to the events of the Eugenics Wars. (TLE novel: The Sundered; ST short story: "The Immortality Blues") Eastern Coalition members included India, China, Pakistan, Russia, Kazakhstan, Vietnam, and Singapore. (TLE novel: The Sundered; ST short story: "The Immortality Blues")
- The Eastern Coalition, or "ECON", was a faction in Earth's Third World War which, during the conflict, launched attacks on the United States. In 2063, approximately ten years after the end of the war, Lily Sloane assumed that the ECON was resuming their attacks when a Borg sphere from the future opened fire upon Zefram Cochrane's launch facility in central Montana. Later, while aboard the Enterprise-E, Sloane demanded to know which faction Captain Jean-Luc Picard belonged to, although he assured her he wasn't a member of the Eastern Coalition. (Star Trek: First Contact)
- The Eastern Coalition of Nations (or ECON) was an alliance of nation states on Earth during the mid-21st century. The ECON was dominated by The People's Republic of China and included other Asian and Middle-Eastern states. (Star Trek: First Contact) In 2031, the Coalition was one of several groups that pooled resources to divert a series of asteroids from their collision course with Earth. These asteroids would later form the basis of early warp field tests by Zefram Cochrane. (The Lost Era novel: The Sundered)
| - The Eastern Coalition, or "ECON", was a faction in Earth's Third World War which, during the conflict, launched attacks on the United States. In 2063, approximately ten years after the end of the war, Lily Sloane assumed that the ECON was resuming their attacks when a Borg sphere from the future opened fire upon Zefram Cochrane's launch facility in central Montana. Later, while aboard the Enterprise-E, Sloane demanded to know which faction Captain Jean-Luc Picard belonged to, although he assured her he wasn't a member of the Eastern Coalition. (Star Trek: First Contact) A coalition of nations in the Far East and/or Middle East would seem to be suggested by the name of this combatant. It was later explained by Brannon Braga, in the film's audio commentary, that the ECON was at one time simply "China," but that it was changed in favor of political correctness. The Eastern Coalition was described by the Star Trek Encyclopedia (4th ed., vol. 1, p. 228) as "a loose alliance of eastern powers" which "was often adverserial towards the powers controlling North America."
- Capital: Jarkata Languages: Korean, Japanese, Indonesian, Chinese, Rogue. Motto: We will fight and die like Warriors. Goals: To conquer the World.
- The Eastern Coalition, also known as the ECON, was an alliance of Asian states on Earth in the early 21st century The coalition was founded by Lee Kuan, comprised in large part of nations formerly united under the Great Khanate of Khan Noonien Singh during the late 20th century, leading up to the events of the Eugenics Wars. (TLE novel: The Sundered; ST short story: "The Immortality Blues") Prior to 2020, the Eastern Coalition had beaten the United States back to the moon, which Shaun Christopher saw as a major motivation for the USS Lewis & Clark to make the first manned voyage to Saturn. (TOS novel: The Rings of Time) In 2031, the Eastern Coalition was amongst those groups which pooled its resources to help divert the orbits of a number of asteroids threatening to impact with the planet, threatening all life in Earth. (Last Unicorn RPG module: All Our Yesterdays: The Time Travel Sourcebook) The Eastern Coalition was a major rival to the United States and the European Union (both political blocs being the primary powers behind the New United Nations). In the 2030s and the 2040s, relations between the rivals continued to degenerate. This led to the outbreak of World War III on 1 May 2053. (TLE novel: The Sundered; TNG movie: Star Trek: First Contact; SNW short story: "The Immortality Blues"). The Eastern Coalition states were amongst those hardest hit; cities such as Karachi and New Delhi were damaged when nuclear weapons detonated over them. (TLE novel: The Sundered) As late as 2079, many societies were still mired in lawlessness and chaos as a result of the Post-Atomic Horror. (TNG episodes: "Encounter at Farpoint", "All Good Things...") Eastern Coalition members included India, China, Pakistan, Russia, Kazakhstan, Vietnam, and Singapore. (TLE novel: The Sundered; ST short story: "The Immortality Blues") The exact nature and composition of the Eastern Coalition remains unknown. The unity of action and identity associated with the Eastern Coalition in Star Trek: First Contact implies that the Coalition possessed the power of a de jure state rather than a mere alliance; alliances do sometimes supplant the power of their member states' governments. Exactly what sequence of events could lead traditional rivals India and Pakistan to assume membership in a common organization is unknown, though there remains the possibility of conquest by the nearby People's Republic of China. Chinese domination of the Eastern Coalition seems likely, given the real-life rise in global power of the PRC. The organization which has real-world significance to the Eastern Coalition is the Shanghai Cooperation Organization whose members include China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, India, Pakistan, Iran, Mongolia, and Afghanistan. In the audio commentary for the DVD version of Star Trek: First Contact, Brannon Braga reveals that all references to the ECON were originally supposed to be China, but the ECON was invented for the film at a later time. The Last Unicorn Games RPG book All Our Yesterdays: The Time Travel Sourcebook gives the ECON's founding as being in 2055 as result of the conquering of "much of Eurasia".
- The Eastern Coalition of Nations (or ECON) was an alliance of nation states on Earth during the mid-21st century. The ECON was dominated by The People's Republic of China and included other Asian and Middle-Eastern states. (Star Trek: First Contact) The Eastern Coalition was formed in 2026, in the aftermath of the United States of America's retaliation for several nuclear bombs exploding in twenty five US cities (an act of terrorism actually committed by the Optimum Movement). Immediately the ECON declared war on the US and its allies, beginning World War III. (ENT: "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II",Star Trek: The Adventures of Argus: "Nuclear Time") In 2031, the Coalition was one of several groups that pooled resources to divert a series of asteroids from their collision course with Earth. These asteroids would later form the basis of early warp field tests by Zefram Cochrane. (The Lost Era novel: The Sundered) During the 2030s and 2040s the state of war between the ECON and the United States and the European Union continued until the US and EU (now under the banner of the Optimum Movement) launched a massive nuclear strike on 1 May 2053. ECON retaliated with a strike of their own, crippling the Optimum's ability to further make war and effectively ending World War III. However their cities were among the hardest hit, and many areas of Asia fell into chaos. The so-called "post-atomic horror" was at its height in 2079, and would last into the early 22nd century. (The Sundered, Star Trek: First Contact, TNG: "Encounter at Farpoint", "All Good Things...", Star Trek: The Adventures of Argus: "Nuclear Time") At least one account asserts that Kazakhstan was part of ECON, and that a parallel effort to develop warp drive took place there during the 2050s and 60s. A successful launch from the Baikonur Cosmodrome occurred in January, 2063 -- three months before Zefram Cochrane's -- but remained unknown to the world outside the Coalition. (Advanced Starship Design Bureau: Journal of Applied Treknology: "Molniya Class") In the late 2120s, the South American Union and the Eastern Coalition joined the United Earth Republic rather than be overthrown by their own people. (Last Unicorn Games RPG: All Our Yesterdays: The Time Travel Sourcebook)
- The Eastern Coalition is a large alliance comprised of middle eastern countries with a hatred for the USA.
- The Eastern Coalition (also known as ECON) was an alliance of nation-states located on the Asian continent of Earth in the 21st century. It was one of the participants of the Third World War, with many of it's cities being devastated by nuclear weapons.