| - Mastery cape is obtained by getting every 120 in Runescape, there was a new update which allowed every skill to go to 120 in level. The Mastery Cape is obtained by any banker in any town. Requirements:
* 120 Attack, Strength, Defence, Prayer, Ranged, Magic, Runecrafting, Construction, Dungeoneering, Constitution, Agility, Thieving, Crafting, Herblore, Fletching, Slayer, Hunter, Mining, Smithing, Cooking, Fishing, Firemaking, Woodcutting, Farming, Summoning, Divination and Invention.
* Earned Bankers' Trust Achievement - Deposit 10,000,000 coins into your bank. Items Needed:
* None
| - Mastery cape is obtained by getting every 120 in Runescape, there was a new update which allowed every skill to go to 120 in level. The Mastery Cape is obtained by any banker in any town. Requirements:
* 120 Attack, Strength, Defence, Prayer, Ranged, Magic, Runecrafting, Construction, Dungeoneering, Constitution, Agility, Thieving, Crafting, Herblore, Fletching, Slayer, Hunter, Mining, Smithing, Cooking, Fishing, Firemaking, Woodcutting, Farming, Summoning, Divination and Invention.
* Earned Bankers' Trust Achievement - Deposit 10,000,000 coins into your bank. Items Needed:
* None Quests Recommended:
* Banking the Thief (for extras) The cape gives + 100 in every stat and gives a strength bonus of +30 and a prayer bonus of +25. It's the best cape in the game because its stats and difficulty. Player's can trim the cape once they have completed Banking the Thief quest by giving there cape to the Master Banker. If you come back in a week's time the cape will be done and have a stat boost and be trimmed. A player wearing the mastery cape (mastered) The (M) stands for mastered which means it was given to the master banker, the master Banker will give you 1,000,000 coins every week if you show him the cape. This can become really handy if you are low on money and you can save up for that special partyhat you have always wanted.