| - A gadget is a small piece of hardware (such as a device or an appliance) that has a specific function.
- Gadgets are Creatures 3 machinery. They can be set up to do quite a few things, and by using blueprints, you can replicate the necessary items to create a machine. Desert Ettins love to steal and take them back home.
- Un gadget est un article qui peut aider Ratchet à activer un objet dans l'environnement ou lui donner le pouvoir d'accomplir quelque chose. Habituellement manuels, ils peuvent être portés à la tête et aux pieds, et ils peuvent être un mise à niveau de Clank. En outre, ils peuvent être équipés automatiquement (selon les besoins de Ratchet), ou manuellement par l'utilisateur.Certains gadgets sont trouvable dans des boutiques tandis que d'autres sont à des endoits précis de la carte.
- Gadget was the first Nuclear weapon used in the history of the world. It was conducted by the United States on July 16, 1945 on what is now known as the White Sands Missle Range. The blast yielded the same force as about 20 kilotons of TNT.
- Bei Gadget handelt es sich um einen ferngesteuerten Roboter, der aus einer alten Drohne von Roman Groom zusammengebaut wurde. Er hat 15t Hubkraft, zwei Greifarme und eine integrierte Waffe. Seine Höchstgeschwindigkeit vor der Modifizierung durch den Doctor betrug 3 km/h. Sein Name rührt von dem einzigen Wort, das er aussprechen kann, her: "Gadget!Gadget!" thumb|400px
- MID as of 2006-12-21:
- "Gadget" (ガジェット Gajetto) is an archetype of Level 4 Machine monsters (with the exception of the Cyberse "Cyberse Gadget"). There are two main groups of "Gadget" cards. The first is the colored "Gadgets": "Green Gadget", "Red Gadget", "Yellow Gadget", "Gold Gadget", and "Silver Gadget". The second group; which contains "Gadget Arms", "Gadget Hauler", and "Gadget Driver", supports the "Morphtronic" archetype. They are used by Yugi Muto and Leo, respectively.
- Gadget was the astromech droid assigned to Ton Phanan during his service with Wraith Squadron. The droid was also transferred around within the shorthanded starfighter unit as different members of Wraith Squadron acquired ships or astromechs. The R2 unit's biggest mission was when he had to help Piggy infiltrate the modified CR90 corvette Night Caller onboard the Lunatic; the plan worked and the vessel was seized.
- Gadget is the unofficial mascot for Metro South and the adopted, insightful daughter of Sergeant Parks. Before her adoption, she habitually would ran away from OCP Family Services. She is one of the main characters of RoboCop: The Series and is portrayed by Sarah Campbell .
- Gadget is a 17 year old brawler who was trapped in Vestroia at a young age. There he met his guardian Bakugan Kirrinoid. He lacks a lot of knowledge when it comes to personal boundaries and will often sleep in someone else's bed or jump in a shower randomly. Despite all this he is an excellent thief.
- Gadget is a supporting character in League of Dwarfs. He is voiced by Michael Adamthwaithe.
- Gadget is the Chisyun Star in Suikoden II. Originally created by Juppo, Gadget follows Meg during the Dunan Unification War.
- Kaji Etsuto (加地(かじ) 閲人(えつと)), also known as Gadget (ガジェット), is a scout character.
- Roman Groom created Gadget using parts from the drones used to construct the colony originally. When receiving or acknowledging commands, it said, "Gadget! Gadget!", which its creator said amused him. Gadget could also talk, but only through someone else's voice, acting like a speaker. Gadget himself had no sentience and little autonomy. It depended on an operator controlling it by means of a pair of gloves. It had similar level of dexterity to a human. At least one person could ride it much as they could a Segway.
- Gadgets are objects that have been altered by Unchained in a similar manner to that of the God-Machine in its installation of Infrastructure. Basically, a Gadget is a physical object that has an Embed or an Exploit stored within. Gadgets are universally accessible, requiring no special connection to the God-Machine, but that doesn’t mean just anyone can use them. Gadgets have triggers set forth during their creation that range anywhere from passwords, to specific actions, to external stimuli. Trigger conditions are specific and tied in some way to a gadget’s normal function. Both kinds of Gadget differ in appearance and usage.