| - Clandestine's large world creates its unique fantasy-setting, blending the themes and elements of Wikipedia:fantasy, Asian folklore, Wikipedia:anime, Wikipedia:science fiction, Wikipedia:gothic fiction, Dungeons and Dragons (WP), Wikipedia:Ultima Online, Wikipedia:fairy tales and many others. The central hub for the game-world is Edge City, though dozens of other city-states and warring factions lie not far from Edge City's walls.
| - Clandestine's large world creates its unique fantasy-setting, blending the themes and elements of Wikipedia:fantasy, Asian folklore, Wikipedia:anime, Wikipedia:science fiction, Wikipedia:gothic fiction, Dungeons and Dragons (WP), Wikipedia:Ultima Online, Wikipedia:fairy tales and many others. The central hub for the game-world is Edge City, though dozens of other city-states and warring factions lie not far from Edge City's walls. However, Clandestine MUD is most heavily focused on the theme of Wikipedia:Religion and Wikipedia:Religious Wars, giving the player the ability to join a religion or cult, rise in its ranks if they are able to, and then roleplay, combat, and otherwise interact with other religions.