| - In at least some cases, the results resembled an extreme trauma to the trapezius nerve bundle, as if the neuro-fibers had been ruptured. (VOY: "Cathexis") The technique did not appear to cause permanent injury and seemed to be effective on most humanoid species. The only Human to have ever been insensitive to it was Gary Seven. (TOS: "Assignment: Earth" ) When used on Human Augments like Khan Noonien Singh, it caused pain but was not enough to subdue them. (Star Trek Into Darkness) It was proven ineffective on robotic androids when Spock took the time to softly try it on android Alice, who simply asked him calmly if that gesture had any significance. (TOS: "I, Mudd" ) Vians were unaffected by the nerve pinch. (TOS: "The Empath" )
- Spock has used the Vulcan nerve pinch in quite a few situations. (TOS episodes: "The Enemy Within", "Wolf in the Fold"; TOS comics: "No Time Like the Past", "The Long Night's Dawn!"; TOS movie, novelization & comic adaptation: Star Trek: The Motion Picture) In 2267 Spock used the nerve pinch to subdue Admiral Quarlo Kabreigny. (ST novel: Federation) Spock has also used it on the horselike Tsemu on Nimbus III. (TOS movie, novelization & comic adaptation: Star Trek V: The Final Frontier) Tasha Yar has been hit with the Vulcan nerve pinch while in the line of duty. (TNG novel: Survivors)
| - Spock has used the Vulcan nerve pinch in quite a few situations. (TOS episodes: "The Enemy Within", "Wolf in the Fold"; TOS comics: "No Time Like the Past", "The Long Night's Dawn!"; TOS movie, novelization & comic adaptation: Star Trek: The Motion Picture) In 2267 Spock used the nerve pinch to subdue Admiral Quarlo Kabreigny. (ST novel: Federation) Spock has also used it on the horselike Tsemu on Nimbus III. (TOS movie, novelization & comic adaptation: Star Trek V: The Final Frontier) The human Gary Seven was immune to the Vulcan nerve pinch. (TOS episode: "Assignment: Earth"; TOS novel: Assignment: Eternity) As a Vulcan, Saavik was able to perform the Vulcan nerve pinch. On Stardate 8173.5 she used this technique on Trisha Fox who was impersonating Captain James T. Kirk. (TOS comic: "Who Is... Enigma?") Tasha Yar has been hit with the Vulcan nerve pinch while in the line of duty. (TNG novel: Survivors) Some humans such as Captains Jonathan Archer and Jean-Luc Picard are capable of using the Vulcan nerve pinch, possibly due to their experiences with Vulcan mind melds, Leonard McCoy however was incapable of using it against a starfleet security guard on Earth after Spock transferred his katra into McCoy's mind. (TOS movie & novelization: The Search for Spock; TNG episodes: "Sarek", "Starship Mine") The Android Data had also mastered the Vulcan nerve pinch. (TNG novels: Unification, The Battle of Betazed; TNG movie: Star Trek Nemesis) Odo performed a Vulcan nerve pinch on a Starfleet security officer to free Benjamin Sisko from detention in Starfleet Headquarters in 2372. (DS9 episode: "Paradise Lost") In 2373 Soleta performed the Vulcan nerve pinch on Burgoyne 172. (NF novel: Martyr) Soleta also performed this technique on Captain Elizabeth Shelby. (NF short story: "Pain Management") As a one-eighth Vulcan, Phillipa Matthias was trained in the Vulcan nerve pinch technique. (DS9 - Mission Gamma novel: This Gray Spirit)
- In at least some cases, the results resembled an extreme trauma to the trapezius nerve bundle, as if the neuro-fibers had been ruptured. (VOY: "Cathexis") The technique did not appear to cause permanent injury and seemed to be effective on most humanoid species. The only Human to have ever been insensitive to it was Gary Seven. (TOS: "Assignment: Earth" ) When used on Human Augments like Khan Noonien Singh, it caused pain but was not enough to subdue them. (Star Trek Into Darkness) It was proven ineffective on robotic androids when Spock took the time to softly try it on android Alice, who simply asked him calmly if that gesture had any significance. (TOS: "I, Mudd" ) Vians were unaffected by the nerve pinch. (TOS: "The Empath" ) Spock once performed the Vulcan nerve pinch on a horse, Selek did one to a Le-matya (prompting young Spock to ask if he thought he'd ever do it as well as Selek did, which the older Vulcan affirmed), and Tuvok once did it to a member of Species 8472 that had disguised itself as a Human. (Star Trek V: The Final Frontier; TAS: "Yesteryear"; VOY: "In the Flesh") Spock was also known to use a two-handed variety of the technique to subdue two opponents, an Andorian and a Tellarite. (TOS: "Whom Gods Destroy" ) Sakonna used the Vulcan nerve pinch on a Starfleet security guard who was guarding Gul Dukat on Deep Space 9 in 2370. (DS9: "The Maquis, Part I") In the alternate reality, when James T. Kirk mutinied against acting captain Spock aboard the USS Enterprise, Spock used the nerve pinch to subdue him. (Star Trek) == Use by non-Vulcans == On some occasions, non-Vulcans have been instructed in the technique. Spock attempted in vain to teach Kirk. On planet Omega IV, while fighting Cloud William and Sirah in his cell, Kirk expressed his appreciation for the neutralization of Sirah by Spock with the pinch. (TOS: "The Omega Glory" ) Overall, the nerve pinch seemed to be extremely difficult to learn for non-Vulcans, although the android Data was able to master it, as was Jean-Luc Picard, years after mind-melding with Sarek. (TNG: "Unification II" , " Starship Mine" , Star Trek Nemesis) Having studied for many years on Vulcan, Michael Burnham was able to perform the nerve pinch, using it to render Captain Philippa Georgiou unconscious in the course of her attempted mutiny in 2256. (DIS: "The Vulcan Hello") Jonathan Archer was also able to perform the nerve pinch while carrying the katra of Surak. (ENT: "Kir'Shara") Doctor Leonard McCoy, however, was unsuccessful in performing the technique on a security officer while carrying Spock's katra. (Star Trek III: The Search for Spock) Odo was observed dispatching a Starfleet security guard using the technique in 2372. (DS9: "Paradise Lost") The reclaimed Borg drone Seven of Nine also displayed the ability to perform it, shown during a fight with Vulcan Lieutenant Commander Tuvok in 2374. (VOY: "The Raven")