| - 21500 Riverside Drive was an office building in Burbank, California. Cofell Enterprises was located on the 14th floor, and company CEO Ted Cofell had a balcony overlooking the L.A. skyline. A company called Giant was also located on the 14th floor. After finding Cofell's name in an email from Jamey Farrell, Jack Bauer visited the building with the intention of speaking to him. After being told he was on the 14th floor, Jack rode the elevator up. He then met Nancy, Cofell's secretary, who told him Cofell had just left. Jack then raced down the stairwell, setting off a fire alarm as he went to stall the elevator. He reached the parking garage and took the place of Mark, Cofell's driver. Cofell then reached the garage, tipped his attendant, and got into his limousine. Jack then drove the limo out of the building, with the unsuspecting Cofell in the back seat. ("Day 1: 9:00am-10:00am")