Ally of Justice Cyclone Creator is a character version of the card, "Ally of Justice Cyclone Creator".
Attributes | Values |
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| - Ally of Justice Cyclone Creator (character)
| - Ally of Justice Cyclone Creator is a character version of the card, "Ally of Justice Cyclone Creator".
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fr name
| - Créateur de Cyclone, Allié de la Justice
| - * Dark Eruption x3
* Giant Trunade
* Mystical Space Typhoon
* Nightmare's Steelcage x3
* Shrink x2
* Swords of Revealing Light
* The Dark Door x2
Romaji Name
| - Ārī Obu Jasutisu Saikuron Kurieitā
tuner monsters
| - * Ally of Justice Cyclone Creator x3
video game debut
| - Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's World Championship 2010: Reverse of Arcadia
pt name
| - Aliado da Justiça Criador de Ciclone
| - * Dust Tornado
* Gravity Bind
* Scrap-Iron Scarecrow x2
* Zoma the Spirit x3
effect monsters
| - * Ally of Justice Nullfier x3
* Ally of Justice Quarantine x3
* Ally of Justice Thousand Arms x3
* D.D. Assailant x2
* Dandylion
* Mystic Tomato x3
* Quillbolt Hedgehog x3
it name
| - Ciclone Creatore Alleato della Giustizia
synchro monsters
| - * Ally of Justice Catastor x3
* Ally of Justice Decisive Armor x2
* Ally of Justice Field Marshal x2
* Colossal Fighter
* Dark End Dragon
* Goyo Guardian
* Naturia Beast
* Stardust Dragon
* XX-Saber Gottoms x2
de name
| - Verbündeter der Gerechtigkeit - Zyklonerzeuger
es name
| - Creador del Ciclón, Aliado de la Justicia
ja trans name
| - Ally of Justice - Cyclone Creator
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en name
| - Ally of Justice Cyclone Creator
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| - Ally of Justice Cyclone Creator along with Emissary from Pandemonium, in Reverse of Arcadia
appears in nds
| - Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's World Championship 2010: Reverse of Arcadia
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ar name
| - نصير العدالة: صانع الأعاصير
Ja Name
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wc10 deck
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| - Ally of Justice Cyclone Creator is a character version of the card, "Ally of Justice Cyclone Creator".