National Song Contest: Looking Back is an annual television program produced and aired by New Cambria Television. It is a companion program to the New Cambria National Song Contest, and is broadcast live each year on the evening following the Grand Final. The program invites all the finalists (and, on occasion, some non-qualifiers) to discuss their experiences and gauge their reactions to the results. Also, several companion awards are given out to contestants, the categories of which have changed over the years. The 2010 special will last 90-minutes. It was previously one hour (2004-2006) or two hours (2007-2009) long.
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| - National Song Contest: Looking Back
| - National Song Contest: Looking Back is an annual television program produced and aired by New Cambria Television. It is a companion program to the New Cambria National Song Contest, and is broadcast live each year on the evening following the Grand Final. The program invites all the finalists (and, on occasion, some non-qualifiers) to discuss their experiences and gauge their reactions to the results. Also, several companion awards are given out to contestants, the categories of which have changed over the years. The 2010 special will last 90-minutes. It was previously one hour (2004-2006) or two hours (2007-2009) long.
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| - National Song Contest: Looking Back is an annual television program produced and aired by New Cambria Television. It is a companion program to the New Cambria National Song Contest, and is broadcast live each year on the evening following the Grand Final. The program invites all the finalists (and, on occasion, some non-qualifiers) to discuss their experiences and gauge their reactions to the results. Also, several companion awards are given out to contestants, the categories of which have changed over the years. The 2010 special will last 90-minutes. It was previously one hour (2004-2006) or two hours (2007-2009) long.