Founder of Aldachur
* Also known as Taros Ridgeleaper
* He was a chieftain in the Cynnelfing Alliance
* He refused to submit to the Conquering Daughter
* He was one of the first northern settlers of Dragon Pass Source: Wyrms Footnotes #15
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| - Founder of Aldachur
* Also known as Taros Ridgeleaper
* He was a chieftain in the Cynnelfing Alliance
* He refused to submit to the Conquering Daughter
* He was one of the first northern settlers of Dragon Pass Source: Wyrms Footnotes #15
- Les Taros (タロス Tarosu), dont le nom peut aussi être traduit par Tarosu ou Talos, sont des ennemis récurrents de la série. Ils apparaissent dans A Link to the Past et dans A Link Between Worlds. Ces ennemis sont des sortes de taureaux humanoïdes, munis d'une armes, qui chargent Link quand ils l'aperçoivent. Ils sont donc assez similaires aux soldats ennemis.
- El actual Mundo Minero Tau de T'ros fue originalmente una colonia minera imperial llamada Taros. Se convirtió en parte del Imperio Tau durante la Tercera Esfera de Expansión, en la que los Tau aprovecharon la distracción del Imperio de la Humanidad ante el inicio de la 13ª Cruzada Negra, en contra de la cual retiró a gran parte de sus fuerzas de la Franja Este hacia Cadia y el espacio alrededor del Ojo del Terror. Esto permitió a los Tau ganar la Campaña de Taros en el 998.M41 por el control del planeta contra una fuerza imperial enviada a recuperarlo. La capital del árido mundo es la ciudad de Tarokeen. T'ros actualmente está habitado mayoritariamente por Gue'vesa (humanos leales al Imperio Tau) que dieron la espalda al Imperio ante la aparente oferta de mejor vida de los Tau.
- Taros are the currency of the Cartoon Network Universe. Players collect them by defeating Fusion monsters and completing missions. Players can spend Taros when visiting a Shopkeeper to buy items, potions and boosts. They can also use taros to pay for warps and flights. The higher the level of the creatures players defeat, the more taros they get. If players are in need of money, they can use a Bonus Nano that will increase the amount received from defeating a monster by 20%.
- Taros guards the Taros Shrine and everything inside of it. You meet Taros shortly after batting with the Kraken, however you are unable to battle him until you obtain the Achilles Sword and speak with Rohde in Hassan. Taros can then only be damaged with the Achilles Sword and any other sources of damage, including magic, will fail to deal damage. After beating Taros, you are rewarded with the Caravan.
- The Rider Pass that Dwayne Winfield uses to become Kamen Rider Electric King can summon at least four Imagin. Each of these Imagin gives Electric King their power when they are called upon with each form suited to their fighting style. These Imagin are collectively known as the Taros due to their namesakes. When not possessing Dwayne, the Taros spend their time in the ElectroLiner's dining car. However, they are also able to enter physical time & space by possessing vacant forms, such as full-body costumes, although this leaves them physically unstable. The Imagin have also proven capable of possessing Dwayne all at once after the creation of Climax Form, but outside of their transformed state, this 4-way possession is dangerously unstable & physically stressful for Dwayne. Due to their na
- Taros benefits from having its advance builder able to fly, allowing it to place advanced lodestones about much easier. Taros generates more energy through its faction bonus. Taros lacks any artillery units, thus can not fire over walls and terrain. Taros has a flying transport unit, the ghost ships, able to go through walls and over most terrain. An often seen tactic, is to build up an army of Sky Knights and then swarm them over to one target after another, taking out anything that could harm them, then clearing out everything else around worthy of attention.
- Los Tarosu (タロス "Tarosu" en japones; que también puede ser traducido como Taros, Talos o Taurus) son enemigos que aparecen en A Link to the Past y A Link Between Worlds. Son soldados con cabeza de toro que se encuentra en el Mundo Oscuro. Tienen grandes ojos blancos. Hay dos variedades de Tarosu: de color azul y de color rojo, cada uno tiene un arma diferente. Los Tarosu Azul llevan lanzas (que parecen no tener filo). Mientras que los Tarosu Rojos tienen tridentes, y suelen ser más agresivos. Los azules son los más comunes y se encuentran repartidos por todo el Mundo Oscuro. Los rojos solo se encuentran en el interior de la Torre de Ganon, aunque aparece uno en justo al norte de la Aldea de los Parias. La variedad roja recibe más daño, pero causa más daño. El comportamiento de un Tarosu es
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| - Tarosu Azul en A Link to the Past
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| - Ancient Stone Guardian, Taros
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| - En la Torre de Ganon y en el Mundo Oscuro
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| - Founder of Aldachur
* Also known as Taros Ridgeleaper
* He was a chieftain in the Cynnelfing Alliance
* He refused to submit to the Conquering Daughter
* He was one of the first northern settlers of Dragon Pass Source: Wyrms Footnotes #15
- The Rider Pass that Dwayne Winfield uses to become Kamen Rider Electric King can summon at least four Imagin. Each of these Imagin gives Electric King their power when they are called upon with each form suited to their fighting style. These Imagin are collectively known as the Taros due to their namesakes. When not possessing Dwayne, the Taros spend their time in the ElectroLiner's dining car. However, they are also able to enter physical time & space by possessing vacant forms, such as full-body costumes, although this leaves them physically unstable. The Imagin have also proven capable of possessing Dwayne all at once after the creation of Climax Form, but outside of their transformed state, this 4-way possession is dangerously unstable & physically stressful for Dwayne. Due to their nature as Imagin, they can sense other Imagins near Dwayne's vicinity & alert him to their presence. In addition to powering up Electric King, the four are each armed with a weapon & each are able to perform their form of Electric King's finishing attack in their normal state. When the Junction Point starts to form, the Taros start to lose sync with Dwayne & are unable to possess him when he travels to the past. To continue to assist him, they create the ElectroKamen Sword, which allows him to channel their power without direct possession. Though Dwayne is curious of these recent events, the four are reluctant to explain that it meant the future they came from is being erased, causing their kind to cease to exist as the result of their battle with the evil Imagin. In spite of it, however, the Taros intend to keep fighting to the end, gaining physical form within normal space-time as a result of each Imagin granting Dwayne's wish that they fight together until the end. When the time does come & they fade away, it is revealed that the memories they made with Dwayne (a singularity point, & the primary Electric King) have created a time lag, allowing them to maintain their existence as they take leave on the ElectroLiner. Soon after, the four become members of the ElectroLiner Police, a newly-made law-enforcement group to prevent changes in the past by Imagin who also survived the Junction Point & form an army under Negataros.
- Taros benefits from having its advance builder able to fly, allowing it to place advanced lodestones about much easier. Taros generates more energy through its faction bonus. Taros lacks any artillery units, thus can not fire over walls and terrain. Taros has a flying transport unit, the ghost ships, able to go through walls and over most terrain. An often seen tactic, is to build up an army of Sky Knights and then swarm them over to one target after another, taking out anything that could harm them, then clearing out everything else around worthy of attention. Taros has a capture unit, the Mind Mage.
- Los Tarosu (タロス "Tarosu" en japones; que también puede ser traducido como Taros, Talos o Taurus) son enemigos que aparecen en A Link to the Past y A Link Between Worlds. Son soldados con cabeza de toro que se encuentra en el Mundo Oscuro. Tienen grandes ojos blancos. Hay dos variedades de Tarosu: de color azul y de color rojo, cada uno tiene un arma diferente. Los Tarosu Azul llevan lanzas (que parecen no tener filo). Mientras que los Tarosu Rojos tienen tridentes, y suelen ser más agresivos. Los azules son los más comunes y se encuentran repartidos por todo el Mundo Oscuro. Los rojos solo se encuentran en el interior de la Torre de Ganon, aunque aparece uno en justo al norte de la Aldea de los Parias. La variedad roja recibe más daño, pero causa más daño. El comportamiento de un Tarosu es casi idéntico a el de un Guardia de Hyrule en el Mundo de la Luz, junto con los Moblins, los Tarosu son pilares del ejército de Ganon. A pesar de esto, en comparación con muchos enemigos de el Mundo Oscuro, estos son muy débiles, capaz de causar menos daño que la mayoría, pero son mucho más inteligentes y persistentes que la mayoría.
- Les Taros (タロス Tarosu), dont le nom peut aussi être traduit par Tarosu ou Talos, sont des ennemis récurrents de la série. Ils apparaissent dans A Link to the Past et dans A Link Between Worlds. Ces ennemis sont des sortes de taureaux humanoïdes, munis d'une armes, qui chargent Link quand ils l'aperçoivent. Ils sont donc assez similaires aux soldats ennemis.
- El actual Mundo Minero Tau de T'ros fue originalmente una colonia minera imperial llamada Taros. Se convirtió en parte del Imperio Tau durante la Tercera Esfera de Expansión, en la que los Tau aprovecharon la distracción del Imperio de la Humanidad ante el inicio de la 13ª Cruzada Negra, en contra de la cual retiró a gran parte de sus fuerzas de la Franja Este hacia Cadia y el espacio alrededor del Ojo del Terror. Esto permitió a los Tau ganar la Campaña de Taros en el 998.M41 por el control del planeta contra una fuerza imperial enviada a recuperarlo. La capital del árido mundo es la ciudad de Tarokeen. T'ros actualmente está habitado mayoritariamente por Gue'vesa (humanos leales al Imperio Tau) que dieron la espalda al Imperio ante la aparente oferta de mejor vida de los Tau.
- Taros are the currency of the Cartoon Network Universe. Players collect them by defeating Fusion monsters and completing missions. Players can spend Taros when visiting a Shopkeeper to buy items, potions and boosts. They can also use taros to pay for warps and flights. The higher the level of the creatures players defeat, the more taros they get. If players are in need of money, they can use a Bonus Nano that will increase the amount received from defeating a monster by 20%.
- Taros guards the Taros Shrine and everything inside of it. You meet Taros shortly after batting with the Kraken, however you are unable to battle him until you obtain the Achilles Sword and speak with Rohde in Hassan. Taros can then only be damaged with the Achilles Sword and any other sources of damage, including magic, will fail to deal damage. After beating Taros, you are rewarded with the Caravan.