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- | Image:Burning.jpg | style="padding-left: 10px;" | Condition. While suffering from this Condition, you lose Health over time. |} Characters inflicted with burning suffer 7 health degeneration (14 health each second).
- The Burning was the name given by the post-apocalyptic inhabitants of Canoga to the event which destroyed civilization, dividing the periods of the world into pre-Burning and post-Burning. Many texts from the pre-Burning days still survived and were used by scholars to recreate lost technology. Over the course of generations, the Kingdom of Canoga was able to recreate enough technology to conquer and unite its neighbors into the Namerican Empire.
- Burning is a skill in the Hell Fire skill tree of the Mage class. Most skip Fire of Earth in lieu of this skill later on. The MP consumption is, however, a little higher than what a Hell Fire would be used to. A very fast cast that can be threaded between your Aura of Darkness and Fire Bullet most effectively. The DOT damages the enemy every 0.5 second, each time dealing about 12.5% of max magic, so it deals 25% max magic each second. The fact that it stacks with Fire of Earth/Ocean of Fire making it a powerful skill to have. Updated by MHellFire, 6 October 2010
- Burning is a process in OE-Cake. This makes random pieces of Fire (or any material with Fuel+Hot mixed into it) disappear over time. The rate at which Fire Decay occurs can be modified in the Parameters window under the variable "fireExtinguishProbability". Objects containing Fuel + Hot or Jet + Hot will produce the Fire animation.
- Burning is a status effect create by Heat attacks. This effect causes a character to take 4 Heat damage at the start of each turn for 4-5 turns. The burning effect can end prematurely by having the character become Frozen or by being pushed into water. The burning effect can also be extinguished by using the Douse skill.
- Burning is a feature in S4 League. It is assumed that it has replaced Pity. It has now been changed that the feature would only affect select channels due to public outcry.
- Burning is a State, with stacking.
- Burning is a debuff.
- The user can burn almost anything, they can heat up parts of objects or the bodies, and the whole object itself leaving only a pile of ashes.
- Burning is an effect caused by certain Fire or Heat based powers that causes damage over time.Immolation is field effect caused by certain Fire powers.Thermal Absorption is an effect that causes Burning enemies to restore Power.Volatility is an effect that increases damage from specific Fire powers.
- Burning is a condition. Condition text: You or a figure adjacent to you may perform an action to discard this card or token. At the end of your turn, you and each friendly figure adjacent to you suffers 1 File:Heart.png. Burning was first introduced in the Lair of the Wyrm expansion.
- A state which occurs whenever Kawamura holds a racket. He gets pumped up, giving his shots more power and increasing his skill level. This state changes Kawamura's personality on the court dramatically. At times, Kawamura will randomly shout BURNING or COME ON, BABY and GREAT and other English phrases in English. He plays almost aggressively not trying to hurt his opponent but trying put all his power into each and every shot.
- Credit for the Clans goes to ladyabby from roblox, and her Elements of Sukio and Our Diffrences. Credit for most characters goes to those people in the 3 servers I was in. Credit for Stickpaw goes to me cause Stick is a fab name. Credit to anything I missed Credit for Dogwood because cupcakes.
- Burning Is Daron's Solo From The Unknown Album Live.
- Burning is an abilty in which Kirby lunges forward in a fiery ball of rage, and does damage to foes as well as light fuses. First appearance: Kirby's Adventure NES (1993). The ability was later fused with Fire and have not been indepentant since. Welll, canvas curse have burning but not fire, so they were pretty much fused.
- Burning es un Pyronite IV de Pyros IV. Ocupa el puesto número 15 en el Ultimatrix II de Taven Tennyson. Hace 100 años el planeta Pyros fué destruido por causa de un asteroide, ocasionando también la muerte de todos los habitantes (exceptuando a Alan, pero éste murió con el paso del tiempo). Luego de que el asteroide chocara con el planete, el núcleo del planeta logró seguir funcionando, a pesar de que la corteza haya sido destruída. El núcleo funcionó, y se combinó con el asteroide, formando el nuevo planeta : Pyros IV. Con el paso del tiempo, el planeta pudo reconstruir los restos de los habitantes y formar a lo que ahora se parece a Burning. No solo la apariencia de éstos cambió, también los poderes fueron mejorando. Ahora pueden lanzar lava en vez de fuego y sus rocas son más resistente
- It is often merged with the Fire ability mainly because of its simplistic form of attack. In Kirby's Dream Land 2, Kirby's Dream Land 3, Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards, and Kirby Canvas Curse, the actual Fire ability is absent, although Burning appears to be its replacement. When the Burning ability is used in conjunction with an Animal Friend (with the exception of Kine) underwater, its range and power are greatly reduced.