| - Tailoring
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- Tailoring is a dexterity based skill that allows the character to make equipment, among other items. A sewing kit is required to tailor items. Material quality of the produced item varies and it is possible to produce Great, Miracle, and Godly quality items with this skill. Starting with the version 1.46 patch, pets with the tailoring skill can produce armor if the playable character goes to sleep and wakes up between 4 - 11 am. The character receives the prompt "[Pet] has stayed up all night crafting armor", and a piece of gear is dropped.
- Clothes for every part of the body (head, body, arms, legs) can now be made at special booths throughout the Galaxy.
- Recommended Classes: Scout and Mage
- Tailoring is
- -UNDER CONSTRUCTION- Tailoring recipes fall under the Tailor's Table - Cotton, Tailor's Table - Leather, Curing Tub, and Tanning Rack. Its dominant character attributes are Dexterity and Intelligence.
* Cloth & Patterns
* Cloth Weapons
* Robes
* Cloaks
* Healing Kits
* Special
* Leather Products
* Leather Armour
* Leather Equipment
* Whips
* Large Hides
* Medium Hides
* Small Hides
* Large Hides
* Medium Hides
* Small Hides
- Tailoring stelt spelers in staat verschillende stukjes stof in armor, bags, shirts en andere textielen items te snijden en weven. Tailors spelen een bijzonder belangrijke rol in guilds omdat ze bags kunnen creëren voor de hele guild, op voorwaarde dat de guildmembers de juiste ingrediënten verzamelen. Tailors zijn verantwoordelijk voor het creëren van cloth items voor cloth-armor dragende classes: Mages, Warlocks en Priests. Ze maken soms items voor de andere classes, zoals capes. Ze maken ook decoratieve shirts.
- Tailoring allows each player to customize the appearance of their characters as they adventure throughout Dereth. Players can customize both their weapons and armor using tailoring kits which are purchased from tailors in the starting towns. Tailoring allows you to apply an item with a desired appearance to a comparable item with desired attributes/statistics. This updates the target item to have the appearance of the first item, while keeping the desired attributes/statistics. Tailoring gives players a virtually unlimited number of possibilities for their characters' appearance.
- Tailoring is een oude Runescape Classic skill, die nu niet meer bestaat. Tailoring is namelijk toegevoegd aan Crafting! Het was namelijk het maken van Leather boots, gloves en armour. Categorie:RuneScape Classic Categorie:Skills en:Tailoring
- Lysistrata is currently level 100 tailor and 100 costumagus (Nice job)
- Tailoring was an early Crafting skill dedicated to crafting/tanning leather. At the time not many players trained it due to the fact that it was not only very time consuming, but also served little purpose as players could only make gloves, boots, and leather armour with the skill. Tailoring was later removed when it was combined to Crafting.
- Tailoring is the crafting profession that makes cloth-based (Wool, Cotton, and Shimmerweave) products. File:Tailoring.jpg The main use of Tailoring is for Control Wizard's armour, as they only wear cloth armour; whereas the other classes (so far) wear chainmail like armour. Currently there are 20 levels of Tailoring, which are needed to make increasingly high level items. Level 20 is required for any of the known Level 60 Very Rare (purple) items. Tailoring recipes are listed here: Tailoring Recipes Tailoring Return to Professions page here: Professions ru:Кройка и шитье
- Tailoringは、布を材料にMage、Warlock、Priest向けのCloth Armor装備のほか、バッグ、シャツ等を作ることができます。バッグは通常の物以外にHerbalism用、Enchanting用、WarlockのShard用など専用の大型バッグなど数種類。シャツはArmorの下に着用するオシャレアイテムです。装備に合う色のシャツを着てうまくコーディネートしてみましょう。Tailoringは、Blacksmithingがアイテム作成にAnvilやハンマーを必要とするのと違い、必要な材料が揃っていればどこでも作成することができます。(一部除く)Skill値300ではMage用、Warlock用、Priest用の強力なEpic Robeを作成できますが、BoP品の為自分専用となっています。また材料となる布はモンスターを倒し手に入れるか、他のプレイヤーから購入することになるので採取系Professionを必要としません。もしEnchantingを本業とするならばTailoringはとても相性が良いでしょう。Tailoringで緑のアイテムを作成し、破壊(Disenchant)してEnchantingの材料である各ShardeやDustを得ることができるからです。
- Have a picture of this skill? Then please upload it! For more information please consult our image policies Class Race Skill Tree Type Cast Time Channel Time Target Range Radius Duration Cost Level Unlocked Morph One Morph Two Morphed From Tailoring is a Clothing passive skill in The Elder Scrolls Online.
- «Tailoring» (裁縫, Saihou?) is a skill in «Sword Art Online» that allows players to craft and customise pieces of clothing.
- left Tailoringilla pelaaja tekee siveysvöistä über-siveysvöitä, joihin mahtuu JOPA 4 PENISTÄ SAMANAIKAISESTI. hyi saatana
- Tailoring is the skill associated with making clothing. Successes are gained by successfully making clothing and bandages. Clothing includes hats, belts, boots, robes, and leather Armor. GM Leather Armor can be crafted at twice the level required to create the normal version of the item. Tailoring can be used to make profits from the crafting and selling of Leather Breasts at the Armor Shop.
- Tailoring is a Tradeskill that allows players to create bandages, bags, and other cloth armor. A sewing kit and reagents are required.
- Tailoring is a crafting skill involving different types of leathers and cloths that you can loot from creatures. The higher your tailoring level is, the less chance you have of breaking your File:Set of Tailoring Tools.gif Set of Tailoring Tools. You gain levels by crafting at least one of each items for your current tier. You can check which, and how many of each things you have tailored by using the command /tlrtier 0, /tlrtier 1 etc. Mister Lenon and Lady Lianna tell you the basics of how it works, sell tools and allow you to trade cloths for different colors.
- Tailors are divided in two (2) areas. Primary: Weapons and Armors Secondary: Furniture Quick List of Recipes: Listed by Level Level 1 : Rough Cloth Pants: 2x Ash Timber, and 1x Mountain Demon Grass Bundle Level 3 : Rough Cloth Garment: 3x Ash Timber, and 1x Mountain Demon Grass Bundle (Recipe: Rough Cloth Garment) Level 5 : Magical Leggings: 3x Ash Timber, and 1x Mountain Demon Grass Bundle (Recipe: Magical Leggings) Level 5 : Enhanced Magical Trousers: 3x Ash Lumber, 1x Mountain Demon Grass Sap, 1x Magical Leggings, and 1x Chime Wood Timber (Recipe: Enhanced Magical Trousers)
- The first staple for tailors is Linen Cloth, followed by Wool Cloth, Silk Cloth, Mageweave, Runecloth, Netherweave (Burning Crusade Expansion), Frostweave (Wrath of the Lich King Expansion), and Embersilk Cloth (Cataclysm Expansion). Typically, humanoid monsters drop these items, although most undead do as well, while demons can occasionally drop Felcloth (used in high-level pre- Burning Crusade patterns). Recipes usually require thread and sometimes a colored dye (mostly only lower level recipes), both of which are purchased from NPC trade merchants. Additionally, tailoring recipes sometimes call for leather, gems, potions, or other special ingredients created by other craftsmen. Leather is gathered by skinners and must be purchased from other players (altough it can occasionally be obtai
- When you have a needle and thread, you love decorating your clothes. Cutting and trimming fabric to make clothes can be a good job, but it is a brilliant way of expressing your uniqueness, charm, and creativity. Words cannot express the sense of accomplishment when you have gathered the necessary materials and produced the desired piece of clothing. First, you need a Tailoring Kit and tailoring materials such as Cloth and Finishing Thread. Refer to a Sewing Pattern to make the clothing you want. The necessary materials will vary depending on the Sewing Pattern to be used. Finishing Thread is used for the final needlework.
- Tailoring allows players to cut and weave various pieces of cloth into armor, bags, shirts and other cloth items. Tailors play an especially important role in guilds because they can create bags for the entire guild provided the guild members gather the proper ingredients. Tailors are responsible for creating cloth items for cloth-armor wearing classes: Mages, Warlocks, and Priests. They may also occasionally make items for other classes; cloaks for example. Tailors are also able to make special cloth equipment which requires that the user have a high level tailoring skill in order to use the item.
- Tailoring is used for creating clothing, including robes and hoods - as well as the non-metal armours Cloth, Leather, Studded and Bone. Stand near a workbench with Needle and Thread and press the Use button to start crafting. Learn from a merchant for 200gp, and acquire the crafting tool Needle and Thread for 20gp. Sack 1 Tailoring