| - Sicarius was born and raised in the ducal household of Talassar, one of the most prominent of Ultramar's noble dynasties. Even before he could walk and talk, Sicarius was being guided towards the martial arts. By the time of his fourth birthday he could wrestle, sword fight and shoot to the satisfaction of his masters, and as he grew, his schooling in matters of warfare intensified. The training masters in the Talassari agoge pressed the young noble hard, sensing his gift and the glorious future that it offered for their household were it honed sufficiently. At ten years old, he could outfight youths twice his age with consummate ease, and he was developing strength and stamina to match his skill. The house savants sought to marshal his intellect equally to his physique, teaching him histo
| - Sicarius was born and raised in the ducal household of Talassar, one of the most prominent of Ultramar's noble dynasties. Even before he could walk and talk, Sicarius was being guided towards the martial arts. By the time of his fourth birthday he could wrestle, sword fight and shoot to the satisfaction of his masters, and as he grew, his schooling in matters of warfare intensified. The training masters in the Talassari agoge pressed the young noble hard, sensing his gift and the glorious future that it offered for their household were it honed sufficiently. At ten years old, he could outfight youths twice his age with consummate ease, and he was developing strength and stamina to match his skill. The house savants sought to marshal his intellect equally to his physique, teaching him history, poetry and the laws of the Imperium. For all the academia that was poured into his young mind, however, it was always the thought of battle, the thrill of competition and a yearning for victory that drove him onwards. His tutelage in the ways of war was only reinforced by his later induction and training amongst the Ultramarines Chapter. When he was recruited into the Ultramarines, Sicarius earned commendation after commendation and rose swiftly through the Chapter's ranks. In the decades that followed, he served as Sergeant and then 2nd Company Champion before ultimately assuming the command of the 2nd Company himself. Several centuries later, Sicarius is the Master of the Watch, Captain of the Ultramarines 2nd Company and, by rank, the third most influential man within the Chapter. The authority of the 2nd Captain is eclipsed only by Captain Agemman of the 1st and their liege, Chapter Master Marneus Calgar. As Master of the Watch, Sicarius is tasked with the defence of Ultramar, overseeing a staff of thousands of planetary defence force commanders and generals on both his home world and the surrounding systems in the Ultima Segmentum. Without doubt, Sicarius has found the responsibility of ensuring Ultramar's safety especially difficult in the wake of the Behemoth invasion, for the Tyrannic threat continues to increase, as do the predations of the Tau on the Eastern fringe, the Orks in what remains of the Arch-Arsonist's empire and the recent and recurring engagements with the Necrons. Were matters martial not a grave enough concern, Sicarius is also responsible for the prosecution of those within the Chapter whose infractions breach the sacred laws as laid out by the Codex Astartes. This is a solemn task, and many would think ill-suited to the relatively loud, brash Sicarius, but as with everything he attempts, Captain Sicarius has taken to it with a vigour bordering on zeal. Those who have emerged from a tribunal with Sicarius are often shaken, and usually humbled. It is perhaps telling that fewer defendants have chosen trial by combat against the Second Captain than any other Master of the Watch in the past three thousand years.