| - Okay, time to get going on my RBE conception.
* Round 1
* Preround message: Welcome to BTD6. If you place a tower down, it will pop bloons for you!
* Bloons-15 reds.
* RBE: 15
* Round 2
* Preround message: It will only get harder from here.
* Bloons-30 reds
* RBE: 30
* Round 3
* Preround message: Some bloons have other bloons inside of them. We call this Bloonception.
* Bloons-20 reds, 10 blues
* RBE: 40
* Round 4
* 60 reds, 10 blues
* RBE:80
* Round 5
* 40 packed reds, 30 blues
* RBE:100
* Round 6
* Preround message: Greens contain blues. They're faster, too!
* 5 greens, 30 blues
* RBE:75
* Round 7
* 150 reds
* RBE:150
* Round 8
* Preround message: Didn't you like all th
| - Okay, time to get going on my RBE conception.
* Round 1
* Preround message: Welcome to BTD6. If you place a tower down, it will pop bloons for you!
* Bloons-15 reds.
* RBE: 15
* Round 2
* Preround message: It will only get harder from here.
* Bloons-30 reds
* RBE: 30
* Round 3
* Preround message: Some bloons have other bloons inside of them. We call this Bloonception.
* Bloons-20 reds, 10 blues
* RBE: 40
* Round 4
* 60 reds, 10 blues
* RBE:80
* Round 5
* 40 packed reds, 30 blues
* RBE:100
* Round 6
* Preround message: Greens contain blues. They're faster, too!
* 5 greens, 30 blues
* RBE:75
* Round 7
* 150 reds
* RBE:150
* Round 8
* Preround message: Didn't you like all those reds?
* 10 greens, 30 blues, 50 reds
* RBE:140
* Round 9
* 10 packed, 5 yellows
* RBE:50
* Round 10
* Preround message: hope you have an accurate tower!
* 4 pinks, 50 packed blues, 35 packed greens
* RBE:225
* Round 11
* Preround message: Regen bloons grow their layers back, and camo bloons can only be popped by certain towers.
* 4 regen pinks, 3 camo greens
* RBE:29
* Round 12
* 100 blues, 30 greens
* RBE:290
* Round 13
* Preround: Ah, purple bloons. These are above pinks, and are new to this game
* 10 purples, 15 pinks, 50 greens
* RBE:285
* Round 14
* 20 yellows, 80 blues
* RBE:240
* Round 15
* Preround: Black bloons and white bloons can be deadly without proper defenses. Blacks are immune to bombs and whites to ice.
* 3 blacks, 3 whites
* RBE:78
* Round 16
* Preround: Do you have some x/2 snipers?
* 50 camo yellows
* RBE:200 - first round intended to kill off noobs.
* Round 17
* 8 blacks, 32 yellows, 100 blues
* RBE:432
* Round 18
* Preround: Zebras are immune to bombs and ice, and have one of each black and white inside. #Integration
* 3 zebras, 4 regen whites, 4 regen blacks
* RBE:185
* Round 19
* 100 purples
* RBE:600
* Round 20
* Preround: I hope you enjoyed that rush. Did it get you? Because this will be FAR worse.
* 75 regen purples, 50 camo regen purples, 50 camo purples
* RBE:1050
* Round 21
* Preround: We'll lay off a bit. Signed, Apopalypse and Genesis.
* 10 blacks, 10 whites
* RBE:260
* Round 22
* 10 Zebras
* RBE:270
* Round 23
* Preround: Leads need to be popped by something not-sharp. I mean blunt and explosive, usually.
* 5 leads
* RBE:135
* Round 24
* Preround: Got popping power?
* 100 greens, 200 blues, 400 reds
* RBE:1100
* Round 25
* Preround: Break over. Have hell.
* 12 zebra bloons, 36 camo whites, 36 regen blacks
* RBE:1,260 That's halfway through easy.