| - Ziggy Grover is the Ranger Operator Series Green, otherwise known as Ranger Green, of the Ranger Operators. His operation number is four. He is retroactively referred to as RPM Green Ranger or Green RPM Ranger as well but this is more in reference to the show, rather than a proper label.
- Ziggy Grover to Ranger Operator Serii Zielonej, albo inaczej nazywany Zielonym Rangerem, należy do zespołu Rangersów Operatorów.
- Before becoming a Ranger, he was an associate of Fresno Bob, the boss of the Scorpion Cartel, an infamous crime syndicate. Clumsy even back then, he would often fail the missions given to him, but continued to work for the Cartels to get money to help support an orphanage full of ill children that didn't have the resources to get proper treatment. Ziggy's last chance came went he was sent to get a truck and deliver it to the five main Cartels of Corinth. However Ziggy, along with the truck, disappeared from Corinth, making the criminals believe he'd cashed out the shipment for himself. In reality, Ziggy discovered the truck was full of $5 million worth of medical supplies that he could use to support the children in the orphanage. He never told anyone what happened out of fear the orphanag