| - *She has been known to overhead press 800 lbs, but had also bench-pressed 1,200 lbs and curled 500 lbs. She is cited as having the strength of 10 men and had herself once stated that she has the strength of half a platoon of fighting men . The average human is capable of lifting his or her own body weight, around 180 lbs, so Captain America potentially could be able to lift ten times that weight. She had been referenced at least twice as having preternatural strength, but it seems to say that 1,200 pounds is her limit; however, that is still beyond that of an ordinary human.
*Classification in handbook bios reference Amanda as peak human. She is often referenced as being a "Super Human", "Super Woman", and even being "beyond human".
| - Master Tactician and Strategist: Evans is an accomplished strategist. She had been widely considered one of, if not the greatest, tacticians on the planet, both on and off the battlefield. She is able to formulate battle strategies and her brilliant tactical sense allows her to alter any strategy to fit the changing need of the situation.
Master Martial Artist: She is an expert in hand-to-hand combat being very skilled in multiple martial arts through his training in military combatives and instruction under various private instructors . Evans utilizes boxing, judo and various other disciplines with her gymnastics ability creating a style that suits his strengths and enables her to use her knowledge to the best of his ability. She is considered one of the finest martial artists on Earth.
Master Shield Fighter: Her years of training and experience with her unique shield, as well as its physical properties, allow her to accomplish amazing feats with the item. Aside from bashing foes and blocking incoming attacks, she is able to throw it with nearly perfect aim. Evans can hit multiple targets with the same throw by means of ricochet, and could even achieve a boomerang-like return effect, allowing her to strike enemies from behind or retrieve the shield without objects to ricochet from.
Advanced Military Operator: She is well-versed in all armed force disciplines including intelligence gathering, escape arts, assassination, demolition, survival tactics, hunting, swimming, mountaineering, march/drill skills, map making and reading, decoding cipher and other secret code messages, reading and making wood craft signs and other secret code languages, disguising, interrogation, computers, explosives, communication systems, vehicles and electronic appliances used in armed forces.
Master Acrobat: Her years of training and experience have made her an expert acrobat, gymnast, and aerialist. She often utilizes these talents in combat for both evasive and offensive purposes.
Indomitable Will: Evans is a very strong-willed person. She is able to overcome most forms of temptation and resist the effects of extreme pain, drugs and toxins to a great extent. Evans accepts her own mortality, and refuses to rob any sapient being of their freedom. During the Secret Wars, she destroyed the source of the Beyonder's power, the Eternal Crystal, determining that it was too dangerous to exist in spite of the many benefits of it's power. Evans is also capable of resisting all forms of mind control; only the strongest willed individuals have a chance of enslaving her. The only villain she was ever shown to be genuinely terrified of was the alien symbiote Venom when he he held her hostage in order to lure Spider-Man into battle.
Professional Sketch Artist: She has great artistic skill which she developed from childhood. Evans often worked as a freelance illustrator and sketch artist even loaning his skills to the NYPD for a time. She even once designed a costume for Spider-Man during a time when his red and blue costume was destroyed in battle against Electro. She enjoys drawing and does so with her free time.
Expert Marksman: She can throw most projectile weaponry with great aim and is well-versed in the use of firearms, though she prefers not to use them.
Expert Swordsman: Amanda is proficient with swords and staffs, but is more comfortable with her shield.[citation needed]
Weapons Proficiency: She does not typically utilize weapons other than her shield, but in desperate situations she wields additional weapons to ensure victory. She is proficient in wielding swords, daggers, throwing knifes, staffs, sticks, tonfa, axes, maces and even firearms.
Multilingual: Evans is fluent in English, German, Russian, Spanish, Japanese, at least some French, and some Italian. She might be lingual in other languages.
Expert Vehicular Driver: She is proficient in driving cars, motorcycles, trucks, jets, tankers, helicopters, motorboats, submarines, and some types of trains and utility vehicles.