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- Patapon è un videogioco per PSP creato dalla Sony per rivitalizzare il concetto delle leggende tribali canadafricane mettendo il giocatore nei panni di un dio di una tribù di papocchi selvaggi e agguerriti. L'unico problema è che non hanno il senso del ritmo, quindi al giocatore tocca fare il suonatore di bonghi per metterli in riga e conquistare il mondo. Da allora i Patapon hanno marciato senza sosta e presto sperano di conquistare anche un posto nella PlayStation Vita.
- Patapon - gra wydana na PSP. Cechuje się niesamowitą grafiką, niewyobrażalną fabułą i sensem gry, którego nikt nie zna.
- Patapon (jap. パタポン), von lautmalerisch patapata für ein Klopf- und ponpon für ein Klatschgeräusch, ist ein genreübergreifendes Spiel für die PSP. Es beinhaltet Spielelemente aus den Bereichen Musikspiel, Echtzeit-Strategiespiel und Göttersimulation. Der Spieler befindet sich in der Position eines Gottes, der die cartoonähnlichen Figuren eines primitiven Stammes mittels rhythmischen Schlagens traditioneller Talking Drums lenkt. Das Spiel stammt von denselben Entwicklern des Spieles LocoRoco.
- Part Rhythm Game, part tactical war game, part Ear Worm, pure fun, Patapon is a game in the Play Station Portable that has you as the deity of a tribe of eyeball villagers, the titular Patapons, waging war in their quest to reach Earthend and gaze upon IT. There are also other rhythm minigames back in your Patapon village that you can play to either acquire materials or currency (Kaching), used to upgrade your army. It spawned two sequels, featuring more units, a Hero Unit, a multiplayer option, more minigames, and new enemies to conquer.
- The Patapon tribe once had a legendary army that was nearly unstoppable. They bravely defeated all foes that challenged them in their arduous quest to find Earthend, where the sacred "IT" was said to be located. According to ancient Patapon myth, "IT" was said to be an object that granted eternal contentment when looked upon. The Patapon wanted to fulfill the legend, desp After a grueling battle, Gorl was finally vanquished and the Patapons finally looked at "IT", only to realize that it was the bright morning sun and that Earthend is far beyond the seas, where Pata-Pole had once stood.