| - GYM LEADER DRACO --- Type: Dragon Draco is the 8th, final, and most powerful Gyn Leader in the Hilloh Reigon. He owns the Fangclaw City Gym. People call him the "Dragon Whisperer" or "Master of the Dragons", because his specialty is Dragon-types. He rides them to get places, has befriended many of them, and more. Pokémon --- Initial Battle ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Fraxure LV47 DRAGON type MOVES -Swords Dance -Ariel Ace -Dragon Rage -Slash ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Dragonair LV47 DRAGON type MOVES -Dragon Tail -Hydro Pump -Dragonbreath -Aqua Tail ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Gabite LV48 DRAGON/GROUND type MOVES -Dragon Claw -Slash -Earthquake -Crunch ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Flygon LV49 DRAGON/GROUND type MOVES -Sandstorm -Fly -Dragonbreath -Dragon Claw _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Salamence LV50 DRAGON/FLYING type MOVES -Fly -Crunch -Draco Meteor -Stomp ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Rematch (After Elite 4) ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Haxorus LV73 DRAGON type MOVES -Dragon Claw -Slash -Swords Dance -Dragon Rage ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Druddigon LV71 DRAGON type MOVES -Fly -Dragon Claw -Crunch -Dragonbreath ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Garchomp LV73 DRAGON/GROUND type -Earthquake -Giga Impact -Dragon Claw -Crush Claw ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Flygon LV75 DRAGON/GROUND type MOVES -Sandstorm -Fly -Dragon Rage -Dragon Claw ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Dragonite LV75 DRAGON/FLYING type MOVES -Dragonbreath -Flamethrower -Fly -Dragon Claw ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Salamence LV77 DRAGON/FLYING type MOVES -Crunch -Ariel Ace -Dragon Rage -Draco Meteor ______________________________________________________________________________________________ QUOTES Before Battle "Ah, greetings. My name is Draco. They call me the Dragon Whisperer, or sometimes Master of Dragons. That is because I love dragons. Their sheer power and beauty. Their use of the four elements... Water, Earth, Fire, Air... This shall certainly be a battle to remember." 1st non-1-hit-KO "The power of dragons stands up to you! We shall prevail!" At last Pokémon "The strongest and most reliable dragon in my possession... Mwah aha..." Last Pokémon in yellow zone "Dragons never give up! They fight to the end! As do I!" After defeat "Your power knows no bounds, my freind." Soon after defeat "Even my dragons couldn't stand up to your simply amazing power. Take this as proof of your triumph. received the Fang Badge! With that, Pokemon of any amount of immense power shall obey your commands. Here, take this as well. obtained TM2! That contains Dragon Claw. An amazing move specifically for dragons of your own." Between Defeat and Rematch "Now that you have 8 badges, go west. There, you shall find the path to the Pokemon League, where you will face the Elite 4 and the Champion." Before Rematch "Oh, so you succeeded at the Pokemon League. Congradulations! Let's celebrate with a battle!" After Rematch "Well, that's the Champion for you!" Any time after rematch "You know, now that you're the Champion, you should travel to other Reigons and take on their gyms and Pokemon leagues. I think you'll do great!" Prizes Fang Badge TM2: Dragon Claw DRACO's TRAINER CARD